Poor Behavior

Transgender “Woman” Assaults And Spits On Employee At Woonsocket Dollar Tree Who Caught “Her” Stealing


Here’s a video that was posted on Facebook showing what happened at the Dollar Tree in Woonsocket when a BLT-123 was confronted about stealing by an employee.

If there are three things that will almost guarantee will end up on TB Daily News they are:

  1. An out of control BLT-123
  2. The Dollar Store
  3. Woonsocket

This perfect storm of ratchetry was on full display in this video, and it’s actually pretty disgusting to watch.

If you know who this guy is please feel free to reach out on Facebook or email [email protected]. Our sources say that he has been arrested, but I’d like to confirm. And he better be in dude jail, because as you can see he represents a serious threat to women.

Normally I’d just laugh at people like this, but we are literally rewriting our laws to accomodate men like this. We have presidential candidates advocating for guys like this to go to women’s prison, where their overwhelming physical advantages from being male give them the unique ability to harm and sexually assault women.

It’s almost as if men who think they’re women are suffering from some sort of mental disorder or something. Every time I see a BLT-123 online or on TV they are doing something crazy, which makes sense because they think they are women. But instead of dismissing and/or laughing at these ridiculous claims, we as a society are forced to play along with their madness or get scolded by the BLT-123 mafia for our lack of wokeness.

That employee probably makes minimum wage, and here you this pretty strong looking dude getting up in her her grill, pushing her, spitting in her face, and smashing bottles that she’ll have to clean up. He does this because in his mind he is a woman, so it’s OK for him to assault a woman. He thinks this because we’ve told him that he is and used whatever pronouns he demands we use. Except he’s not a woman, and the employee is, which gives him a distinct and dangerous advantage.

This is why people like Elizabeth Warren are the ultimate hypocrites. On the one hand they claim to be feminists and support women, and on the other hand they advocate for people like this who represent a threat to women. If you helped normalize this then you are part of the problem.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. He’s been gay his whole life and Just recently has started going under the change on top of hormone pills she suffers from bi polar and schizophrenia, but you do you writing shitty articles without any research thinking you’re a legitimate source of news when it’s just one sad guy giving his sad opinion on people he knows nothing about, you know it’s sad I’m pretty sure she would beat your ass too lmao and stop with the “ “ You just seem like a homophobic bigot, stop putting your opinion in your arrival if you want to seem legit and gain some sort of respect for this weirdo hobby you do

    1. Sorry but if anyone spits on you…THAT IS CALLED AN ASSAULT!!!
      Do to IT’S lifestyle choices you have a higher chance of “aids” contamination…

    2. Stop making more excuses why this person has to have the red carpet laid out for them. This is dangerous for society.

    3. Thanks for supporting violence against women. No one gives a fuck about this guy’s disgnosis. No excuse to assalt women. You are nasty.

  2. He’s been gay his whole life and Just recently has started going under the change on top of hormone pills she suffers from bi polar and schizophrenia, but you do you writing shitty articles without any research thinking you’re a legitimate source of news when it’s just one sad guy giving his sad opinion on people he knows nothing about, you know it’s sad I’m pretty sure she would beat your ass too lmao and stop with the “ “ You just seem like a homophobic bigot, stop putting your opinion in your arrival if you want to seem legit and gain some sort of respect for this weirdo hobby you do

    1. I think he makes some valid points. Using someone’s mental disorders does not make it ok. If someone is having such mental issues and breaking the law on top of it they should not be along with society until fully treated. Or at least not alone.

    2. Yeah, my heart just bleeds for this violent male psychopath you’re defending. What kind of sicko are you? Everyone is getting out their tiny violins to play a sonata of “I Don’t Care”. Women’s safety is more important than a male psychopath’s feelings of entitlement. This man needs to be jailed immediately and charged with assault.

  3. holy transphobia batman! “uncle” turtleboy is a human shitstain not like anyone is surprised! do everyone a favor and get off the fucking internet you waste of human life!

  4. Told her not to shoplift she didnt listen now this happened smh no tea no shade but everyone tried to tell her now look they sentenced her to 90 days on january 15 for a probation violation

  5. Shit stain Troon caught stealing by employee; throws an aggressive male temper tantrum threatening female employee with violent intimidation in her face. No such thing as Trans and I don’t give a fuck if this person is mentally ill or how they identify. This is a man wearing womanface stealing in a store and threatens the female employee who catches him. FUCK THE TROON, he can rot in an all male prison where he belongs. Stop violence against women by men, all men, even men who identify as something else.

  6. Acting like this is just another piece of proof of how they’re nothing even slightly reminiscent ​of women, and they will never be women. Real women get shit on for things way smaller than this, but troons can act however they want and they’ll always have some loser defending them.

  7. She frquents the ripta 54 bus and Walmart in n. Smithfield she goes back and forth to Providence and has a couple different wigs to change her appearance, if she is guilty of this crime I hope she gets caught, you can tell it’s a guy because of the facial hair and sideburns.always has long nails.

  8. Transgenderism is SEXISM. I agree 110% with the author of the article. This hulking penis-haver pitches a violent fit like only an entitled, privileged, sexist man can. And, women are supposed to be A-OK with letting brutes in womanface performing femininity into our public private spaces where nudity may occur and women are vulnerable. HELL NO. Elizabeth Warren is a traitor to women, cause it never occurs to her that any woman she knows would go to prison and be at risk from being housed with a male sex offender in drag.

    Transgender Rights = Male Privilege and Male Entitlement to flaunt their sick, sexual perversions in public and cross women’s boundaries of safety and privacy without legal consequences. HELL NO.

    Women’s Rights are Human Rights. Sex-segregated facilities are necessary in a porn-saturated society where woman-hating misogyny has been framed as free speech and women are in danger from male violence. Men in womanface are not entitled to women’s rights.

    Same old patriarchy. Same old sexism. Shiny new rainbow wrapper.

    Don’t believe the hype. Sex is real. Gender is nothing but patriarchal stereotypes that affirm the domination of men over women. Gender is what women want to be liberated from.

  9. “She” hates women because he isn’t one and HE should be forced to lick up every drop of the mess he made, hopefully cutting his nasty tongue in the process while apologising profusely while he’s on his knees until the cops come to arrest his ugly ass for assault.

  10. I think he makes some valid points. Using someone’s mental disorder does not make it ok. If someone is suffering from so many issues and breaking the law on top of it they shouldn’t be along in society until they have full treatment. Or at least not left alone.

  11. I think he makes some valid points. Using someone’s mental disorders does not make it ok. If someone is having such mental issues and breaking the law on top of it they should not be along with society until fully treated. Or at least not alone.

  12. I think he makes some valid points. Using someone’s mental disorders does not make it ok. If someone is having such mental issues and breaking the law on top of it they should not be along with society until fully treated. Or at least not alone.

  13. Are you a*holes defending this criminal? You don’t need to do research to see that this guy is a violent menace to society. And yes, he is most definitely a male demonstrating male pattern violence.

  14. Thank you tbdnews for reporting on this. Most news sites are too woke to care about the women who are abused, assaulted and/or & endangered by these men.

    Special thanks for mentioning the prison problem. Most people don’t realize that many of these men end up in female prisons.

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