Video Evidence Shows “Victim” Beaten By Men Outside Of Salem Bar Was Actually The Instigator, Brother Is Backup Dancer From Billerica Rap Video

Many people sent us a link to a viral Facebook post in October, alleging that a man was responsible for assaulting the OP’s sister at a bar in Salem.
Since this is normally the kind of person we find the identity of, many people were confused whey we never blogged about it. There were two main reasons.
- No evidence that the man in the image was responsible for causing that damage.
- Tyler Byrne is one of the backup dancers from the Billerica rap video we profiled in April.
He also doesn’t like to pay for fans at Walmart and has a tendency to get arrested.
Rizzy himself commented on the thread in full hardo mode, claiming that he’d be “riding out” on the alleged woman beater because he planned on going to jail himsefl in November.
“I’ll see you in there homie.”
You know you’ve got life by the balls when you RSVP your next slumber party in jail.
Byrne’s sister Jayda was presented as the victim of a random beating in the media and by witnesses, while three people who allegedly attacked her (including a father and son duo) were charged. From her account she seemed like a completely innocent victim.
Byrne, a nursing student at Salem State University and a native of Woburn, told 7NEWS that she was walking to her car with a friend when they got dragged into an ongoing altercation outside the restaurant. Byrne says she lost teeth and suffered lacerations to her head, in addition to being left with a concussion and body bruising.
“I just blacked out and I just remember getting up and I spit my teeth in my hand,” she recalled. “How these people just randomly started something, I don’t know how I ended up getting involved in it.”
Her “friend” (who was really her boyfriend) was also arrested for assaulting a police officer and had a knife on him, but only because he wanted to protect his girlfriend.
William Martines, a friend of Byrne’s, was arrested after he allegedly approached one of the officers and shoved him in the chest during the scuffle. Statements and videos later provided by witnesses indicate Xavier Negron initiated a fight with Martines by chasing him around and punching him in the face outside of the restaurant, according to police. Negron’s father — Angel — was also said to be seen punching Martines.
She claimed her head was also slammed into the ground and kicked.
Negron is also accused of grabbing Byrne and slamming her head into the pavement, allowing Ricko to kick the victim as she lay helpless on the ground. Police say another woman was assaulted in an attempt to shield Byrne and prevent further injury.
“A witness saw me getting attacked and tried to jump in and help me,” Byrne said of the second victim. “She ended up getting punched by the same guy.”
Xavier Negron was arrested at the scene and booked on charges including two counts of assault and battery and one count of assault and battery with a deadly weapon to wit the ground.

But according to the Salem News the whole thing turned out to be a lie.
Lawyers for a man and woman charged with assaulting another woman during a brawl outside a downtown Salem bar last October say video they have obtained contradicts witness statements and parts of a police report. The attorneys for Amanda Ricko and Xavier Negro say the video, from cameras outside the Peabody Essex Museum, suggests that at a minimum, Jayda Byrne, 20, a Salem State University student from Woburn, was more of a mutual combatant than innocent bystander who told news media that she was “dragged” into the fight while simply walking to her car with a friend in the early morning hours of Oct. 12.
In the museum video, which Stone and Dullea showed to a reporter, Byrne’s friend William Martines, 20, of Billerica, can be seen in a fight with Xavier Negron outside the Village Tavern on Essex Street. Martines, who was later charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and violating the city’s knife ordinance, was part of a group with Byrne that night, Stone said. As the video continues, Byrne is seen running up behind Xavier Negron and making contact with him. He turns and punches her. Stone said his client, a Navy veteran and criminal justice major at Bay State College, didn’t realize that he’d hit a woman and was simply reacting to being struck. Ricko then appeared to kick Byrne. The video does not show Xavier Negron slamming Byrne’s head into the pavement, as suggested in witness statements and a police report.
Moments later, as the Negrons and Ricko are walking away, Byrne is seen approaching them from behind and striking Ricko, who landed on the pavement and lost consciousness. She was taken to Salem Hospital, with her eye swollen shut and abrasions on her face. Byrne also suffered abrasions and a gash over her eye. She told reporters in October that she lost teeth.
Remember her quote:
“How these people just randomly started something, I don’t know how I ended up getting involved in it.”
Oh, I know the answer to that one Jayda. You saw your boyfriend fighting and thought it would be a wise decision to hit the chinstrap he was exchanging blows with. You then became collateral damage. Later on you had a chance to let them walk away, but instead you went after them while they were leaving and knocked the woman unconscious. Quite frankly everyone in this story sounds terrible.
The Judge seems to agree that the video is not good for the “victims.”
Judge Randy Chapman also watched the video before setting the bail.
“I’m not sure I’d describe it as exculpatory,” said the judge, “but it would appear there was some degree of mutual affray here.”
Like I said, everyone in this story sounds horrible. You have one tough guy with a chin strap who apparently goes out to the bar with his 50 year old father and gets into fights with guys in skinny jeans. You have another woman who’s related to a backup dancer in a Rizzy parking lot video who can’t keep her hands to herself and lies to the media and the police. The bottom line is you can’t trust any of them, and I feel completely vindicated NOT blogging about this story when tattoo face first posted about it in October.
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