Peabody Mom Runs To WCVB To Smear Vice Principal For Grabbing Her Out Of Control Son Who Was Involved In Fight At Middle School Dance

Lynn Item Live: The Peabody School District is looking into a parent’s concerns about an incident at a Higgins Middle School dance involving an administrator and two students. The incident, caught on camera and posted on social media, shows the administrator physically removing two students from a crowded group of students that had formed around them. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Josh Vadala said in a statement that his office is “aware of and (is) reviewing an incident in which an administrator separated two students from one another and removed them from an event at the Higgins Middle School last Friday (March 25).” Vadala said a preliminary review indicated that the administrator physically separated the students only after being informed that the students were involved in a “physical altercation.
“The administrator grabbed both after working his way through a large crowd of students that had encircled the two students,” said Vadala. “No administrator or educator ever wants to physically separate two students, but our original indication is that the administrator involved in this incident felt it was the most prudent approach in the moment.”
The mother of one of the students involved, Erin Dailey, and her 12-year-old son, who was one of the two boys involved in the incident, appeared on WCVB Channel 5 News Thursday to tell their side of the story, denying there was a fight. Dailey defended the actions of her son, saying that he was only pointing at the other student to ask that student to dance.
“No child ever deserves to ever be grabbed, touched, handled in that manner, ever,” Dailey said to the reporter. “It was very hard to watch as a mom. He was dragged away outside and was accused of being in a fistfight. My son was very, very upset, saying, ‘Mom, I was not in a fight.’
Dailey’s son said it was a crowded dance circle, and he was pointing at another student to dance. In a statement – the superintendent of Peabody Public Schools said the employee believed the boys had been in a fight, saying, “Our initial indication is that the administrator involved in this incident felt it was the most prudent approach in the moment.” Dailey said her son isn’t comfortable going back to school, and wants accountability.
“It’s not about how you look or your school,” Dailey said. “It’s about the safety of our children. We send our kids to you five days a week, eight hours a day. Do your job,” she said, adding that she is scheduled to meet with Vadala on Friday. Dailey said she has a meeting with the superintendent Friday morning, as well as the Department of Children and Families.
If this isn’t the face of “I’m a single Mom and need 10 people to join Herbalife with me,” then I don’t know what is.
You know how I know Erin Dailey is a gutter muppet? She called up WCVB and used her kid as a prop to attack his teachers for doing their job. No one who truly cares about their kid would use them as a prop like this. Meanwhile the kid looked like he was thinking about all the Snapchats he was gonna get for being the kid who lied to his Mom and then she went on TV to blast the principal.
The “investigation isn’t completed, so she can’t be dissatisfied with the results. Yet she ran to WCVB anyway, because that’s what trashy people do when they seek attention.
You know how I know this kid was involved in a fight? Other kids wouldn’t have whipped out their phones and been recording it if it wasn’t. According to witnesses we spoke with the son frequently gets into fights at school and is well known to the principal. Normally I wouldn’t put a child’s business out there like this, but the mother insisted on thrusting him into the spotlight and use his real name in order to attack the principal, so I’m just reporting the real story. Witnesses claim that the mother came to pick him up and both she and her son were swearing at the vice principal in the parking lot.
Parents who attempt to smear teachers for doing their jobs are some of the lowest dregs of society. If you watch the video you can see that there’s some sort of altercation happening and the principal immediately knew that her bratty son was behind it. Principals aren’t stupid. They know who the problem students are because they’re constantly in their office spewing dindu nuffin soliloquies. The principal grabbed this kid because he knew he was involved in a fight, and has been involved in many before, according to parents we spoke with who have kids at this school. If he hadn’t done so it could’ve escalated and other kids could’ve gotten hurt. For that he’s being smeared and investigated by a cowardly superintendent who’s too afraid of parents to tell them to pound sand.
Kids end up like this because they have subpar parents who never disciplined them, and consequently they think they can get away with anything when they go to school. They grow up to be adults who think they can break the law whenever they want. Good parents hold their children accountable when they behave poorly. Shitty parents blame the adults who hold them accountable and run to WCVB to smear them.
In the video you can see the principal drag the kid out of there because he’s in the middle of an altercation and clearly was the cause of it.
Boo-hoo. Raise your kids right and administrators won’t have to drag them out by their shirts. These are the same people who don’t want cops in schools, and now they’re whining because teachers have to break up fights.
“No child ever deserves to ever be grabbed, touched, handled in that manner, ever,” Dailey said to the reporter.
Yes, they do. Especially when they’re starting fights. How else was the principal supposed to get him out of there? Remote control ratchet?
“It was very hard to watch as a mom. He was dragged away outside and was accused of being in a fistfight. My son was very, very upset, saying, ‘Mom, I was not in a fight.’
Oh OK. So the kid said he wasn’t in a fight, therefore it’s true. Better call WCVB.
This quote from Superintendent “Doctor” Josh Vadala tells me everything I need to know about him and the way this will be handled:
“We are exploring opportunities to hold restorative conferences that are inclusive of all involved,” said Vadala, who added the department is also conducting an internal review of the incident.
If you refer to discipline as “restorative conferences that are inclusive of all involved,” it means you’re going to do whatever it takes not to suspend this kid because your primary concern is keeping suspension rates low. Instead he’s going to blame the principal for doing his job because he doesn’t want to be accused of being racist for suspended a biracial kid.