Law and Order

McGarvey’s Bouncers Previously Had GoFundMe For Bouncing Injuries, Threaten To Expose Us On Barstool Sports, Might Have Assaulted Deaf Man


Last night we published the names of the two bouncers from McGarvey’s bar in Manchseter who were caught on film curb stomping one patron, and assaulting a good samaritan who attempted to intervene. We have some updates on this story.

  1. Trevor Dyer, the bouncher who kicked the man’s head into the sidewalk, reactivated his Facebook page this morning just to message us, before deactivating once again.

Oh wow, I’m so scared. The guy who who was caught on film committing a felony is going to “come back” at me in a big way by post link to a free Wordpress blog that an anonymous Taunton ratchet wrote about me three years ago. This was a true masterpiece of journalism, and will surely be my downfall.

He moved to protect his son (entering school) from the real-life bullies and provide a better future for his two year old daughter.  Because those damn brownies (Aidan and his wife are confirmed racists) will corrupt them.  At least, that’s what they think.  I wouldn’t doubt they do a shittier job of child rearing than the crackhead with twenty kids on the corner of the street.  In fact, I would feel safer with my children being with a crackhead than I would with Aidan and his wife.  Who knows what they would try to do to them?  Here’s his wife and daughter:

Except my son wasn’t born at the time and brownies are the greatest dessert ever. Trevor is a diabolical genius.

He also says that this ground breaking piece of literature is “coming back out in a big way,” and will be appearing on Barstool Sports tomorrow. Perhaps they’ll have a new motto more fitting for Trevor – “Saturdays are for the sidewalks.”

2. The ballbag bouncer (Dustin Bourque) who assaulted the good samaritan, also previously had a GoFundMe, and you’ll never guess what it was for.

Yes, that’s right – he suffered from a bouncing related injury at a pizza place that prevented him from working. The most amazing part is that he was able to raise $2,000 for it. Just think of how much he could’ve made if someone curb stomped him and threw him into a snowbank.


3. We are getting word from a lot of people that the good samaritan is partially deaf, although we haven’t confirmed that with him and he’s been advised not to speak with us by his attorney. Potentially assaulting a disabled person who couldn’t hear what they were saying would make these d-bags even bigger villains than they already are.


4. Last year an ex-con charged at a cop with a knife after being involved in a confrontation outside of McGarvey’s, before a bouncer tackled him.

Good thing right? Well, it was until they found out that the bouncer had five felony convictions, and turned out to be the worst witness ever, leading to the defendant’s exoneration.

Sounds like this place is the only place easier than the Massachusetts State Police for felons to obtain employment.

We anxiously await the Manchester Police announcing the arrest of Dustin Bourque and Trevor Dyer, along with the dropping of charges against Brandon Pichette. And I’m personally looking forward to my debut on Barstool Sports tomorrow. Happy Friday turtle riders!


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