Turtleboy Faces Down Antifa Child Drag Queen Mob In Newton

Yesterday I drove to Newton to check out the counter-protest to the protest against the drag queen performance that was being held for students at Newton North High School, a story first broken by Turtleboy Daily News. A lot of people talk tough on a keyboard, but I wanted to see if Antifa was so tough when an award winning journalist rolls up. I streamed it on Facebook Live (Clarence Woods Emerson page), but if you missed it we are going to be re-streaming it on our YouTube channel tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our channel.
My primary argument I planned on making was that allowing drag shows for high school kids is insufficient. That’s like saying that you can have your own healthcare if you want it. Drag shows are a HUMAN RIGHT! Why should the kids at Newton North be the only ones to experience the greatness of a man with fake tits giving them a lap dance during G block? That’s not equitable. Newton North is a primarily white high school, but the schools with large percentages of black and brown students remain drag show-free. I believe that no high school education is complete without a drag show, and it should be required for education like the MCAS. It’s not enough for just Newton North to have them either. Every middle and elementary school in the state should mandate these for everyone.
Sadly this is not satire. It’s an actual position that these people think is normal. Seriously, how did we get here? Why are these people so insistent that we have drag queen shows in school? Drag shows in school!! If I told you 10 years ago this would be happening no one would believe me.
Hundreds of people watched live on the Clarence Woods Emerson Facebook page as I attempted to make this point. Sadly, I was not greeted with the warm welcome that I thought I would be in an inclusive place like Newton.
The signs really said it all.
That was so much fun though. These people really, truly believe that a high school education is not complete without a drag show. That gay kids aren’t safe without drag shows in school. There is no way they actually believe this. They’re just looking for new ways to be weird and force it on children. Let’s go over some of my favorite highlights.
It started with being lectured by Antifa about wiretapping laws.
Why is this the one charge that these ding dongs always think they can get me on? Newsflash – the wiretapping statute requires secrecy. If I’m holding a camera in your face then it’s not a secret that I’m filming you. Better luck with deformation.
I wanted to make it clear that I am not the person you get to put hands on. My name is not Andy Ngo, and I didn’t come here to get beat up and then cry about it for GoFundMe donos on Fox News. I’m the guy that if you put hands on, you’re gonna get hands back. These are cowardly, blue haired losers who have never been in a fight their entire lives. They think they’re tougher than they are because they’re bullies who join mobs. Around the 12 minute mark I had my first encounter with Antifa.
LOL, these people are a riot.
“Sir, there are kids around.”
You’re a bunch of grownups protesting for the right of children to get a lap dance from a man dressed as a hooker during school hours. But please, tell me more about how foul language offends you.
Funniest line of the day:
“I know that man.”
Oh OK. I guess that settles that then. But the problem is that man thought he could put his sign in my face like that and not have it ripped down by me. Not how it works.
Communists love to take your hat too. A lot of times conservatives don’t fight back. I’m not that guy.
The masked communists had to be schooled about the First Amendment, which apparently is a foreign concept to them.
Instead of spending a period giving kids lap dances, maybe they should teach them about how free speech works instead. No one in Newton seems to understand how that works.
I really wanted to find someone who would go on record as being pro-drag queen shows for Kindergarten students. Finally I found a woman with purple hair who agreed with me.
These people think they’re the normal ones. That’s wild.
Wherever I went they tried blocking me in. Usually I’d just Barry Sanders’ their asses, which the spicy 7 News reporter seemed to find amusing.
I was so tempted to go through this guy’s legs.
I just didn’t trust him not to close the draw bridge while I was entering.
The Newton Police did a fine job. Especially this officer who seemed to know who I was and followed me around keeping Antifa at bay.
But nobody knows what Turtleboy is, or something.
Then there was my biggest fan:
He doesn’t understand how copyright works and thought our video would be taken down if he played Michael Jackson near my phone. Unfortunately for him I’m demonetized on everything so joke’s on him. And what’s up with this other dude making jokes that I give men felattio?
Why is that an insult? Is there something wrong with men making sweet love to other men? If so, why are you wearing a rainbow flag handkerchief?
My favorite people there were the normal looking high school kids who cracked up at my Michael Jackson joke.
You can’t set me up for that and expect not to get dunked on. Michael Jackson would 1,000% approve of drag shows for kids. If you’re on the same side as Michael Jackson on issues pertaining to children, you might wanna reconsider your position. Just sayin.
Another Antifa chick made the mistake of attempting to dunk on me for my court record. Unfortunately for her she didn’t check the scoreboard.
How come nobody ever beats me up in public? For years I was told I was a coward for hiding behind anonymity. Well, I’m out of the shell now and can’t seem to find anyone who’s willing to kick my ass.
I miss my friends so much already.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure this is the attorney who represented the Boston Marathon bomber and Rachael Rollins when she was held in contempt a few years ago.
Shocking seeing her there.
Anyway, at the end of the video a Newton North student news reporter interviewed me, and he was by far the most talented person I met there. I was happy to answer his questions and explain my positions, because the poor kid probably only hears one side of every story and has been brainwashed into believing that drag queen shows for kids are normal. It’s not. And I’m here to infuse a bit of sanity into an otherwise insane world.