Law and Order

Police Identify And Arrest Crackheads Who Stole Carts Full Of Detergent And Paper Towels From Oxford Market 32 


Three weeks ago a crackhead quartet invaded the Market 32 in Oxford CT, filled up their carts with laundry detergent and paper towels, ran out, loaded up their cars in front of customers and got the hell out of dodge.

Guaranteed not one of those mental midgets owns a washer or dryer.

This is what happens in a society where George Soros funded District Attorneys decide that shoplifting isn’t a big deal. We can’t prosecute people like this because they’re junkies who have no control of their own actions, and we don’t want to “criminalize” them when they commit crimes.

As you can see they took the license plates off their minivans so you know this isn’t their first rodeo. Turns out they’ve been doing this across the state of Connecticut for a while and they finally got caught and arrested yesterday.

Three suspects accused of stealing from an Oxford grocery store in November are now facing charges. The alleged theft happened the morning of Nov. 9 at the Market 32 store on Oxford Road. According to arrest warrants, at about 6:35 a.m., four people entered the store and put multiple items in shopping carts, and left the store without paying. In a video taken by a customer in the parking lot, two male and two female suspects are seen loading the stolen items into two waiting cars in the fire lane in front of the store. The cars were seen speeding off headed south on Route 67. In total, $1,660.18 worth of merchandise was stolen. Items taken include laundry detergent and paper towels.

One of the suspect vehicles is described as an older-model, tan Chevrolet Suburban with no visible license plates, distinct rust, and damage to the entirety of the car and rear bumper. The other suspect vehicle is described as an older-model tan Honda Odyssey mini with a rusted small receiver hitch in the rear and damage to the driver-side sliding passenger door.

This is the most grizzled woman these eyes have ever seen.

When the crackpipe becomes a bigger priority to you than showering, you end up on Turtleboy as a walking cultural appropriation.

This is obviously not her first rodeo. Robbing stores to feed her habits is pretty much what Crack Kerouac here plans to do for the rest of her life. Good thing she reproduced.

James Hill posted bond already and is due in court on December 6. Spoiler alert – he wont’ be showing up.

That right there is the face of a man who can’t remember the last time he didn’t have at least 3 warrants out for his arrest. He has a rap sheet a mile long and he still got cheap bail because liberalism is a mental disorder.

Meanwhile, you wouldn’t guess that Nasif Amir Muhammad would be robbing grocery stores at 6:30 in the morning by looking at his Facebook page because Crackhead Stringer Bell here likes to front like he’s some sort of learned scholar.

But at the end of the day he looks like some guy Ilhan Omar would marry for a green card.

Here’s my question – how does the distribution work after the fact? It looks like they have others people sell it for them on Facebook Marketplace.

Oh good, they demand justice.

Detergent is heavy, and I would imagine that shipping alone costs more than what the customer would pay for it in the store. They must be selling this stuff on Facebook marketplace or something, but what do they tell the customers to do? Wait outside until the rusty rape van pulls up and the ratchet fairy godmother delivers your Tide? Seems like there’s smaller and more valuable things they could steal if they’re gonna do a snatch and run like this. Just sayin.


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