Worcester Man Avoids Exercise By Parking In Handicapped Spot At Home Depot Despite Many Empty Spaces Further Away
Here is your daily reminder that parking in handicapped spots when you are able bodied is illegal, and doing so runs you the risk of well deserved public shaming.
Where are you supposed to park? Well, if you’re a contractor then you’re in luck because they have a contractor pickup lane that’s actually closer than the handicapped spots.
Didn’t take long for him to be identified.
Meet Worcester’s finest, Steve Ryback.
You know he’s a winner because he trades in his work boots for boat shoes the first chance he gets, poses for bathroom selfies, and takes hardo workout mirror pictures……..at Planet Fitness.
Planet Fitness might be a judgement free zone, but Facebook certainly is not. And if you’re an able bodied person parking in a handicapped spot we will indeed judge you. Plus, he lives in Worcester. He knows what Turtleboy is, and he knows the risk he takes doing something like this. I wish I had more hours in a day to expose every able bodied person who does this, because the amount of people who seem to think this is OK or no one else’s business is mind boggling. I got a guy you can all email now at [email protected] who has volunteered to help and identify all perps who do this so we can make the world a better place, one shaming at a time.
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I’m not 100% sure but it looks like there is no registration sticker on his. License plate