Communist Everett High School Vice Principal Has History Of Racist Tweets Made During School Hours While Schools Remain Closed
This is Everett High School Vice Principal Cory McCarthy.
He’s an accomplished high school basketball coach who left New Mission High School over the summer to take the new gig in Everett.
The Everett Public Schools have been remote all year, and McCarthy has been leading the charge to keep schools remote and cancel sports for kids.
He often writes incendiary, racist things on his wide open Twitter account that have caught the ire of many parents, and he does so during school hours when he’s supposed to be working. Yesterday he wrote this:
Translation – white people aren’t allowed to feel offended by anything, especially while unfairly being called racist. White people have an obscene amount of privilege, which is why white people like Rachel Dolezal pretend to be black for financial gain. Therefore they must shut up and listen when black folks like Cory McCarthy tell them they are racist. He tweeted that at 9:08 AM while school was in session, and thousands of black and brown students in Everett sat in their homes staring at their computers for “remote learning,” while their white peers in nearby towns attend fully opened schools. Literally the definition of systemic racism.
A parents group shared this tweet on Facebook, which led to blowback. He’s not worried though as he mocked them from his Twitter account during school hours.
On November 4 during schools hours he tweeted that black and brown students don’t have any “relatable” (black and brown) teachers until junior year, and that black and brown kids learn best by watching the “public executions” of other black and brown people.
As if the only way to relate to other human beings is by looking at the color of their skin. This is what he is teaching children.
He encourages racial tension, including when he wrongly predicted that there would be violence against people of color as a result of Joe Biden’s win.
He gets paid to teach a lot of webinars on “cultural competency,” but believes the biggest impact he can make is when he tells white people that they must believe him because he is a black man.
It’s just that simple. You can never question him due to the color of your skin, and more importantly the color of his skin. Just shut up and listen as your company pays him to lecture you about how racist you are.
On his Facebook page Cory can be seen proudly wearing a Che Guevara shirt.
On top of being a communist mass murderer who put innocent men, women, and children to death, Che was also an avowed racist who thought very little of black people in particular. This is a quote from his diary in regard to African communist revolutionaries he supported.
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing.”
Why is the Vice Principal of Everett High School a communist? Why is he openly supporting a racist murderer? How did such an unqualified, bigoted black man obtain such a position despite living in a systemically racist society that makes it impossible for black men to obtain any sort of power?
This summer he attacked Gerry Callahan for tweeting his opinion about Jacob Blake, despite the fact that Blake was shot while armed and trying to kidnap three children he did not have custody of after the woman he digitally raped while she was sleeping called the police on him due to him violating a restraining order.
This is an educator who intentionally shared fake news. Jacob Blake himself repeatedly has stated that he was armed with a knife that day and refused to drop it despite being tased. McCarthy shared news articles saying he wasn’t. What other lies is he teaching students at Everett High School? Luckily the heroic cop was able to stop Blake before he kidnapped three children, and paralyzed him so that he can never rape again. A vice principal advocating on behalf of a rapist seems like a bad example to set for female students at Everett High School.
Cory McCarthy pretty much talks about two things – the NBA and racism. I have no issue with his NBA takes, which are pretty accurate. However, his obsession with race, and his insistence on teaching black and brown kids that they are perpetual victims, is troubling.
He refers to himself as a “runaway slave,” and suggested that he would be lynched like Emmett Till if he littered at the Capitol.
He falsely teaches children that you are allowed to murder black people if you are white.
He claims that if he dislikes white people it just adds to their privilege.
Whatever that means.
He tweeted this in 2012.
He claims that his “burden as a black man” forces him to smell rotting corpses of lynching victims.
He falsely claimed that Rand Paul called Ilhan Omar the n word by suggesting that gaining perspective will make people realize how good they have it in the United States.
He said that the entire state of Florida was racist because they voted for the most competent governor in the country, instead of a drug addicted socialist, because the governor (Ron DeSantis) is white and the socialist (Andrew Gillum) is black.
He says that he is at the mercy of “old rich white men with the stench of slave blood n Native American genocide fresh in their cupboards.”
Reminder – this man supposed to be a role model for children.
He tweeted that everyone who voted for Trump did so because they were endorsing racism and hate.
Roughly 28% of parents in Everett voted for Donald Trump, which likely means that close to 500 students in the high school come from Trump-supporting homes. Their VP publicly called their parents racists, but luckily for him they’re not allowed to complain about that.
How convenient.
This one was deep.
As was his declaration that Kanye West is no longer allowed to be black because he supported Trump.
Joe Biden agrees – you ain’t black if you don’t vote for him.
Some may argue that this is his Twitter account and that it’s OK to express opinions if they are outside of school as a private citizen.
- That’s not how social media works. Anything you post on Facebook or Twitter is a reflection of your employer.
- He admits that he’s teaching kids this stuff in school.
And just like Monica Cannon-Grant is rewarded and lauded by the media for being a bigot because they are afraid to be called racist too, Cory McCarthy was nominated for the 2021 Black Excellence on the Hill award (imagine, just for a moment, if a White Excellence on the Hill award existed).
The woman he is thanking, Priya Tahiliani, is the superintendent of the Everett Public Schools. Yesterday she made the news when she complained at a School Committee meeting that too many white parents and teachers were voicing their concerns about schools reopening.
Teachers in Everett are fired up after seeing a presentation from Superintendent Priya Tahiliani Monday night at the school committee meeting.
“We’re just extremely disappointed that the conversation went away from a safe reopening,” said Kim Auger, president of the Everett Teachers Association.
Tahiliani said she received hundreds of concerns from teachers about reopening schools too quickly, and she broke down those emails by race. Tahiliani said she received hundreds of concerns from teachers about reopening schools too quickly, and she broke down those emails by race
“Of the 225 emails we received, 0.01 percent were from people of color,” said Tahiliani. “That is not reflective of our teacher population which is 12 percent people of color, and it’s not reflective of our student population, which is 82 percent of color.”
They received 225 emails and only 0.01% were from people of color? One percent of 225 is 2.25, so we’ll just call that 2. But 0.01% is 0.025. So of the 225 people who emailed, just a small fraction of one of those emailers was black or brown. Not even a whole black person. Maybe just a toe.
Either way, who cares? White people are bad now because they’re concerned about school reopening and voice their opinions with the city government? It’s white people’s fault that black and brown people don’t write emails to the School Committee? The ultra liberal teacher’s union that normally would parrot this sort of race baiting nonsense was aghast that the tables were turned on them.
Auger says teachers are advocating for the safety of themselves and their students no matter their race. But Tahiliani says race matters in this conversation, and she admits it’s uncomfortable for some to hear that.
“There is a difference between advocacy and representation, and I think sometimes that gets lost and as a person of color and as a leader of color, I do think it’s important for us to remember that,” said Tahiliani.
In fairness, the superintendent is the one who wants to open schools, and she’s basically saying that the overwhelmingly white teacher’s union is doing all the talking instead of the parents of black and brown kids who are forced to sit at home because the white teachers are scared of a virus.
Tahiliani says she understands teachers’ concerns about reopening, but she also feels it’s safe to reopen schools as COVID numbers drop in Everett, and she hopes the reopening plans will consider all voices from this diverse city.
“There’s often a statement made that decisions are made by those who show up to the table and that we need to make sure we’re getting the right people at the table,” said Tahiliani. “But the reality is, is that, there are people missing from that table.”
I kind of hate the superintendent, but I kind of love her too. Either way I understand how her obsession with race would lead her to supporting a bigot like Cory McCarthy, who has no business being around children.
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