Fun Facebook Posts

Woman Warns Hudson Moms Group About Three Men Who Plotted To Sex Traffic Her 11 Month Old Baby In Market Basket


This is Anna Grace Perry from Boston.

She was in a Hudson Moms Facebook group yesterday warning other local mothers about some harrowing experiences she’s had in town.

Just to review:

  • Her husband saw a man in Walgreens who looked at him and walked in the same direction as he did, and immediately assumed that the man was attempting to snatch his three year old son
  • She was in Market Basket with her 11 month old baby when she heard one man in a group of three men say “we need a baby,” while looking at her baby, so she stared them down like an angry mother lion defending her cub until they abandoned their sinister plot to steal the child from her in the grocery store
  • She’s not a suspicious person by nature, even though she walks around assuming anyone who looks at her child in public is a sex trafficker looking to steal her semen demons out of her hands

I found the culprits!

Turns out she’s far from the only woman in Hudson dodging these sex traffickers.

Goodness gracious! A woman wearing a scarf in January? She almost kidnapped The Little Rascals!

Others expressed how sorry they were that this “happened” to her.


What exactly happened? Well, she saw strangers in a public place and immediately thought the worst of them, so it was all pretty traumatic.


The Walmart was also identified as an unsafe place to bring your children.

A third hand story about someone “approaching” someone else, who then abandoned their idea to get in the car and go home, and instead called 911 and tied up police resources on her imagination. You can never be too safe though!

Then there were the “get your LTC” Moms.

Telling paranoid women to get guns and ammo when they think everyone that looks at them is a sex trafficker. What could possibly go wrong?

White women everywhere were scared for their lives!


Also, the COVID pandemic has created a serious shortage in the supply of sex trafficked children, according to Lysa Miller’s friend who spoke to police somewhere in Maine.

In fairness, there was a Hudson man in 2020 who tried to kidnap a girl in Worcester. Except it happened outside in one of the worst neighborhoods in Worcester, the guy is clearly on all sorts of drugs, and the second he put hands on her he was stopped.

This is basically the same thing as three gay guys (probably) inside a grocery store talking about how they wish they had a baby.

Meanwhile in nearby Northborough there are 6 year olds attempting to kidnap 4 year olds at Target!

When will it end?

Others pointed out that child trafficking is in fact very real, and it almost always happens in well lit public places during broad daylight.

As usual, absolutely nobody attempted to talk these women into the idea that Anna possibly could be imagining an entirely improbable scenario where sex traffickers plotted to steal her baby at Market Basket, and that in all likelihood she was misinterpreted what she was and was completely safe the entire time.

And the community is now safer for it. Thank you for your service Anna, and congratulations for your induction into the Pumpkin Spice Mafia.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries