Police Looking For Attorney Gary Zerola On Rape And B&E Charges, Previously Charged With Rape 4 Times

Boston Police put out an internal bulletin today looking for a man accused of rape and breaking and entering last night. Tell me if this man looks familiar.
Gary Zerola is the lawyer who has been charged with rape 4 times, beaten a couple of them, and is still facing charges on the 4th. This would be #5 for him, and I’m starting to see a pattern here. He is currently on pretrial probation on the 2016 rape case, is supposed to wear an ankle bracelet, and allegedly has a curfew of 9 PM according to sources. His victim continues to wait for justice.
Meanwhile, three months ago we blogged about Zerola after he burned money in front of a waitress at Sidelines in Salem, rather than tipping her, because he was dissatisfied with service and wanted to let her know just how little money meant to him. Is that worse than rape? Nope. But to me it’s just more evidence of the overall package that this man is the most arrogant, entitled waste of space alive today. He clearly likes to demean women, doesn’t like being told no, and poses a significant danger to society moving forward. Let’s hope the cops find him and put him in prison where he belongs. If you’ve seen him today please call police.
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