
We Have Identified Chase Bliss Colasurdo, The Man Arrested By The FBI For Multiple Credible Death Threats Against Ben Shapiro


According to TMZ a psychopath who has been sending conservative influencer and editor of The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro death threats has been arrested by the FBI.

Ben Shapiro, the conservative talk show host and editor of The Daily Wire, was the target of serious death threats and the suspect has just been arrested … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us, Shapiro, who frequently appears on cable news shows and has a hugely popular podcast, filed a police report with the LAPD. We’re told the threats were not just against Shapiro but his family as well. He’s married with one daughter. We’re told the Department got in touch with the FBI and created a joint task force to hunt down the culprit. Our sources say a man was arrested Wednesday in Washington state for making the threats. We’re told these threats were “extremely serious” … not just someone blowing off steam. 

TMZ, Fox News, and several media outlets have reported on the arrest, but the identity of the suspect has not been revealed. We have identified the culprit though. This is Chase Bliss Colasurdo from Seattle.

His Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is filled with anti-semitic death threats aimed at varying individuals, and has a special fascination with Shapiro. Keep in mind when you see some of these images that our Instagram account was deactivated with no given reason a few months ago, and we’ve had 38 business pages removed by Facebook in the last 18 months.

Editor’s Note: Because Google AdSense bots cannot recognize the difference between actual anti-semitism and journalists who expose anti-semitism, we have blocked out many of the violent and anti-semitic threats. For a completely unedited version of this blog click here to read it on Turtleboy Sports, since that site’s already been blacklisted by AdSense.

I’ve reported all of these to see what would happen, and to the surprise of no one they are still up. Those are just the anti-semitic posts though. This is clearly a death threat:

As is this:

And this:

He posted a video on BitChute entitled, “E****** Jared Kushner” (a Jew) and has a YouTube channel that includes a video that makes reference to murdering Jews.


He really doesn’t like Jews:

He watched surviving members of the recent shooting at a Jewish synagogue in San Diego speak the other day and suggested that they should meet the same fate.

He mocked their grieving.

He also has an odd, and sexually violent obsession with one of Shapiro’s employees, Kassy Dillon:

He claims the FBI spoke to him 4 days ago about the posts, but it sounds like the ravings a madman.

He quoted the recent San Diego killer and seems to idolize people like him.

To the surprise of nobody it looks like he has no luck with the ladies.

In November of 2017 the Washington State Department of Health issued a press release listing health care providers who were disciplined by the state agency. Chase Bliss Colasurdo was on that list for multiple convictions of assault.

He’s a 2010 graduate from Lake Washington High School, indicating that he’s likely 26 or 27 years old.

The irony here is that conservatives are almost always blamed for the rise of anti-semitism in the United States. This is patently ridiculous since Shapiro is a Jew, while Donald Trump has Jewish grandkids and is the most pro-Israel President in American history. Others blame radical liberals like Ilhan Omar for her well documented series of anti-semitics statements. But the fact of the matter is that this guy is just a terrible person. He’s not motivated by Trump or Omar or anything except his own internal hatred of Jewish people.

What I like about the way Shapiro handled this is he went to the cops and had him arrested. The fashionable thing for virtue signaling social justice warriors on Twitter these days is to whine about death threats and use it as a way to push for censorship of speech that is critical of you. Just look at the reaction a couple weeks ago when Trump tweeted out the EXACT WORDS Ilhan Omar used when referencing the 9/11 attacks – “some people did something.” She complained about it for a week and there was a campaign to have Trump removed from Twitter for “inciting violence.” Because being a victim is what people like Ilhan Omar, Jussie Smollett, and countless others on the left want. Ben Shapiro acted like an adult and handled it in an adult way. More people should try doing this.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries

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