Law and Order

Oxford Gym Owner Dave Blondin Is Having A Protest Workout After Town Shut Off Water And Electricity Since COVID Doesn’t Spread At Protests


Week ago I published a blog about my former student Dave Blondin, who announced that he was defying the tyrannical lockdown order and opening up his gym Prime Fitness in Oxford. Since then he’s been racking up fines, refusing to pay them, was ordered by a judge to shut down, and is still going strong anyway.

And why should he shut down? Governor Baker sanctioned massive protests with zero social distancing all over the state. His Lt. Governor admitted to having a party at her brother’s house with dozens of people. Every business owner in this state should be opened up by now, and quite frankly those who aren’t are pathetic cowards. The government is taking a steamy dump on your head, they don’t believe COVID spreads via social distancing, and they’re just shutting you down because they can. Stop being submissive and open your businesses.

Because no one has followed Dave Blondin’s lead the state can focus on shutting him down, but he’s refusing to listen to them so they’re resorting to this.

The water and electricity have been cut off to an Oxford gym that is staying open in defiance of state coronavirus regulations. Prime Fitness & Nutrition has been operating at 50% capacity since mid-May, according to owner Dave Blondin. Blondin has ignored previous court orders to close, hasn’t paid the thousands of dollars in fines and said he believes his constitutional rights are being violated.

“I can confirm that domestic water and electricity service have been discontinued at the building,” an attorney for the gym said Thursday morning.

Town officials have said they intend on enforcing the judge’s order, saying in part they will be “utilizing the options offered by the court in a manner that avoids unnecessary confrontation, while serving to protect the overall interests of public health and safety.”

“If they truly chose to do that as a town of Oxford, you know, it’s surprising to me that they’re trying to rip down a business like this,” Blondin said.

This is not getting the coverage it deserves. He should be on Tucker Carlson tonight.

They actually shut the water and the electricity off today in reaction to this:

Absolutely brilliant. Never been prouder of a former student in my life. I’ve been saying this since the protests started – just open your business and say it’s a protest. COVID doesn’t spread at protests. Although according to the “experts” deciding this stuff, this only applies if you’re protesting against the police.

These people are evil and they should be ignored. Shame on the hack judge who was too stupid and blind to see this. I still cannot believe there are people out there who are still buying into this and think they can try to convince us that COVID is a threat to people who aren’t elderly or sick already. But there are.

“He was only asked to do what all of us were asked to do.”

No, he was forced to. And unlike you he actually thinks for himself. Maybe if the rest of the gym owners in this state weren’t gutless cowards they’d have forced the governor to open up.

There are no words for how stupid a person would have to be to think that liquor stores are essential for alcoholics to continue living an unhealthy lifestyle, but gyms shouldn’t be open for recovering alcoholics to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I just can’t believe these people are real.

Imagine watching 50,000 people at a time protesting in every city in the country and thinking that a gym would endanger grandma?

I for one am shocked that this model of fitness doesn’t consider gyms essential.

My question is, where are the elected officials to advocate for Dave Blondin? Second Congressional District candidate Tracy Lovvorn is the only person to speak up so far.

Tracy is the best. Please vote for her in November if you live in Jim McGovern’s district. Truly one of the best people I’ve ever met.

Where is State Senator Ryan Fattman? He’s a republican who represents Oxford. I emailed him for comment but have not heard back. I feel like now would be a good time for him to say something. In the meantime I look forward to attending the protest this weekend.


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