Media Fails

Western Mass News Reporter Prints Lies From Springfield Parent Accusing 10 Year Old West Springfield Girls Basketball Team Of Using Racial Slurs And Violence


This is Devonne Rivera (Cumba) from Springfield.

She has a 10 year old daughter named Amaiyah who plays for a youth basketball team out of Springfield called the Wilshire Spirits. Last week they played a Catholic Youth Organization girl’s team from West Springfield, and she claims that the little girls on West Springfield were violent racists who inflicted serious injuries upon the Springfield girls while calling them racial slurs:

So just to review:

  • She wasn’t there because she was out of town for her husband’s birthday
  • Despite not being there she insists that a 10 year old girl on the other team called her daughter an “ugly black monkey”
  • The girls on the other team laughed as they injured players on the Springfield team
  • The girls on the Springfield team were shaken to their core after being called bitches and pussies, presumably because they had never heard those words before while growing up in Springfield
  • The other team has two white coaches who encouraged this racist and violent behavior
  • She ordered her daughter to respond by pushing girls on the other team because she “DO NOT PLAY” about her children
  • Over half the girls on the Springfield team left the game with serious injuries, both emotional and physical
  • They were supposed to play again but the Springfield coach cancelled the game because the other team of 10 year old girls is too racist and violent
  • She blamed this on St. Thomas, which had nothing to do with the game, as the game was simply played at their facility

What she’s describing obviously did not happen, and only a very stupid person would believe that a violent group of racist 10 year old girls from West Springfield were allowed to behave like this at the encouragement of their white coaches during a basketball game. Especially with no video. The most obvious lie was the “ugly black monkey” comment, which you’d have to be extremely naive to believe happened without any push back from parents, coaches, or the refs.

But online mobs don’t care about facts, evidence, logic, or common sense, so they immediately did what they always do – blindly shared her story. They began to organize a harassment campaign of St. Thomas School, and demand that the unaffiliated CYO team ban a bunch of 10 year old girls from playing basketball.

Despite not being at the game Devonne began to call out specific 10 year old girls from West Springfield by their numbers, in order to encourage bullying and intimidation of other people’s children.

She used stochastic terrorism by spreading lies and misinformation in the hopes that people would threaten and intimidate girls on the other team. It worked, as a man named Fabio C. Katt called the girls on the other team “little bitches,” said that they would be the “crybaby victims” after violence was inflicted upon them, and promised that they would get beaten up by high school girls for their actions.

This is the face of a dangerous man who seeks to inflict pain, suffering, and violence on 10 year old girls.

He is an immediate threat to the community and should be kept away from small children at all costs. Devonne encouraged his violent threats.

Devonne also urged her followers to blindly share her post in the hopes that the media would catch wind of it.

No reputable media outlet would ever defame a CYO girl’s basketball team based solely on an unconfirmed story they read on Facebook. But luckily for them Western Mass News is not a real media outlet. A quick look at their Facebook page shows that they mostly just share stories from around the country without doing any real reporting themselves.

A few years ago “Western Mass” News had the best local reporter in the state named James Villalobos on their staff. James investigated the disappearance of Springfield man Achim Bailey better than anyone, and famously got an interview with a man named Dante Pagan who found Bailey’s phone and said several suspicious things that led people to believe he was hiding something.

However, Western Mass News paid him poorly and disrespected his work, so Villalabos now works independently and is thriving. They are now left with this woman to report the news:

Her name is Paris Tanner, and although she may be pleasant to look at, she doesn’t care much about investigating or finding out the truth.  Luckily she’s in the right line of work as she’s more interested in churning out clickbait outrage in order to please her corporate masters. Paris published a story smearing the church after “parents reached out to the newsroom” and told them that a team full of 10 year old girls violently assaulted another team while calling them black monkeys.

As you can see, Paris made no attempt to reach out to players or parents on the other team, she never asked to see any video evidence, and she wrongly stated that it was a St. Thomas School affiliated team that was responsible for the racial slurs and violence. Her reporting consisted of taking unconfirmed anecdotes from Springfield parents who reached out to her, and allowing them to accuse the other team of racism without asking any questions. Paris made no attempt to speak with the two refs who the Springfield parents claim allowed one team to hurl racial obscenities at and inflict violence on the other team. Now the Springfield team is refusing to play the West Springfield team because they refuse to apologize for something that obviously never happened.

In the comments there were some simpletons like Ryan McCollum who believed that it was up to the West Springfield team to prove that nothing happened, rather than placing the burden of proof on the accuser.

For Devonne it was mission accomplished, as she thanked Paris Tanner for her half-assed “reporting” that defamed a bunch of innocent 10 year old girls.

However, some commenters did alert Western Mass News to the fact that they published blatantly defamatory “news.”

West Side parents we spoke with anonymously are telling a very different story. They allege that:

  • Springfield parents were urging their daughters to get more physical and hurt players on the West Springfield team
  • At one point a Springfield girl slapped one of the West Side girls in the face
  • A Springfield girl grabbed a West Side from behind by her pony tail and slammed her to the ground by her hair
  • The only racial slurs came from Springfield parents and players
  • One of the Springfield coaches threatened a ref
  • West Side is refusing to play Springfield because of the online threats from Devonne Cumba’s friends on Facebook
  • The West Side coach and both refs were Hispanic. This is the coach:

The CYO program released a statement after the Western Mass Fake News story came out that stated the following:

  • The game was actually played at Wilshire gym in Springfield, and was supervised by Wilshire officials and refs chosen by Wilshire
  • All of the refs deny everything that these parents claim happened
  • The coaches of both teams were cordial and shook hands after the game
  • The refs said that the game was relatively clean and they didn’t have to issue any technical fouls
  • Springfield coaches and officials refused to meet with the CYO coordinator to discuss what happened
  • Springfield was actually the one who cancelled the next game
  • West Side cancelled all remaining games because Springfield wouldn’t meet with them to discuss safety issues due to online threats
  • There were no St. Thomas students on the CYO team, which was not affiliated with the school as Western Mass News said it was
  • Paris Tanner did not reach out to anyone from West Side for comment

Paris Tanner could’ve discovered all of this on her own, but that would require doing actual journalism. Paris isn’t a reporter, she’s a left wing BLM activist:

She had an agenda going into the story and wanted to report the fantasy instead of the reality in order to align it with her confirmation bias. She should be deeply ashamed of herself, and if Western Mass News had any integrity they would fire her immediately.


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