Springfield Pastor Smearing Cop Who Killed Black Man Is A Former Coke Dealer Who Helped Send Innocent Man To Prison For 27 Years And Got A Woman Killed

Yesterday we published a blog about “Pastor” Charles Stokes, who is accusing the Springfield Police Department of racism after Officer Arjel Falcon shot and killed a black man named Orlando Taylor after Taylor stabbed him in the face.
Stokes is a “community organizer” and self appointed leader in the Springfield BLM community, who led a protest over the summer (while wearing parachute jorts) demanding the removal of SPD Chief Cheryl Claprood because she wouldn’t agree to their demands to publicly admit that the SPD is systemically racist.
One of the major grievances BLM and people like Charles Stokes have when they make allegations of systemic racism, is the disproportionate amount of black men in jail. However, what Charles “Heavy Stokes failed to point out is that he contributed to this system.
Stokes is a former coke dealer who was part of a drug deal gone bad in 1986 that led to the murder of an innocent woman named Victoria Seymour. That fateful night Stokes and his brother were selling cocaine to strangers outside a Springfield nightclub when some guys from Hartford attempted to rob him. Stokes ran and fell, and in the process the people trying to rob him began to shoot at him. Victoria Seymour was an innocent bystander who was inadvertently shot and killed because Charles “Heavy” Stokes wanted to live the life of a coke dealer.
As if participating in a lifestyle that led to the death of an innocent black woman wasn’t enough, Stokes also wrongly implicated a 21 year old black Hartford man named Mark Schand as the killer in exchange for police dropping drug related charges he was already facing.
Despite the fact that Schand had 6 alibi witnesses who put him in Hartford at the time of the shooting, he was still found guilty due to the testimony of the witnesses.
The jury, evidently, found the prosecution’s witnesses more believable. Mark was convicted on Nov. 20, 1987, and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Stokes was a critical witness in that trial, and because of his lie Schand spent the next 27 years in prison and missed getting to see his three sons grow up. In 2013 Schand was granted a new trial before the charges were ultimately dismissed.
In other words, Stokes cooperated with police and sent an innocent black man to jail for 27 years in order to save himself from drug charges. Now he’s pretending to care about black men while railing about how the system is racist.
Now he’s calling Mayor Domenic Sarno a liar, after lying on the stand.
“I am Nat Turner.”
Nah dude, you’re the guy who turned in Nat Turner.
Stokes also directed his brother David to identify Schand as the killer. He attempted to take it back years later, but the damage was done:
In 1989, Charles “Heavy” Stokes recanted his testimony identifying Mark as the man who robbed him. Many years later Stokes and witness Anthony Cooke would tell Centurion Ministries that the lineup in which they originally identified Mark on Dec. 15, 1986, was “bogus” because they both knew everyone in the lineup but Mark. Cooke even identified one of the men as a former roommate of his.Also in 1989, during Mark’s motion for a new trial, Assistant District Attorney Francis Bloom discredited David Stokes’ testimony that Mark had bought the drugs and pulled a gun by saying that when Charles Stokes identified Mark, he “directed his brother to do the same.”
Read the whole amazing story of Mark Schand here. And remember – Charles Stokes was the drug dealing criminal who destroyed the lives of two black people, one of who died. Now he’s fanning the fames of racism in order to profit off the death of another black man.
We will be talking about this topic and breaking down Stokes’ press conference on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
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