Thriving Bakery Owner Gets Free Advertising From WBZ After Complaining That Customer Was Rude To Her While Other Businesses Are Locked Down
Business owners all over the region have been financially devastated by this lockdown. Those businesses who have the luxury of being “essential” should be grateful that they were one of the chosen few. Instead a business owner in Worcester went crying to the media because one of her many customers was mean to her.
WBZ: An allergen-free bakery may close soon, but not because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The owner said poor treatment from customers is making her consider shutting down. Jennifer Lasala, of Jennifer Lee’s Bakery with locations in Worcester and the Boston Public Market, said she’s faced aggressive comments towards her business.
“I had a customer, he ordered too late, and he told me I ruined his son’s weekend and told me he hopes the business closes,” Lasala said. “It just really hurt.”
Lee said she’s heard similar experiences from other people working retail and service jobs who have had customers who are meaner than usual. She also believes people act differently online than in person.
On Monday, Lee wrote a post on the bakery Facebook page that explained why she might consider closing:
It saddens me to say this but this might be it for our Bakery. I have worked so hard for almost 10 years with this Bakery and unfortunately I don’t know if I want to do this anymore. I work so hard to make everybody happy and it just doesn’t matter. I work so hard to have a safe place for people that others in the restaurant industry just ignore. The amount of mean messages I received over this weekend is just too much and I just don’t know if I want to do this anymore. I think people don’t realize that I too am human. I worked so hard to build what we have ,my working multiple jobs to afford it not paying myself still, and even now in a pandemic, I haven’t received even a cent in any grant money but here I am still going still trying to keep this dream alive and people are just so mean and just ripping me apart. I try so hard to be as transparent as possible and let everyone know how to order, deadlines, etc so there’s no mistakes and it is just not good enough. I work 20 hr days and it’s not good enough. We will still have Mother’s Day orders this weekend but after that I don’t know…I don’t know if I want this for the rest of my life. I’m sorry.
But, after writing this post, Lasala was sent messages of love and support.
“During one of my deliveries, a little boy left me a note at the door and it literally was a heart that said ‘Jen, please don’t go,'” Lasala said.
Are you kidding me right now? We’re in the middle of a pandemic, you have the luxury of having a business that is so successful that you have franchises in Worcester and Boston with more customers than you can handle, and you’re whining to the media because a customer was mean to you? You ran to Facebook to post about how you wanted to quit over it so you get get an outpouring of pity and free advertising from WBZ? You chose to open an allergen free bakery for overprotective mothers. Who did you think your client base was going to be?
This part was so tone deaf.
“I outgrew both stalls at Boston Public Market within months and have already outgrown Worcester Public Market in two weeks.”
Meanwhile her neighbors have had their doors closed for over 2 months and had to lay off their entire staffs. What a brat.
Meanwhile she’s on Snapchat whining about how every customer who annoys her makes her want to quit.
So then quit. Clearly business was not meant for you. You enjoy making money and you love positive attention, but you don’t like dealing with the less pleasant aspects of owning a business. This is what happens to a society with a media that coddles and victimizes people for likes and clicks. Every business since the beginning of time has had to find a way to deal with rude customers. You’re not special. If you can’t handle it then learn to code and go on unemployment like the rest of us.
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