What Are The Top 50 Most Influential Blogs In Turtleboy History?
We’ve published over 20,000 blogs on Turtleboy Sports and Turtleboy Daily News, gotten nearly 150 million page views, built and then rebuilt social media pages with hundreds of thousands of followers, and overcome unprecedented attempts at censorship and cancelling since our inception in 2014. I like to think of Turtleboy as both entertainment and investigative journalism. In 2014 I wrote a blog now known as Busgate that really helped Turtleboy begin to become what it is today, but although that blog was very popular it really didn’t lead to any changes. Ratchets are always going to ratchet.
The blogs I’m most proud of are the ones that lead to the problem we highlighted getting fixed. Some critics wrongly suggest that Turtleboy is not real journalism, but the facts suggest otherwise. Next week I will be putting together a list of the 50 most effective, influential blogs in Turtleboy history. To make the list the blog (or blog series) should include as many of the following as possible:
- original reporting that was not initially reported by another media outlet
- a problem that was exposed, which then acted as a catalyst for an institution fixing that problem
- a false mainstream narrative being debunked
- information in the blog was later reported by other media outlets (with or without citation)
- investigative journalism, by speaking with sources and obtaining documents that one else has
I will be doing a countdown of the Top 50 blogs starting on Monday with #50-41, then 40-31 on Tuesday, and so forth until the top 10 on Friday. After that I’m going to be looking to put together a professionally done YouTube video with a voiceover, counting down the top blogs. If you have any suggestions on people or companies to hire for this, or would like me to hire you, please email me at [email protected] with your suggestions and/or links to professionally done videos.
If you have any suggestions for blogs that you believe should be included in the top 50 feel free to email [email protected] as well. I have a pretty solid list so far, but on last night’s live show a lot of people suggested stories I’d overlooked.
P.S. I’ll also be republishing the Turtleboy Sports blogs prior to 2019 on TB Daily News, since that is our primary website now and the classics should really be on there.