Law and Order

Six Year Old Held Prisoner In Shed Since Lockdown Began By Abusive Grandmother Due To School Closure


The real epidemic plaguing this country right now isn’t a virus, it’s child abuse.

Team Lockdown doesn’t care about child abuse, as can be seen from this story in Dallas which they will of course ignore.

A woman and her boyfriend in Texas are facing charges after police found her 6-year-old grandson tied up in a shed, according to reports. Dallas Police officers were called to 53-year-old Esmeralda Lira’s home Sunday night — after a caller told them a child was being kept inside a shed in their backyard, KTVT reported. Lira told the police that her grandson was with his mother, but a man pointed authorities to the shed. The boy was found inside with his hands tied behind his back, according to the TV station. He told authorities that he has been forced to sleep inside the shed since school has been out, according to reports. Her boyfriend told police that he was being kept in the shed as punishment repeatedly for the past two weeks for attempting to steal food, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Sarah Burns of the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center said that because teachers make many child abuse reports, students learning from home during the pandemic may be at greater risk.

“Our concern has always been children being with their abusers all the time and having no safe adult to confide in or a safe adult that can report that abuse,” she said.

The Advocacy Center has seen a 50% decrease in reports in the last six weeks, compared with the six weeks leading up to the pandemic.


I discussed this extensively last night on the Live show.

It goes without saying that these two are monsters, but these monsters are out there and it’s up to us to protect their victims. Schools are the refuge children like this use to escape them and Team Lockdown took that safe haven away from them because they’re scared of a virus. If you are willing to allow children to be abused like this in order to make yourself feel more “safe,” then you’re a selfish person and you’ve lost the right to lecture other people about “saving lives.”

For kids who come from good homes schools are places where you go to get an education, meet friends, and participate in extracurricular activities. For kids who come from homes with abusive parents they are so much more. School is a place where they go to eat, where adults hold them accountable instead of neglecting them, where there are rules and consistency, where they get attention, and where they can speak to trained adults about the trauma they’ve experienced.

Teachers, guidance counselors and principals are on the front lines when it comes to identifying and reporting abuse. They notice the bruises, they notice when a kid is acting unusual, they notice when a kid has missed a week of school unexcused, and they contact police and DCF so they can look into it.

That support system is all gone now thanks to Team Lockdown. That’s because for the most part Team Lockdown consists of suburban Karens who don’t abuse their crotch fruits. They’ve never been exposed to people like this and they can’t imagine how anyone could do this to a child. They think that kids are all safe because their teachers are doing Zoom meetings because they’re oblivious to the realities of the world they live in.

If school had been in session, as it should have been, then this incident would not have happened. If the child was absent from school for a week then teachers would’ve reported it and a check could’ve been conducted at the house. There is zero evidence that children transmit the virus. A recent study in Iceland showed that no children had transmitted COVID. Children can carry the virus, but they do not die from it, and there is no evidence they pass it on to others. By closing schools we are “protecting” children from something that is no danger to them, while directly endangering vulnerable, at risk students like this child in Texas.

Team Lockdown must own these facts. The excuse of “but it could happen in the summer,” does not apply here. Of course it could, but it’s not the summer.

Of course the media is complicit as well, because God knows this story won’t get covered by the MSM. But you better believe that if this six year old had died from COVID instead of being tortured in a shed, that it would be headline news for every major “news” outlet.


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