PayPal Has Permanently Banned TB For Being “Inconsistent” With Their User Agreement And Not Creating A “Safe Community”

Last night I received notification from PayPal that I am permanently banned from using their services because I did not create a “safe community,” and my account was “inconsistent” with their User Agreement.
This is unfortunate because many of you donate through PayPal, or use it when you purchase things in the store. I also use PayPal to pay vendors and get paid by ad networks.
Today I called their customer service hotline to find out why and offer to correct the issue since I was never made aware that I had done anything wrong. I was surprised to find out that they would not be telling me specifically what I did that was inconsistent with their User Agreement, or how it made anyone unsafe. They did tell me it had nothing to do with any sort of payment disputes.
Their reasoning for not telling me what I did wrong was that I could then try to create a new PayPal account and use the information they gave me to “circumvent” the User Agreement, and avoid having the account removed. In other words, PayPal is worried that if I knew what the rules were, then I might follow those rules if I set up a new account. They’d rather I remain in the dark.
I can only assume it’s coming from the fact that I have a PayPal button on both websites (TB Daily and Turtleboy), so if someone else made a new account and the money went through them it would also get shut down if it was linked to the websites. I am certainly on their list at this point, as very few people have been permanently banned from PayPal.
I have another PayPal account that’s been banned as well because I use the same computer. My Venmo account has also been closed since PayPal owns Venmo. If banks, credit cards, and payment processing centers decided to do this they could effectively prevent people like me from making a living. To be clear, turtle riders are willing to give money to Turtleboy in exchange for content, I am willing to accept, and a tech monopoly has decided that we cannot engage in this sort of inter-state commerce together.
This is just another chapter in the life of Turtleboy. I’ve been blacklisted and banned from Twitter, Facebook, and Google AdSense, so adding PayPal to the list won’t kill me. That’s because turtle riders won’t stand for it. You people would pass around a boot or send me money orders to keep going because you know that this is an attack on you too. This is a tech monopoly telling you that you’re not allowed to buy something you like because they determined that my opinions are the wrong ones. I will have a lot more to say about this on the live show tonight at 9 PM , including my plan to use an alternative to PayPal. I did a teaser for it 15 minutes ago on YouTube so our subscribers got this content first. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here. In the meantime I’ve re-enabled the super chat donation option on there, so you’ll be able to stick it to PayPal tonight if you so choose to support what we’re doing here.
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: