Law and Order

Rochester Rapper Who Threatened To Sue Turlteboy And Assassinate Trump Pleads Guilty To Dealing Fentanyl, Delays Release Of Rap Album


A few years ago we published a blog about a Rochester, NH man named Dawson Boston, AKA the Pube Faced Killah, after the aspiring rapper threatened to kill then President Trump on Facebook, and insinuated that he sold heroin. He then came on the Live Show, and in a clip that has been played out of context repeatedly by anti-Turtleboy ratchets, threatened to kill himself so that he could sue me from the grave.

It was clear that he wasn’t actually going to kill himself (he said he wasn’t serious in the next breath), and was trying to weaponize the threat of suicide in order to silence free speech. For that reason I mocked him. He also said he was going to sue, then pretended to be a police officer he was working with to take Turtleboy down.


Unfortunately for him he was arrested for selling heroin shortly after that, so the lawsuit never happened.



Despite facing serious federal charges it hasn’t deterred Dawson from making more rap videos with his homies that sounds like Lia Thomas singing the alphabet.

Today Dawson Boston plead guilty in federal court to distributing more than 400 grams of fentanyl.

“The FBI learned that Boston was selling fentanyl in the Rochester area.”

We published the blog in late March of 2019, and the FBI had their snitches buy product off of him starting two weeks later. Draw your own conclusions about why they chose to suddenly got after this chud. But the mere fact that Dawson himself sells fentanyl in hand to hand transactions shows you just how bootleg his operation was.

No word on how this will affect the new album dropping on August 1.

The federal government doesn’t prosecute people who they don’t want to send away for a long time, so here’s hoping that Dawson Boston and every other fentanyl dealer out there gets thrown in jail for the rest of their lives and shown no mercy. There’s nothing worse than sober people who profit off the death and destruction of vulnerable people by selling them a product they themselves wouldn’t use.

Oh, and too the haters – please, cry more that I mocked his fake suicide threats on the Live Show. The fact that this is the sort of low life whose feelings you feel the need to defend proves what scumbags you are too.


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