Today I Testified In Fitchburg District Court Against A Transgender Man Who’s Been Threatening And Harassing My Family After Writing About Him 3 Years Ago
I’ve been in Fitchburg District Court all day testifying against a transgender man named Ashley (Anthony) St. Angelo. This psychopath harassed my family relentlessly after a blog written about him in September of 2020. You can read all the stories about him here. In short:
- Ashley’s 16 year old daughter Marissa was featured in an East Providence Police Department missing child Facebook post. Marissa and her sister Holly commented under the post and said she wasn’t missing, she had just ran away from her transgender father, who abused both of them by locking them in their rooms, beating them, and starving them.
- Ashley tried to profit off his missing and abused teenage daughter by starting a Facebook fundraiser – one of his many scams.
- I interviewed his two daughters on the Live Show, starting at the 27:20 mark of this video.
- In December Ashley began emailing me using his real name, asking to have the blogs removed by accusing his daughter of being a liar. I elected not to remove the blog due to Anthony’s long history of lying and criminal behavior, which made him not believable.
- On January 4 Ashley published a Wordpress blog called using a fake name in which he published pictures of my then 3 and 5 year old children, alleging that they were sexually abused. He sent me emails using a fake account called Jenny Manning, claiming to represent a fictional organization called “The Justice Leauge,” and said that they were hired by Ashley to get justice for him. “Jenny Manning” said he would have the blogs removed if I removed the blogs about him.
- When this did not work Ashley decided to continue to pressure me to remove the blog by harassing my family, knowing I wouldn’t budge. Later in January Ashley he went to the Holden Police Department and Providence Superior Court and made up baseless lies about the mother of my children, who has nothing to do with the blog, writing the blog about him, in order to try to get an order on her. Judge Melissa Darigan granted the order temporarily without hearing from me, based solely on his outrageous lies and claims of victimhood as a transgender man with an extensive background of mental health issues and criminal behavior.
- After the temporary order was granted Ashley began to contact my children’s mother’s work (a Fitchburg elementary school), telling them that the Justice League would be holding a protest there since they employed a teacher who was harassing a transgender person.
- I explained the situation to the principal, and applied for an order against Ashley on behalf of my family. I was granted a full year order in February of 2021, which forbade him from contacting the school.
- Despite the existence of the order Ashley continued to email me using fake accounts, threatening to show up at the elementary school where the mother of my children works, and protest her for being a sexual predator. He also made several Reddit posts like this one.
- In March Ashley left a voicemail on her school’s answering machine, telling them that they had a teacher who had an order on her, and that he was planning on protesting. Fitchburg Police contacted me, played the recording, and I identified St. Angelo as the caller.
- In April Ashley emailed the school using a fake account and made the same baseless accusations.
- Later in April the order against me and my family in Providence was dropped after I hired Attorney Marc Randazza, who moved the case to federal court due to jurisdiction.
- That month Ashley was charged in Fitchburg District Court with violating a harassment prevention order.
Today was Ashley’s trial and I was called to testify against him. Judge Loconto offered to recuse himself since he acknowledged that I had written critically about him before, but I said I was comfortable with him on the bench. He was very clear that he respected independent media and my right to criticize the judiciary, which he thought was important.
We had an evidentiary hearing in which the judge decided to allow the initial blog, the emails from Ashley St. Angelo in December, and the voicemail at the school as evidence. The Jenny Manning emails were not allowed because I could not prove they were from him, even though they clearly were. It all came down to the voicemail.
During the evidentiary hearing a clerk came up to alert the judge that someone had called the courthouse to complain that I had posted Ashley’s picture on my Facebook page, and alleged I had taken the pictures in court that day. I told the judge I posted an old blog, which populated a previous image I had used, and I posted it before ever arriving in court to let people know I was busy today.
Eighteen jurors were impaneled, and about 1/3 of them were dismissed when they were asked the question by Judge Loconto, “Do you read Turtleboy?” Finally they picked a jury of 6 women and 1 man, who heard from the Principal, a Fitchburg Police Officer, and me.
The Principal and the police officer were called before I was. When I testified I answered questions from the court appointed defense attorney who basically suggested that I had a lot of enemies, so anyone could have left that voicemail. Specifically he suggested that it could have been Bret Killoran, Kate Peter, or Leigha Genduso. But I repeated that I was 100% sure it was Ashley. The people who hate me go after me, not my family. This behavior was exclusive to Ashley St. Angelo.
The defense attorney attempted to accuse me of hating transgender people, and brought up Big Black Jeffrey as an example. The prosecutor objected and it was sustained.
I left at 1 PM, and the jury is now deliberating. I have no idea if he will be found guilty, but just know that I won’t tolerate this sort of behavior. If you have a problem with the blog, come after me.
His daughter Holly once resisted going to Ashley’s parent’s house, claiming to have been raped there. DCYF attempted to force her to go, but were overruled by the police.
Keep your mask on, sir.
Lady looks like a dude.
Well that’s 15 minutes of my life I’ll never get back! I love reading TB’s stories, but this was just a recap of previous stories, with the fact he went to court today…………but doesn’t know the outcome, and a bunch of reports and court filings I can’t read on my phone because when I zoom in it always jumps around on the page. TB should’ve waited, rested up, and written about this after knowing the outcome.
Aidan > you
“Waaaaaaaaah, someone wrote something I didn’t like about 1 of Aiden’s posts”, keep rubbing your dick to a screenshot of Aiden sunshine!
Ironic. Crying about someone else calling you out for crying. Well played.
I get ur point. But this is part of the big picture of TB and the history of it all. I cant fathom how hard it must be to go through something like that family wise – I couldnt do it. I think its part of his past though – after this Read stuff I could see TB just digging into specific true crime injustices over and over, its so much more interesting and the fan base will grow and grow.
15 minutes? Dang you’re a slow reader.
Reading your post about this blog is time I’d like to have like back.
I feel empathy for Marissa. This “parent” needs to be locked up for her sake.
Well good news is, Ashley isn’t reproducing 🤞🏻
This person is mentally ill and needs psychiatric help. His poor daughter!
Sick faggot azz fcker is no women. Just a mentally ill backdoor gay freak
Joe biden says it is a gay insurrectionist
Please stop referring to this guy as Ashley. It’s just Anthony. Don’t dignify a mentally disabled person’s neuroticism.
So undemocratic of you. Bigoted, racist, sexist…. actually, totally Democrat.
I’m gonna let Ashley use my special after David crayons for her next foray into suing turtleboy. I spend my life forming brilliant legal briefs vs tb, I’m like f Lea Bailey, brilliant