Worcester School Committee Member Who Voted To Close Schools Denies She Partied With Teachers While Not Wearing Masks Despite Photographic Evidence

Follow the science. That’s my motto. For instance, if President Anthony Fauci tells me that schools should be open and it’s completely safe to do so, then I think we should reopen schools.
“Close the bars and keep the schools open,” Dr. Anthony Fauci says, adding that while there is no solution that is “one size fits all,” the “best way to ensure the safety of the children in school is to get the community level of the spread low.” https://t.co/th9oAKhHYa pic.twitter.com/pDuTdQ0Vfp
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) November 29, 2020
The American Pediatrics Association unanimously agrees with Dr. Fauci, and has been urging the schools to reopen for months, since it’s not dangerous at all.
And since they’re all parents and doctors, I think it would be wise to listen to them because I follow the science.
Yet countless school districts across the country remain closed due to cowardly, uninformed School Committees who crap their pants at the prospect of the Teacher’s Union being mad at them. One of those districts is Worcester, where Superintendent Maureen Binienda, who I have been a long time supporter of, continues to ignore the science along with the 7 members of the School Committee.
They’re patting themselves on the back for remaining closed the entire time because that’s better than going from remote to hybrid then back to remote. This is the sort of lowered expectations you get when you live in Worcester.
Yet no one has ever asked why Worcester Tech teacher and union leader Jocelyn Coughlin, along with School Committee member Molly McCullough, weren’t disciplined for organizing super spreader events this summer with other teachers and friends. If you missed this blog from August read it here. In short, Jocelyn Coughlin constantly fear mongered and spread misinformation on Facebook in order to pressure the schools to remain closed, suggested that vocational kids could learn how to be carpenters remotely, then posted an album on Facebook entitled “COVID summah 2020” showing nearly 20 kids and their parents partying without masks on at Hampton Beach this summer.
In one of those pictures Jocelyn sat next to Molly McCullough without masks on.
They likely spread the virus like wildfire and directly contributed to the “spike in cases” that was then used to keep the schools closed. This is what they did while urging you to stay home, not visit your parents, and get fat with that diaper on your face.
Molly and Jocelyn are apparently good friends, and Jocelyn appeared at many campaign events and standouts with her.
What are the odds that the elected official would vote exactly how her party friend wanted her to? Guess they must be following the science together.
I pointed this out on the Masslive page and Molly McCullough actually responded with a whole bunch of gaslighting nonsense.
“I did not rent a beach home with a group of teacher in NH, nor am I in any of the pictures from Hampton. The only picture of me is in Worcester, next to my husband.”
Fact check – not true.
It’s disappointing that Molly would cause harm to children and parents in Worcester, disregard special ed and minority students who are being disproportionately hurt by the abusive practice of remote learning, and then lie about what they did when their is photographic evidence proving otherwise.
They’re drinking and partying with a bunch of other adults, none of who are wearing masks, including Jocelyn Coughlin. But apparently the virus only spreads at Hampton Beach, not Worcester (if that picture really is in Worcester). The mere fact that anyone this dumb is allowed to decide when schools is open is a failure of democracy.
My question is, what’s the punishment for this? According to the coronabros you are literally killing people by going out without masks on and not socially distancing. Donald Trump has been blamed for killing hundreds of thousands of people because of his failure to do so. Shouldn’t anyone who was caught doing this be fired or forced to resign? After all, they’re killing people. What’s worse than killing people? Of course the answer to that is, none of these people actually believe that COVID is very dangerous. None of them are afraid of it, nor should they be.
But how do you explain to a working parent in Worcester who did everything they were told to do, sacrificed their freedom and financial futures only to see the virus spread because people like Molly and Jocelyn ignored their own mandates, that their kids can’t go to school as a direct result of the behavior exhibited by the people telling them it’s too dangerous to go to school?
Here’s another question – why isn’t Charlie Baker making them reopen? He’s been urging and “asking” schools to reopen for weeks now.
Yet they just ignore and laugh at him. How come Charlie Baker didn’t “ask” businesses to close? He just told them they had to, something he has no constitutional authority to do, since they’re privately owned. But public schools are owned by the public, and he’s ultimately in charge of them. Why is he asking them to do the right thing instead of telling them to?
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