Poor Behavior

Quincy Man Mocking Deceased Boston Police Officer, Calling Cops Pigs Is A Registered Level 3 Sex Offender


This is Ernie Deane from Quincy.

He spends a lot of time on the Quincy Police Department’s Facebook page calling them pigs and gang members, accusing them of stealing cars, and making baseless allegations about corruption.

The other day he revisited a 4 week old post about Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, whose girlfriend was arrested and charged for her alleged role in his death. According to Ernie, Officer O’Keefe got what he deserved, and his death was amusing.

Here’s a tip though – if you’re going to mock dead police officers and advertise yourself as a worthless scrotum toad, then you should probably make sure you use a fake name if you’re also a registered level 3 sex offender like Ernie.

Turns out Ernie likes to do nasty, unspeakable things to children under the age of 14, and has a thing for kiddie porn.

Did I mention that around the time of his first conviction in 2014 he had two young daughters around the same age as the victim(s)?

Apparently he tried doing something to one of their friends, and now he’s homeless loser who spends his days robbing people in Revere and mocking people who will actually be missed when they die.

Hey Ernie, just because the cops arrested you for diddling kids doesn’t make them pigs. Maybe if you stopped touching children they’d leave you alone. Just a thought.


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