TB Investigates

Pictures Of Tony Branch Domestic Abuse Victim, Police Call Logs And Text Messages Show Southeastern Regional School Committee Chair’s Dark Side


“Bishop” Tony Branch is refusing to step down from his position as Chairman of the Southeastern Regional School Committee, despite court documents showing that he had sex with an underage woman he groomed and later married. This is another ex-girlfriend of his named Jane Doe. She met Tony Branch on an online dating site in 2015, but lied and told her that he was a 37 year old man named Toney Shabazz (he was 49 at the time). In reality he was almost 30 years her senior.


Jane Doe was just like his ex-wife Evelyn Wiggins in that she was adopted, troubled, and easy to manipulate. Tony Branch preys on women like this because they are the easiest to lie to and they ask the least amount of questions.

Within weeks Tony allowed Jane Doe and her 7 month old baby to move into the home in Brockton where he has now been squatting for 4 years after a 2018 foreclosure. In June of 2015 Middleton was pulled over while driving his car and found out his true age and identity when she looked at his information on the car’s registration. She reached out to his Wiggins and the two began to exchange stories about his domestic abuse. This is an image Doe sent to Wiggins, alleging that Branch assaulted her.


When Branch became aware that Wiggins and Jane Doe were communicating he blocked Jane Doe from contacting Wiggins. On June 9 Brockton Police responded to his house after a caller said that there were people arguing and yelling inside the house.

On June 11 Wiggins began to worry when she had not heard from Jane Doe and had DCF do a wellness check. According to the call log Branch was abusive to Jane Doe and there was a high probability Jane Doe would need to be removed for her safety.

This was the incident the Brockton Enterprise wrote about in 2017 when Branch was running for City Council.

A candidate in this year’s election in Brockton is facing a firearms charge and is dealing with a lien on his property for failing to pay more than $40,000 in federal taxes. Tony Branch, 51, is due back in Brockton District Court on Oct. 3 for a motion to suppress on charges of violating an abuse prevention order and possessing ammunition without a firearms identification card, according to public documents.

Branch told The Enterprise that he did nothing unlawful, and he said the criminal complaints against him were attempts at character assassination as part of a child custody battle. In response to public documents showing unpaid taxes, Branch said it was due to financial difficulties related to underemployment and divorce. 

The firearms charge stems from an incident investigated by Brockton police on June 11, 2015, when a woman living with Branch at 25 Montello St. Extension showed an officer three boxes of ammunition, according to a police report. The officer was there for a “keep the peace” call while the state Department of Children and Families interviewed the woman to determine if the living conditions there were acceptable for her then 7-month-old baby.

Just as he always does, Branch dismissed the allegations against him as a conspiracy, and hid behind God and his children.

“As far as any criminal charges, I have faced several criminal complaints and other actions, which started soon after finding my ex-spouse having an affair with a high-ranking member of state government in 2013,” Branch told The Enterprise. “Although many were dismissed and found not credible, there remains one last matter I cannot comment on per instruction of my defense counsel. Like in all the other matters, I have done nothing unlawful. My story is not dissimilar to many in our community who face enormous challenges, but for God I have survived, and have never wavered in my activism for our community. As my children will see these stories, I ask the community to continue to pray for my children and me.”

However, the next day Jane Doe obtained an Abuse Prevention Restraining order against Branch in Brockton District Court. In order to taunt her and walk the thin line of violating the order, Branch posted a picture of them together on his Toney Shabazz Facebook page on June 13.

According to Jane Doe, Branch threw a printer down a flight of stairs behind her, grabbed the steering wheel while she was driving on the highway, lied about everything, tracked down her biological mother, threatened her adoptive family, used her credit cards (he owed $126K to creditors at that point), locked her in a house, and drugged her.


These are allegations, but they’re serious ones. And she’s not the first woman to make accusations like this against Tony Branch.

Wiggins posted about it on social media.


This prompted State Rep Michelle Dubois (the one who gave illegal immigrants a heads up about ICE raids and claimed to be offended by the General Hooker entrance at the Statehouse) to say “God bless.” In response Branch warned both her and a Brockton attorney to correct their comments offering support to the victims of domestic violence.

But Evelyn Wiggins was not represented by a “top notch counsel.” Both she and Tony Branch represented themselves.

Jane Doe ended the relationship with Branch but he continued to like her posts on Instagram and initiate contact. This prompted her to threaten to get another order on him. In response the alleged religious leader called her a “theft, prostitute, stripper, threesome, unstable cocaine sniffing alcohol drinking demon” and claimed that God said there would be nothing but death and destruction for anything she touched.

A man who treats woman like this shouldn’t be leading a church or a school district. A man who preys on young, vulnerable women, shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a church or a school.

Last week Tony Branch tried unsuccessfully to obtain a restraining order against me because I have blogged about him and I showed up to a School Committee meeting to ask him questions about his alleged behavior. He claimed that I am an “alt right individual, and a white supremacist,” and just like with Wiggins and Middleton he referred to me as “unstable.”

He claimed that he was in “In emotional fear in light of the alt right operations.”

The judge told him, “I need factual information on what he has done to criminally harass you.”

She asked, “Was the SC meeting open to the public?”

Branch claimed that I followed him into the bathroom, which the tape showed was a lie.

Judge: “Did he threaten you?”

Branch: No

Judge: “Did he assault you?”

Branch: No. He followed me around and called me a pedophile and a child molester.

Judge: “He was following you to your car?

Branch: “Yes”

Except the tape shows I didn’t follow him to his car, as I got in my car first. I called him a pedophile and a child molester because he is one. But as the judge pointed out, saying mean things to people at public meeting isn’t grounds for an order.

Judge: “Did he threaten you or assault you?”

Branch: “No. He told me he was a sex goblin. He moved backwards to allow me to walk out of the fence.”

Pro tip – if you’re trying to get an order on someone, don’t tell the judge that he moved backwards to allow you to move freely.

In order to obtain an order you need 3 or more instances of harassment that put you in reasonable fear.

Branch: “The second incident was him tagging me on Facebook, saying none of this would’ve happened had you not sued me.”

This never happened, and it’s not harassment to tag a public official on Facebook.

Branch: “The only other incident would deal with posting the fact that he’s identifying me as a pedophile on the school committee and identified me as a person who had sex with a 15 year old girl on Twitter.”

Posting true statements about a pedophile on the Internet is not harassment, even if it makes you look bad.

Judge: “Has there ever been any scenario he threatened you?”

Branch: “No your honor because he’s creative”

Pro tip – don’t start a sentence with “no” when you’re trying to get an order and re asked if you were threatened.

Judge: “You would agree there are no fighting words”

Branch: “I would not agree, he called me a pedophile”

Judge: “The court does not agree those are fighting words”

Branch: “Smear campaigns are not protected under the first amendment to get me to resign on the SC. In the civil rights movement you don’t have to call me the n word to be in my face to scare me and tell me you’re the KKK.”

Shocking, the race baiting fraud compared me to the KKK for questioning his history of abusing women.

Branch: “He has placed me in emotional distress, he describes himself as a reporter, a reporter does not come up to you and tell you you’re a pedophile, they do not block you as you’re exiting, they do not require you to call the Easton Police Department. He has placed me in fear. He is violating my civil rights. There has to be some sort of protection before a serious incident occurred.”

Judge: “I do not find there have been any incidents of harassment.”

Another victory for Turtleboy.

Here are the email addresses for the 5 Southeastern School Committee members who didn’t vote to censure Tony Branch.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Feel free to ask them why they are standing by a domestic abuser, what it says about them, and whether or not they’re worried about the effect it will have on the school’s public image.




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