Ratchet Madness 2023 Championship: Mike Fucci Vs Audrey Robinson


Final Four voting is completed and we now know which two ratchets will be competing for the crown of Ratchet Madness 2023 Champion.

I knew Audrey Robinson was gonna win it after he cruised to victory after victory. But Fucci vs. Krusty Panties was going back and forth all day until some mail in ballots came in and put the not-so-celebrity chef over the top.

Now it’s time to pick the winner. Who will join Ashley Losapio, Didi Delgado, Rian Waters, Nikki Evans, Monica Cannon-Grant, and Harmony Montgomery’s parents as ratchet legends? Go vote now! The winner will be announced on tomorrow night’s Live Show at 9 PM, so make sure you’ve subscribed to our channel by clicking here.


1. Mike Fucci

  • Pretended to have cancer in order to raise $20K for a fraudulent GoFundMe
  • After getting caught said it was a miscommunication with his doctor despite previously telling extensive details about meetings with team from Dana Farber
  • Never told mistress #1 he was married, convinced her to have his baby, then abandoned her and never paid child support
  • Told mistress #1 he was going to buy her a $1.7 million home belonging to someone else in Lynnfield that wasn’t for sale, bought a bunch of furniture, tried to get her mother to quit job and become their nanny, then broke up with her when she went to the home
  • Denied he was the father until DNA test came through, then told everyone that he was raped
  • Accidentally showed paperwork from AGO during rant about Charlie Baker, showing that he was under investigation for wage theft in prison release program
  • Has worked a grand total of 3 days in the last 20 years before being fired as a chef at Watertown restaurant
  • Claimed to be a celebrity chef worth $27 million, but told judge in RO hearing that he was not a celebrity chef
  • Never paid dozens of employees and berated them for asking to get paid while flaunting cash and going on spending sprees at the casino
  • Admitted that he abused an elderly man by swearing at him after not shoveling sidewalk in front of failing Needham business
  • Raised money for a fake homeless charity for veterans
  • Has several court judgements against him for not fulfilling catering services for clients, including standing people up on their wedding days and screwing over a youth church group
  • Stole from the Jimmy Fund
  • Tried to fight a guy in a parking lot for not showing him enough respect on a Facebook group
  • Wrote cookbook he had for sale which several people paid for and didn’t receive
  • Convinced his wife who is the sole breadwinner to sell her condo and move in with her parents in order to finance his business
  • Tried and failed to get an order on me and have me charged with a crime for knocking on front door of his wife’s parent’s home
  • Exploited death of Red Sox pitcher he didn’t know that well for likes on social media
  • Immediately tried to find new women online after losing in court and was identified on Facebook group used to ID dangerous men


2. Audrey Robinson

  • Former Templeton School Committee member arrested for downloading and distributing thousands of images of kiddie porn
  • Turned into a woman despite clearly being a dude name Audrey
  • Continued posting on Facebook after being arrested by FBI like nothing happened
  • After news of arrest became public he swore he would fight until the bitter end and was innocent
  • Plead guilty 9 months later but said he only did so because the justice system hates transgendered people
  • Frequently groomed children on Facebook by looking for photographers for “transgender kids” who want to “live their magical childhood” and said he “knows their innocence”
  • Really hates Ron DeSantis due to anti-grooming law in Florida because the government has no right to stop him from talking to kids about how he’s transgender in school
  • Favorite place is Disney World so that he can be close to children
  • Used Facebook to smear the manager at the 99 Restaurant in Gardner for not letting employees wear rainbow pins, threatening to have a rainbow flash mob there, and accused the manager of giving blowjobs to men
  • Smeared and threatened critics with gay attorney husband
  • Ironically posted while at a court appearance how a drunk driver was being let off with no consequences, despite being charged with considerably worse crimes
  • Immediately after pleading guilty AJ Robinson ran to Facebook to announce to his followers that he only plead guilty because he ran out of money, and vowed to tell the “real” story





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