Poor Behavior

Worcester Guttermuppets Steal Missing Pet Trail Camera, Don’t Realize It’s Filming Them While They Smoke Crack


A woman in Worcester who volunteers to find lost pets made a Facebook post yesterday alerting the public that one of her trail cameras they had under a porch was stolen by crackheads who can’t seem to figure out how to turn it off. Consequently they unknowingly filmed themselves smoking crack afterwards in what is quite possibly the most Worcester thing I’ve ever seen.

Someone has to recognize at least one member of the Crackpipe Mafia.


Methface Martha looks to be about 78 years old, which means she’s probably 36 in Worcester years.

This is honestly one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. They can’t access the video and have no use for the camera. But they stole it and apparently have no idea its recording them, so this could be days of entertainment. And even though crackheads like this have zero shame it would still be worthwhile to name and shame them just in case. Email me at [email protected] if you know who they are, because this is methed up!



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One Comment

  1. $20 says most of them contact Kearney themselves inquiring if they can be paid for an interview. There’s no shaming 🐩💩, these douchbags could care less, trust me I know!

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