Law and Order

Worcester Attorney Puts Out Job Ad For Associate Attorney Who Must Hate The Police, No Exceptions


This is Worcester Attorney William Blackwood.

This low rent Rick Wilson runs a law firm called WORDefense, that advertises its services primarily as criminal defense, landlord/tenant disputes, and firearms.

He apparently is looking to expand his operation and needs to hire an associate attorney, so he placed an ad on Indeed offering between $30-65 an hour, which seems kind of low for an attorney. But there is one catch:

You have to hate police. No exceptions. His office is already dedicated with ACAB and pig murals.

So it’s kind of awkward if you don’t hate police.

I feel putting together a team of crooked attorneys and ex-cons who hate the police isn’t the best way to attract serious clients who are trying to stay out of jail. But at least he’s focusing on what matters in court:

On Wednesdays he wears pink, but only for defendants charged with violent crimes. Judges never give you the maximum when you and your attorney show up looking like flamingos.

Anyway, he can be found at 11 Foster Street, so if you have your license to practice law, you don’t mind making as much as the receptionist, you like to wear pink on Wednesdays, you have a criminal record, and the thought of a molotov cocktail burning a cop car gets you semi-erect, then give poindexter here a call.


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