Plymouth Man Featured As Model For Recovery Despite Constant Arrests, Domestic Violence, Anti-Police Rhetoric

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (8:20). There is also an update to this story.
This is William Duff from Plymouth.
As you can tell from “the hat” and the electric Gumby outfits, Wigmaster Willy isn’t a fan of the police. He recently shared a link to a story about one of his triple chinned friends who was suing the Plymouth Police for shooting him after he shot at his wife and child, before shooting at police when they arrived.
Apparently cops shouldn’t be allowed to use their weapons when they’re fired upon by homicidal junkies who just shot at women and children.
He’s also really upset that the tax dollars he’s never paid are going to fund to public safety.
He recently held some sort of protest against the police for harassing him due to the fact that he’s a junkie.
And he seems to be a fan of Antifa.
But what really has him pissed off is Dunkin Donuts being out of f***ing hazelnut!
Upon further review it appears as if his hatred for police might come from the fact that Wigmaster Willy has Google trophies from courthouses all across the south shore, including a wide array of misdemeanors, felonies, and evictions.
In fairness, Wigmaster Willy is William G. Duff. William C. Duff is his old man, who was arrested earlier in the week in Fall River for beating someone who goes by Gender X with a deadly weapon.
For instance, last year he picked up a charge outside of Walmart for A&B on an elderly person, but it totally wasn’t his fault. Ya see, Wigmaster Willy called for an Uber but couldn’t fit all the stuff he paid for with his food stamps into the car. The driver tried telling him this, which caused Wigmaster Willy to freak out, assault him, and jump on the hood of his car. The best part is that Willy is the one who called the cops on the man he assaulted, despite the fact that he supposedly hates the police, so he would’ve gotten away with it if his first inclination wasn’t to call them and snitch on the Uber driver.
The woman he was with was his “wife” Carissa Duro Duff.
Just like Wigmaster Willy, the Narcan Naniburger has two raw dog trophies that are not in her custody.
She was the one in the police report from Walmart who refused to talk to police, probably because he has a tendency to smack her around whenever she disobeys. She dumped him in April so Wigmaster Willy broke into her apartment in the middle of the night, went into a rage, she called the cops, and then he began beating the shit out of her while she was on the phone with police.
But of course she had no intention of leaving him or cooperating with the DA’s office after that. Luckily the DA’s office believes they can convict him with just the 911 audio.
Wigmaster Willy is on probation pretty much all the time, but he almost never abides by the terms and manages to stay out of jail anyway.
She’s no stranger to law enforcement either, and has quite a few Google trophies of her own.
The Narcan Naniburger was arrested and charged twice in one week last year for violating a restraining order that her neighbor in the projects got on her. When police arrived Wigmaster Willy shockingly refused to cooperate, whipped out his cell phone and began filming himself calling the responding officers dog killers and pussies. Of course this legal genius didn’t factor in that recording the victim who had an order out on his wife was a violation as well.
The Narcan Naniburger claims that she wants to get her kids back from the DCF Fairy.
But her choice in men says otherwise. Luckily for the Internet the two of them have decided that all of their marital issues will be posted on Facebook for public consumption.
Apparently the primary disagreement in their “marriage” revolves around use of the family moped, and he can’t drive a car because he hit a Plymouth cop’s pregnant wife a car.
But Wigmaster Willy wanted to make it clear that his license was suspended BEFORE he hit the pregnant woman, and that it took the cops 6 hours to find him after he fled the scene of the crime.
Post the videos!
Unfortunately he found out the hard way that he’s not allowed to drive the moped without a license either.
Evidently Wigmaster Willy got locked up over the argument with the neighbors who had the order as well, which he’s still bitter about.
Sounds like a healthy relationship and that both of them are making strides to get their children back.
A month before that she was posting about how proud she was of her baby for “coming so far and accomplishing so much.” And by accomplishments she means, “drug court gave him a certificate for going three days without overdosing.”
Wigmaster Willy is such a success story that he was featured last week in the newspaper as the official ribbon cutter at a Plymouth drug treatment center.
He asked for anonymity in the story, but used his real name on Facebook to share it.
I thought this was parody at first, but the media is actually painting him as some sort of success story in the article:
William describes himself as a “third generation addict” who shared his father and grandfather’s heroin habits. The 37-year-old, who did not want his last name used, credited the services offered through the Plymouth Community Justice Support Center for helping him receive the counseling and other treatments and services he needed to rebuild a life marked by abuse, bad influences and the bad decisions that can result from endlessly needing to feed an addiction. William’s moment of clarity came after he was arrested a few years back on unspecified charges.
“My kids saw me getting arrested, and I saw myself watching my father getting arrested,” he said. “That was it.”
While the treatment schedule and both Zoom and in-person meetings were initially irritating, William said the little changes added up to bigger changes, such as getting his twin 13-year-old sons back in his life, even though relationship building is a work in progress.
“They told me before that they don’t trust me,” he said.
Having already broken a multigenerational cycle of drug abuse, William is now focusing on ensuring his sons don’t live a life like his.
Yea, he’s really making a strong effort to get those kids back.
He sure seems changed.
While talking about the standing ovation Wigmaster Willy received the reporter accidentally put his last name in the story instead of his first name, thus blowing his anonymity.
While the past is in itself a cautionary tale to keep Duff focused on staying clean, he knows what not learning from his mistakes would mean for a most likely limited future.
“The thing I take most seriously now is my recovery,” he added. “I know I don’t have another use in me. If I do, it’s going to be the end of my life.”
His speech held the audience in silence throughout, and when he was done, he received a standing ovation from the very people he once regarded as enemies.
Yea, he only used to regard law enforcement as the enemy. The domestic abusing junkie is fixed now because he got some free Vista Print cards.
“Licensed and insured.”
Anyway, Wigmaster Willy swears he’s changed now so we’ll have to wait and see how long the world’s oldest 37 year old can keep this up before his next encounter with the fuzz. If he or the Mrs. would like to come on the Live Show this weekend to discuss they are more than welcomed to reach out to me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email [email protected].
Read the update this story.