Troll Socks Increases Profits By 60,000% After Advertising On Minihane’s Podcast For 1 Day, Proving Why You Should Never Cater To SJW Outrage Mobs

Last week Turtleboy published a blog about Dave Portnoy refusing to backup Kirk Minihane at Barstool Sports after wealthy activist Bob Murchison began harassing Barstool’s advertisers for hiring Kirk. His goal was to use his influence to force advertisers to stop advertising on shows unless they cater the content to his liking. When this happens you get the Greg Hill Show on WEEI, and we all know what a disaster that’s been.
Portnoy was peeved because Bomba’s socks cancelled advertising on the Minihane podcast as a result of Murchison’s activism. But instead of telling Murchison to stop harassing his advertisers Portnoy told Minihane he was on his own.
"I'm gonna stop everything I'm doing for Kirk Minihane!?" – @stoolpresidente goes off on @kirkmin
— Barstool Radio (@BarstoolRadio) August 6, 2019
But what he should’ve done is tell Bomba’s that because they were getting harassed he was going to personally promote them on social media and on Barstool. He has the power to do it with his platform, not only because he has millions of followers, but because those followers are incredibly loyal. Even if they don’t need socks, they’d still probably buy some just so they can feel like they’re sticking it to Bob Murchison. We did this many times for our advertisers when they were harassed by “boycotters,” and we had lines out the door at places like Smokestack Barbecue, Pepe’s, and Bennie’s Cafe as a result.
That’s where a new company called Troll Socks saw an opportunity.
A few of our most popular socks
— Troll Socks (@TrollSocks) August 13, 2019
the link broke. Buy them here!
— Troll Socks (@TrollSocks) August 15, 2019
They were a small startup looking to make a name for themselves, and with Bomba’s out of the picture they reached out to the show about advertising. And Minihane did what Portnoy should’ve done – pushed them hard. First Troll Socks published a blog titled:
A Letter To Kirk Minihane’s Fans: We Defend Free Speech And Stand With The Mentally Ill and Blind People Of The World Against Humorless Social Justice Warriors And Will NEVER Apologize Or Back Down For It
To all the loyal Kirk Minihane fans reading this I want you to know that we are not just another sock company that pretends to be self righteous but then cowers when a social justice warrior threatens them. Troll Socks will never fold to a social justice warrior, ever. We just want to make fun socks that people will be just as happy to give as gifts as they would be to receive them. We believe in your right to say what you want to say, make the jokes that you want to make, and not have to apologize for it. ESPECIALLY when its so blatantly obvious that there has never been any malice behind it, like in Kirk’s case. Kirk has been railroaded and unfairly targeted and it’s been an absolute disgrace to watch. We were sad to hear that Bombas dropped their ads, because Bombas had enough money to make an impact in the Kirk Minihane Show, and help Kirk with some ad revenue to grow his podcast into a juggernaut.
Bombas made a fatal error in not recognizing the power and loyalty of the Kirk Minihane fanbase and I think they’ll be sorry for a long time that they caved into the pressure of a lie-ridden copy-paste e-mail. They should hire some new decision makers with a backbone.
It’s like the first time hearing The Beatles.
So they reached a deal with Minihane who had them on as a sponsor for one day, and he did what Portnoy should’ve done.
These guys – who are the best – are @TrollSocks. Read this note and tell me they aren’t the perfect sponsor.
— Kirk Minihane (@kirkmin) August 7, 2019
This is so great. I love these guys. The best.
— Kirk Minihane (@kirkmin) August 7, 2019
The results speak for themselves.
ATTN ALL ADVERTISERS: This is the results you get when you sponsor the @kirkminshow . Is a 45,000% visitor growth good? @kirkmin @BigSteve207 Put this in your sales decks and watch the money roll in. Advertisers should get in now, be real, & don’t back down. Loyalty Over Lunacy.
— Troll Socks (@TrollSocks) August 7, 2019
Boom – $5,600 in one day. Why? Because brands like TB Daily News and Minihane have the most loyal followings on the Internet. Our readers will literally support your business out of pure spite, even if they don’t want what you’re selling, because it’s their only way to stick it to people like Bob Murchison.
Placing an order this afternoon for some @TrollSocks any company that has a backbone and supports free speech will always get my business and loyalty. @kirkmin @kirkminshow
— Owen Finnegan (@owenfinn16) August 7, 2019
Didn’t need socks, but @TrollSocks supports @kirkmin n the @kirkminshow so I’m supporting and hopefully helping @BlindMike_ get to work
— Will Acosta (@WillFAcosta) August 7, 2019
This is what more businesses need to do. We need less Bomba’s, and more Troll Socks. This is a smart business move more than anything. Too many companies today are run by gutless executives who cower the minute a couple broke SJWs start calling them. These people weren’t buying your product anyway, so who cares what they think? The entire point of advertising is to be seen by as many people as possible so you can generate more sales. It has nothing to do with only being seen on brands that allege to promote social justice.
The more free speech gets shut down the more people yearn for it. And when you stand with media outlets that are being attacked by mobs of censorious SJWs, you can make a lot of money, which is literally the entire point of opening a business. If you’re in business because you want to virtue signal and prove to the world what a humanitarian you are, go work for Nike.
I think it’s safe to say that Troll Socks would be the ideal advertiser for TB Daily News, and I anxiously await Turtleboy socks being next in their production line. Click here to check out what they offer and get yourself a pair.
Yikes! @Entercom down 43% and Troll Socks up 15,166% today. You HATE to see that. This is what SJW’s will do to your company and evetually America. @kirkmin @kirkminshow @BlindMike_
— Troll Socks (@TrollSocks) August 7, 2019
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:

Did AOC, the BU grad, actually say “seize and desist”?
Can we get the sock guys to make turtleboy socks.