Rochester Woman Forces 5 Year Old Son To Call Convicted Child Abuser “Dad” And Leave Coached, Vulgar Messages, Taunts Biological Father And Doesn’t Allow Him To See Son

I don’t normally do blogs about custody disputes or infidelity because it’s always complicated, there’s two sides to every story, and people’s personal lives should remain personal for the most part. But I got an email from a man named Justin Elliot in Carthage, NY (way north of Syracuse) the other day and it tugged on the heart strings.
My ex left me and took our son and won’t let me see or talk to him, and married my ex friend after only knowing him a month. She met him on October 18 2020 , and married him November 17 2020. While we were still together she was having sex with him. I’ve really been going through it and I’m not use to reaching out, but I need to , because it’s eating me alive. I miss her and I feel like a idiot because I do, but she was my everything. I feel like less of a man and a loser, my heart and soul got ripped from my chest and nothing will ever be the same. I go through the motions everyday , but I’m not really here. Nothing seems to matter, I don’t smile or laugh anymore and I’ve been in a dark place since she left on November 1st 2020. She was so cruel about it. Thanks for letting me rant, here the pics of the newlyweds, and some emails and messages. She also fucked him 3 days after she met him on my birthday 10/21/20. He got out of prison and I had him at my house for dinner and bought him a bunch of clothes to help him get on his feet. Anyways please make them famous they are from Hilton ny, near Rochester ny. She took everything, our savings and everything we owned. And it’s crazy cause I have a brain and lung disease on top of everything. Thanks guys.
When I received this email I had a lot of questions and figured I probably wouldn’t blog about it, since it seemed too personal and I didn’t want to go down that road. But the screenshots of his ex-wife Amanda’s emails were pretty disturbing, as she explained in graphic detail how she would be pleasing her new husband sexually.
Nice woman.
Of the two of them she is the one who actually has her shit together more on paper. She was the breadwinner for the family, and Justin admittedly has issues of his own, which made me skeptical to write this blog. He’s been to jail before, he admittedly has mental health problems, he’s contemplated suicide and been been placed under mental hygiene arrest, and he’s unemployed. The part I didn’t understand was why he would sign divorce documents giving his wife full custody of his son, which he did on their September 6, 2020 divorce.
His story about that didn’t make much sense either.
I got divorced in September this year because I got sick with a brain and lung disease and needed insurance and SSI, and she made a little too much money, so she suggested we get a divorce so I could get assistance, so in the divorce papers I gave her custodial custody. But we still stayed together, and I never even understood the paperwork or what it said.
I’ve spoken to legal aid they can’t help me cause that’s not how family court work they said, I need to do the paperwork and then ask the judge for a lawyer, and I have no idea why the hell I’m doing and no help and no $$, she took our savings and left me homeless I had to move in with my brother until I get SSI approved.
Obviously that doesn’t add up so I had questions. But after speaking with him it’s clear that Justin just isn’t a smart person, and he put his faith and trust in Amanda, who was clearly manipulating him.
I was in love. She was the only person who ever cared about me, my family never cared about me. So when someone comes into your life and cares about you like she did and shows you love like no one has ever shown you, that’s why I trusted her with everything she said man.
Amanda claims she was abused by him, but cannot document that allegation. She also says that Justin had no interest in being around his son, which seems odd because he certainly does now. Justin never even got an attorney for his divorce. He just willingly signed on the dotted line because they still planned to live together and raise their son.
This is his ex-friend Robert Silbernagel, who he invited over for dinner after he got out of prison in October.
He is as horrible as he looks, and just got out of jail for assaulting a 16 year old relative.
On New Years Day around 7:50 pm deputies were called to a domestic incident that took place in Waterloo. According to deputies, Robert A. Silbernagel, of the Budget Inn on Waterloo Geneva Road was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, after putting his hands on a 16-year-old child. A police report released to the media indicates that Silbernagel slammed the 16-year-old child into a wall after putting his hands on the unidentified minor. The entire incident unfolded after a verbal altercation escalated.
Deputies say Robert A. Silbernagel, who was living at the Budget Inn located in Waterloo, was arrested on a child…
Posted by on Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Silbernagel has spent most of his adult life in and out of jail, and is a career criminal who should not be allowed anywhere near children.
Two local men accused of stealing a flat-screen television and laptop computer from a Seneca Falls home last year were arraigned yesterday in Seneca County Court. Robert Silbernagel, 26, and Andrew Kappesser, 19, both of Waterloo, pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree burglary and fourth-degree grand larceny, both felonies. Silber nagel also pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor charge of third-degree unauth orized use of a motor vehicle. The two are accused of taking the items from a village home during a party last June. They were arrested by Seneca Falls police who investigated the incident. County District Attorney Barry Porsch noted that both young men have criminal histories.
He goes by Nash Slocum on Facebook. Here’s a picture he uploaded of Justin’s son a few weeks ago.
Within weeks of divorcing Justin, Amanda had already married his best friend, taunted Justin with the marriage certificate in Facebook messages, told him that her son was calling Robert “dad,” said that Justin would never see him again, and said she was drooling over Robert’s penis.
Most disturbing of all was a voicemail Robert forced Justin’s son to leave.
Anyone who would ever use their child for a stunt like this is not looking out for the best interest of that child. What you heard on that tape was pure evil. That child was coached with leading questions.
“Are you happy?”
“Do you love Daddy (new Daddy)?”
“We eat dinner every night together, don’t we?”
When you end every question with, “you wanna be with me now, right?”, the only answer a child can give is yes.
Under no circumstances is it OK for a mother to coach her child, along with a man who went to jail for assaulting a child, to say “I wanna smack him (his father),” or “he’s not my Dad anymore.” He did this while being coached by a complete stranger, who he is now forced to call Dad. No child should ever be coached to leave a voicemail threatening violence against his father either.
“I just wanna spank his butt with a blue belt. I just wanna smack him.”
They have trained this child to call a career criminal he just met “Dad,” and have turned him against his real father by using materialism:
“Not let me where my cool shoes, not let me put my TV in my room.”
The child does allege in that tape that Justin beat him with a belt at the age of 2, something he would not have been able to remember. When I asked Justin about that he told me that he never did anything like that, and that the child was coached. No calls to the police or child protective services were ever made in regards to that baseless allegation.
I reached out to Amanda for comment as well. You can be the judge as to who is the bad person here.
Your 5 year old son doesn’t have the choice to call a man he just met Dad. And any woman who thinks that’s normal is not a good mother. He certainly doesn’t “love” Robert. Justin Elliot is far from perfect and needs to get his shit together, but one thing I do know for sure is that every child is better off being around a loving mother and father. Relationships deteriorate and divorce happens, but if you really love your children you will make sure they have access to both parents. Marrying a career criminal, using your son as a prop, and telling them to speak ill of their father, is not something a mother does when they’re putting their child first.
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