Worcester Man Practices Social Distancing By Trying To Establish Street Cred By Fighting Police Who Broke Up 50 Person Party Where Gunshots Were Fired

Continuing in our series today about why social distancing won’t work in the hood, I bring you the next installment out of Worcester in which some upstanding members of the community began shooting each other at a party with more than 50 people.
Doctors ad nurses are getting a lot of credit for being on the front lines of fighting the Chinese coronavirus, and rightfully so. But police are under-appreciated in this. They have no choice but to continue to touch and interact with some of the dirtiest people every day. People who come in contact with lots of other people because they’re not the kind of people to listen to Charlie Baker’s request that they stay home. It’s gotta be extremely easy for police to catch the commie cold.
Ghetto culture doesn’t buy into the idea that we’re all in this together. Ghetto culture is all about instant gratification, which is why they have chains instead of bank accounts, and 70 inch flat screen TV’s in section 8 apartments. When you’re genuinely surprised to reach the age of 30 you’re not afraid of coronavirus. We can all stay home and quarantine until the cows come home, but so long as these people aren’t doing their part it’s all going to be in vain.
This is Jason Rumrill, the token gringo at the party from the middle class Webster Square area, who had to earn his melanin by by getting arrested for threatening to fight a cop. Please, someone let a cop – any cop – fight this make a wish mongrel.
You know he’s legit because he gives the middle finger in every picture while sagging his skinny jeans. He also likes special time with friends where they can play cops and robbers on Snapchat.
He lives the glamorous ghetto fab life in Worcester, sipping the nectar of the hoodrat (Henny) in barren Worcester attics with his friends who wear whoopie cushions on their heads.
As you can see, his thug life cred has been established which allows him to use the n word freely on Facebook while hating on rival rappers.
Glad to see he got his permission back.
He’s also a big fan of TB apparently.
I guess it’s only appropriate that he make his TB Daily News debut then.
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