Peabody Mother Admits She Was Lying About Kidnapping But Is Now Blaming Her Son, Previous Arrest In Florida Surfaces After Kidnapping Her Own 4 Kids

For my more colorful take on this story click here to read it on Turtleboy.
We have an update on the abducted child in Peabody story from Thursday, which we assumed was a lie from the beginning:
Shocking that you cannot trust a face like this.
What’s even worse is she’s blaming her son:
A 9-year-old boy who told police a man tried to abduct him near a school has now recanted his story, police said. The boy initially told police that he was walking with his scooter when a man approached him from behind, covered his mouth and dragged him to the Welch School parking lot. He told police he was able to break free and run home.
The nine year old didn’t make up this story, nor did he post this detailed version of events full of lies on his mother’s Facebook page:
She should be arrested for filing a false police report at the very least. Her lies could’ve led to racial profiling, since she said the kidnapper was Hispanic, it frightened people in Peabody, and was a waste of valuable taxpayer resources.
She didn’t call the police until 8:30, despite claiming that it happened at 6:30, most likely because she was coaching the kid up to get his story straight. It’s probably why the account he gave to police had different details from her story. This entire thing was an attention seeking scam that likely would’ve led to her soliciting money from people had she not been called on TB Daily News.
She’s taken the post down, but after the PPD announced that the whole thing was a lie she responded to her post with this quote:
I for one am shocked that someone with a Masters degree in engineering couldn’t come up with a better lie than the one she did.
Of course had we known about her 2013 arrest in Florida, after she kidnapped her four children and brought them there against a court order, we probably would’ve felt further validated in calling her a liar.
Wonder if these people will blindly believe the next viral hoax they see on the Internet.
My guess is yes.
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