Plymouth Woman Accuses Police And DA’s Office Of Covering For Neighbor Who Murdered 2 Month Old Baby

This is Deb Bean Byrne from Plymouth.
She’s your classic “does anyone know what those sirens are on Main Street?” Facebook Boomer who feels the need to go on community Facebook pages and talk about every single thought that goes through her head.
Yesterday the Boomer Rumor caused quite a stir in the All Things Plymouth Facebook group when she accused the Plymouth Police Department, State Police, and Plymouth County DA’s Office of covering up the murder of a 2 month old boy by his mother next door to her.
“I do not know any other way to do this.”
When all else fails it’s best to accuse your neighbor of murdering a baby on a community Facebook group, while providing no evidence. Yelling “SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING,” using lots of exclamation points so they know you’re not kidding, and letting people know that they are not to add STUPID comments, will almost certainly get you justice in a timely manner.
The post went over exactly how you expected it would, quickly turning into a raging Facebook dumpster fire within minutes, with some alleging deformation of character.
Many had questions, but few found answers.
Her default response was to get people to tie up the phone lines at the Plymouth PD and DA’s Office.
According to Deb it was still being investigated by law “inforcement,” and she wasn’t happy about the negative feedback that was coming in.
Which begs the question, if the police are actively investigating it then why are you complaining on the All Things Plymouth Facebook group that they’re not? Never mind, just enjoy the dumpster fire.
Some pointed out that her story was missing a lot of information, which Deb agreed with, but she didn’t seem to understand that it was her who was providing the lack of clarity.
She repeatedly said the name of the baby, and assumed that anyone criticizing her tactics knew where the baby was.
“If you saw this on the news you would have a different opinion.”
Because seeing a story on the news and reading the community cat lady’s ramblings on a Facebook group are basically the same thing.
She also named the mother.
Many asked her to take it down, but she remained steadfast in her mission to hold the murdering Mom accountable.
In classic boomer form she also couldn’t understand that people were asking her to not throw out the baby’s name, which she took as a positive suggestion.
While most in the group turned on her, she did find some support.
I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and assume that if a 2 month old baby was murdered in June, that this would probably be a high priority for the police and DA’s office. I understand the vaccine has been making headlines on the news, but they still have time to cover mothers who murder their babies. Nevertheless, Deb Byrne posted it on Facebook so it simply must be true.
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