Revere Teachers Accuse Students Of Being White Privileged “Brats” In Private Facebook Group For Speaking Out In Favor Of School Reopening At School Committee Meeting
Like many diverse, urban public school systems, the Revere Public Schools remain closed, despite the fact that the CDC now says that schools are safe to fully reopen, several states have been doing this for months with no increase in spread of the virus, suicide rates for children are through the roof, and the majority of k-5 students nationwide are now fully returned to school.
There has been no spike in COVID rates in any of the states where kids have returned to school, as schools are much safer than the learning pods parents dump their kids off at when the schools are closed.
As a result of data like this many parents in Revere are now clamoring for the schools to reopen, and at the most recent School Committee meeting several students spoke out about the need for this. Amongst reasons this diverse group of scholars listed were mental health issues, a lack of friendships, a lack of sports, a rapid increase in failing grades, kids who have to double as babysitters for younger siblings, and much more. Listen to some of these if you get the chance and you’ll realize what an injustice this is. (13:30 – 28:00)
“I can drive 15 minutes away and kids there can go to school.”
Truer words have never been spoken. Equity is a buzzword with people who believe racial injustice is a problem in this country, yet inequity exists in our public schools because majority white towns are offering students an in-person education, while cities with large minority populations have yet to reopen schools.
Since teachers cheered on David Hogg and the Parkland kids, Greta Thunberg, and other youth who advocated for political causes in the past, you would think that the teachers would also be proud of these young men and women who are fighting for their right to a quality in-person education. Instead in a private Facebook group run by the teacher’s union an educator who goes by Meghan Lynne said it was a “low move” for kids to advocate on their own behalf because they didn’t survey kindergarteners. As the parent of a kindergarten student who gets to go to school 2 days a week but tells me all the time she wants to go every day, in a class where 100% parents opted to send their kids back, I can assure you that had they polled 5 year olds they would’ve been on the same page. According to this teacher “they know the students are our greatest weakness and they’re using them against us.”
Imagine that wanting you to go to work and do the job that you’re paid to do is evidence of your boss being “against” you? If you consider children a “weakness” then you probably shouldn’t be a teacher in the first place. Because right now their biggest weakness are the cowardly, selfish, science denying, conspiracy theorist teachers who don’t want them to receive a proper education because they like working from home.
Revere High School science teacher Josh Miranda chimed in as well and pointed out that the students who spoke on their own behalf, many of who were not white, were “white privileged athletes.”
So much white privilege.
Meanwhile, the Revere Public Schools are quite diverse, and the mostly white faculty that includes both Meghann Lynne and Josh Miranda, are denying students of color an education because they’re pretending to be afraid of a virus.
White adults having the luxury of working from home while students of color suffer without a proper education is the embodiment of systemic racism. These racist teachers should be fired immediately.
Josh Miranda also posted in June about his support for violence.
“I cannot condemn the violence I see on the news.”
That alone should be disqualifying as an educator and role model. David Dorn was a black man and retired cop who was killed by BLM rioters this summer. Josh Miranda believes that was OK, because the people looting and rioting were angry about racial injustice. It’s racism’s fault for “pushing them to the breaking point,” and making them feel “marginalized,” to the point where they had to murder David Dorn and destroy every major American city.
This is the opinion of a man who is tasked with teaching children, and who now believes students of color are “white privileged” because they want to receive an education from him. He should be fired immediately, as he is a disgrace to public education.
Concerned parents also put up fliers outside the administration building, urging them to reopen the schools. They were torn down and thrown in the trash.
Another person leading the charge to keep the schools closed is Monse Torres, who lives in San Diego of course.
Bootleg J-Lo lived in Revere for a long time, and is an elitist Harvard graduate who constantly plays the race card because it’s the only thing she knows how to do.
In August of 2020 she wrote this op-ed in the Lynn Item Live, in which she smeared the allegedly racist school committee members for not hiring her friend:
As you can imagine in a city ruled by the old guard, it’s easy to hear the words, “How dare my student from the ‘hood even imagine that I will support her as the Director of Human Rights?” We can assume this was the thought process. But aren’t teachers supposed to support the students? Well, not in Revere.
Sitting there were known racists that have appeared in the newspapers for their anti-Muslim comments, the teacher, the radicals, the cook who wants to win Latinos by cooking Latino food but who doesn’t care a bit about what happens with them as long as he gets a vote for mayor one day, the newcomer with the perfect white family.
This is not about Dimple Rana’s character, education, background, appearance. This is about your microaggressions, it is about racism, and the worst part is, that it is coming from the same people who are supposed to represent and protect the city and its residents. This is about ignorance and about not wanting to change the status quo. It is about preserving the “last name,” the “whiteness,” and the “white boys club.”
After all, in Revere, if you are a first-generation daughter of immigrants, having a master’s degree is worth nothing if you are not white enough or do not have the right kind of last name.
So she seems rational. Did you know she has a Master’s Degree and is smarter than you? She hardly ever mentions it.
Monse backed the losing candidate for Mayor last year and then promptly fled to San Diego so she could be in the most locked down state in the country with the highest death rate. This has led her to conclude that lockdowns are somehow effective, because data and logic has never really mattered to people like this.
Nevertheless she’s still under the impression that her opinion matters, and according to her a school district 3,000 miles from her home that she is not invested in and has no children enrolled in, should remain closed because 30 kids are in class at a time and they’ll bring the virus home to grandma.
Keep in mind, Revere would be doing hybrid at first, so there would be less than a dozen kids in every class, and the schools have fully updated ventilations systems and enough PPE to last a lifetime. Nevertheless, she believes the children who want to go to school are selfish brats.
Imagine what a miserable lowlife you would have to be to tell children who want an education that they are selfish for doing so, when your high school career was never interrupted by cowardly adults who were afraid of a virus?
She called these brave kids “whiny” for complaining about “missing life because they can’t go to school.” Turns out those kids have no empathy for teachers, because school was never about the students, it was about the teachers.
“What is it these kids are missing?”
Oh, ya know, human interaction, sports, activities, labs, group projects, normalcy, and stuff like that. Who cares about those things, right? Just let kids kill themselves so that Monse can feel safe in San Diego. Who cares that black and Latino students are disproportionately hurt by racist lockdown policies while the kids in mostly white districts 15 minutes away from them are going back 5 days a week? Black and Latino students don’t matter to people like Monse. They actually hate them, want them to die, and think that going long periods of time without schools is for their benefit.
The Revere School Committee, like every School Committee in the country, should immediately disregard any union that opposes a full return to school. Anything less is unacceptable.
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