Worcester City Official Expresses Support For Protesters Who Wrote “F 12” On WPD Car, Local White Woman Demands Black City Councilor Resign For Not Voting To Defund Police
Worcester isn’t nearly as radical as cities like Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. It’s liberal, but the people here still generally support the police and elect politicians who are democrats, but more middle of the road. We do have one crazy woman named Sarai Rivera, AKA Ti-ti Ho, but her influence is minimal.
Two weeks ago the City Council unanimously voted to not defund the police and all was well. Then the protesters, most of who do not live in Worcester, began demanding that Worcester defund the police because they’re racist or something, even though there’s zero evidence of that. However, it got City Councilor Khrystian with a Kh King to decide that it was time to vote on the budget again.
King, Tuesday night, said he wants to reallocate funds from the police department to provide a cultural hub within Black communities and create a case manager in health and human services. He also wants money to be used for a social worker that could be part of a jail diversion initiative. Last week, the council approved an order from King that requested that Augustus work with Superintendent Maureen Binienda to adjust the school budget to eliminate or reduce the charge for assigned police officers. It further requested Augustus to reallocate those funds to the positions of a school social worker and/or adjustment counselor. King cited jail division social workers in Framingham. Councilor Gary Rosen pointed to a program in Eugene, Oregon.
King, Tuesday night, said he wants to reallocate funds from the police department to provide a cultural hub within Black communities and create a case manager in health and human services. He also wants money to be used for a social worker that could be part of a jail diversion initiative.
So we’re going to get rid of cops and replace them with social workers. Sounds like a well thought out plan.
Keep in mind, Kh King also introduced a “no Turtleboy” rule at a City Council meeting one time, so stunts like this are just kind of his thing. (12b)
Luckily the final vote was 8-3 against defunding the police. The three who voted in favor of it were:
- Kh King
- Ti-ti Ho
- Gary Rosen, who oddly resembles a bridge troll with an impeccable fashion sense
Gary famously took a teaching job in Southbridge about 15 years ago because he wanted to prove that he could still reach inner city kids. But he quit after a couple months because he really doesn’t like being around Puerto Rican children who refer to him as “yo mistah.” This is just a sad, pathetic move from a pandering idiot who doesn’t want to run again and has run out of fucks to give.
While the meeting was going on this happened in the City Hall garage.
This is exactly why you don’t give these assholes an inch. Because they’re terrible people who do terrible things, and they exist to hate the police. No adult should ever take them seriously. Like this person.
Your representation doesn’t represent you? Whatever that means. But I guess when you don’t get your way it’s appropriate to write “Fuck 12” on police cars now.
Jennifer Gaskin actually has power in the City of Worcester because she sits on the Worcester Redevelopment Authority which is responsible for urban renewal planning, land acquisition, business relocation, demolition of obsolete structures, site testing/preparation and public improvements. She stood by her post, stating that it’s OK to trash police cars because people rioted after the Red Sox won the World Series.
Here’s their email: [email protected]
The protesters just can’t take the L and go home, particularly this woman.
Samantha Anne Martin has been desperately trying to get them to vote on it again. She even started a petition, like a real grown up would!
The people she’s going after (Kate Toomey, Moe Bergman) are entrenched City Councilors who have a 0.0% chance of ever losing. That’s just how things work in Worcester. Old people on the West Side vote. They live in nice neighborhoods and they appreciate the police who keep their neighborhoods from becoming Vernon Hill. All your phone calls won’t fix that.
She has her Q Anon hat on and believes the cops tagged their own car.
She insists the protesters were peaceful, and is upset with “Joe” Bergman, who she booed vey loudly on his Facebook page.
This was my favorite part.
- Joe Petty voted not to defund the police, he just tells you what you wanna hear and you’re dumb so you fall for it.
- You’re not removing anyone. Protesters always say they’re going to replace the City Council, but none of them ever vote. People in Worcester by and large support the police and will be voting all those people back into office in 2021.
- Sean Rose is black.
Ya got that? The progressive white woman who claims to care about black people is demanding that a black man step down from the City Council because she didn’t vote the way her white ass told him to. Sounds a little bit, racist.
Racist Sam made this video that cracked me up too.
“They’ve been trying to silence the voices of the minority council members.”
No one was silenced. Everyone voted who they wanted to.
She’s got a fool proof plan though.
“Yet again white people in power oppressing people. If they ignore this petition then we’re gonna have another petition to end the police department as it is.”
Watch out now! If this petition doesn’t work, well, there’s gonna be more petitions coming your way. That matters.
My favorite quote:
“Declare racism a public health emergency. COVID is down here, racism is up here.”
Imagine thinking that racism was more of a threat to public health than a virus that’s killed 120,000 people in this country? Yikes.
Then gain, this is a vey, very dumb person who thinks she’s helping black people by showing up to local businesses and harassing business owners on their property when they make Facebook posts she doesn’t like.
See that cop there? Your protest necessitated that. He’s getting paid right now. You just increased funding for the police. You did the same by demanding more training for cops, because they don’t work for free either.
Good for the City Councilors who did the right thing and ignored these meaningless, idiotic protesters. The Worcester Police do a great job, and the only people who want them defunded are losers who hate the police in general.
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