Law and Order

West Newbury Mom Uses Teenage Sons In Elaborate Scam To Steal $12K Ring At Rockingham Mall From Guy She Met On Facebook


This is Kelly Zamer from the Haverhill area.


She’s a mother of 2 who has lived in West Newbury, Haverhill, North Andover, Dover NH, Charlotte NC, Miami, and possibly Lawrence. She likes to film herself on her YouTube channel driving around with her unrestrained kids giving complicated orders at McDonald’s and singing.


She also may or may not have another son named Jerimaih (Jerry) Reyes, who was featured in this video.


Last week she saw a man named Sam selling his engagement ring on Facebook marketplace and said she wanted to buy it off of him. They messaged and agreed to meet at Kay Jewelers in the Rockingham Mall in Salem, NH to authenticate the stone. But it was all part of a scam that may have involved her two teenage sons, which ended up going terribly wrong for her:



This vaj bunny has probably pulled this scam before, since she was prepared enough to bring a fake ring with her, hand it off to the jeweler to clean it, and then have her teenage sons in the food court ready to help her out. Props to Sam for sniffing that one out. If he had waited for the jeweler to clean it she would’ve been long gone. She tried to weaponize her femininity by pretending to be a damsel in distress being attacked by an aggressive male who was likely trying to kidnap her into sex slavery, and almost definitely was planning on handing off the ring to her sons in case she was questioned.

A quick Google search for Kelly shows that she owns a jewelry company in Miami.

Stealing your inventory and then reselling it is a great way to increase your profit margins.

How did she end up Miami? Well, according to divorce documents from Essex County Probate and Family court, she moved there to get mental health treatment in 2019, and her ex-husband James was given full custody of their kids.

Nobody movs from Massachusetts to Florida for the healthcare. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that she moved there to get stuffed by some loser dumb enough to take her in, and she occasionally comes back up here to use her kids to help her acquire more inventory.


In her ex-husband’s after Davids he claimed that she has open DCF cases, often behaves erratically in front of the boys, and was institutionalized for 2 weeks in Newburyport. He also claims that she neglects the boys, moved to New Hampshire without permission, and that their son went missing.




Being a ratchet deadbeat who doesn’t pay her bills and steals from other people is nothing new for the Merrimack Valley Vaj Bunny. She’s been brought to housing court twice for not paying rent in her West Newbury government subsidized housing projects


She’s been charged with larceny in Haverhill District Court.


And she was charged a few years ago with operating an uninsured, unregistered vehicle without a license, and failing to notify the RMV about where she lived.


She also tried scamming the courts by initially presenting herself as the victim in order to obtain custody, alleging that her ex-husband was an abuser.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. But he hasn’t ended up on Turtleboy after stalking, targeting, and trying to scam a guy out of a $12K ring, so I’m gonna go ahead and assume that everything she says is a lie. Plus, she’s a skankapotomus uses her non-custodial 16 and 17 year old sons as part of her elaborate Rockingham Mall scams, and calls it quality bonding time. Good on Sam for using social media to give her the public shaming she earned.



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