TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 130: Disgraced FBI Agent Jennifer Coffindaffer Accidentally Reveals She Is Being Sent Information By DA Morrissey’s Office


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In Part 111 of the Canton Cover-up series we wrote about disgraced FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer, who uses her Twitter account with 70K followers to post disinformation about the Karen Read case by presenting herself as an expert. She has no background in murders, and doesn’t know the first thing about how the courts work. She accidentally revealed in one post that Chris Albert was her source of information, as she loudly defended Colin Albert and claimed that he was not in the house the night John O’Keefe was murdered. One of the images she posted of Colin, which she claims was taken on February 9, appears to depict a photoshopped version of Colin’s knuckle.

But it appears as if Chris Albert is not the only person she is acting as a mouthpiece for. On August 31 Coffindaffer posted a ridiculous tweet that would normally be laughable it weren’t from a woman who spent most of her career in law enforcement. She attempted to explain why Michael Morrissey wasn’t lying when he said that Michael Proctor was not at 34 Fairview Road at all on January 29, 2022, despite the charging documents clearly stating that he was there on scene. Here’s what she posted:

This woman LOVES to use cop talk to make herself sound more enlightened than she actually is.

“rally up”

“Got the ticket to respond”

“when you are on call, and you get the call, you go” (as if in other jobs when you get the call you sit at home and do nothing)

“hustled to respond” (what does that even mean?)

“in the chain”

“interoffice correspondence” (she posted the charging documents, which are public record)

“in law enforcement we use on scene to refer to different scenes of response” (no, it’s used to describe whatever scene is being discussed in context)

You can tell this woman lives in a warm weather state and has no idea how the State Police operate in Massachusetts because she doesn’t realize that:

  • Detectives like Proctor can bring their work cars home.
  • Proctor lives in Canton, and the closest barracks to “rally up” with Bukhenik was three towns away in Milton.
  • Proctor’s personal vehicle has all wheel drive, as does almost everyone’s car in New England.
  • Bukhenik lives in Stoughton, one town away from Canton, and is not required to show up to “the scene” after carpooling with Proctor.
  • It defies logic that if Proctor’s car couldn’t get to another home in Canton 5 minutes away due to snow, that that same car would be able to drive the much further distance to Milton to “rally up” with Bukhenik. 

But the most laughable part of her post was that she said “the scene” referred to in the charging documents was actually the Canton Police Department, not 34 Fairview Road. By the time Proctor had “rallied up” with Bukhenik by driving to Milton and then driving back to Canton, the scene at 34 Fairview Road had been cleared.

Because lead investigators in murders don’t go to the place where the murder took place.

You wouldn’t understand, you don’t work in law enforcement.

I thought this was a joke when I read her tweet, but the next day the Commonwealth filed a motion alleging EXACTLY what Coffindaffer posted as a fact in her tweet – that “the scene” referred to the Canton Police Department.

searchresults (31)

Obviously this is a ridiculous assertion, as another State Police report specifically lists “the scene” as 34 Fairview Road.

The charging documents say that Canton Police arrived at “the scene” of 34 Fairview Road, and that Proctor responded to the scene “as well,” which implies 34 Fairview Road to anyone with a basic understanding of the English language.

But the really troubling part is that Coffindaffer knew a day before that this exact argument would be what the Commonwealth put in their motion. How could she know that they would be THIS ridiculous?

The only explanation is that she’s being fed this information by the Commonwealth, either directly, or indirectly through the Alberts. (The same people who tried to gag the defense for using the media to affect a jury pool.) This information is so specific and absurd that she couldn’t just dream it up on her own. You can safely assume that everything this statist posts comes directly from Morrissey’s office, who she is now working on behalf of.

Like many, Jennifer Coffindaffer has no interest in discovering truth in this case. She only cares about pushing the state narrative and proving “the blogger” wrong who she condescendingly mentions all the time.

Coffindaffer’s obsession with Turtleboy is severely damaging her credibility. Yesterday she posted an extremely defamatory tweet about me, alleging that I was “scamming” Karen Read supporters by pocketing 40% on all money raised.

She posted a screenshot of a Facebook post made by a man named Nick Rocco, who was selling Free Karen Read magnets, and announced that 60% was going to the defense fund, and 40% was going to me. But she failed to realize that the reason for this was because the magnets had the Turtleboy logo on them, and therefore could not be sold without my permission.

Luckily I was happy to donate 60% of all sales to the Karen Read defense fund.

This is the definition of transparency, and the opposite of scamming, which many pointed out. She amended her tweet after I threatened her with a libel lawsuit that be impossible for her to defend.

But even that was wrong. I do not receive 40% of money donated to the Karen Read defense fund. As a matter of fact I have raised and donated over $3K to it. I only received 40% on the magnets because they have my logo on them. If anyone wants to donate to the Karen Read defense fund without me receiving a dime they are free to do so.

Guess they didn’t teach that in the academy.

Jennifer Coffindaffer has no interest in the truth. The only thing she cares about is proving to the world that she knows more about this case than a “blogger” who has been covering every aspect of it every day for 5 months straight. Her ego will not allow her to consider that Karen Read might be innocent, no matter how much evidence is provided that shows she is, because it would be an admittance that a “blogger” knows more about this case than a former FBI diversity hire.

For that reason she has also been trying to discredit Lucky Loughran, who told this reporter, a private investigator, and an FBI agent that John O’Keefe’s body was not on the front lawn of 34 Fairview Road at 2:30 AM when he plowed the street. She admits that Proctor should have interviewed this eye witness, but said that Lucky didn’t see O’Keefe’s body because it was dark, snowing, he was too focused on the road, and his body was covered by 21 inches of snow.


  • There was less than 2 inches of snow by the time the body was found, and most of the heavy snow came hours later
  • Lucky specifically stated that he had good visibility, and that he would have seen a body if it was there because he always looks in front of him AND from side to side

This is how dishonest this woman is. In order to argue her position it requires putting words in the mouth of a veteran plow driver who told the same story about what he saw to three separate people. Lucky’s testimony is so damning to the Alberts and McCabes, but they know they can’t accuse him of lying, so their only option is to put words in his mouth.

Many people replied to her tweet to tell her how wrong she was, but she either ignored them or doubled down on the disinformation.


She also explained how none of the 6-10 witnesses in the house saw John’s body when they left the house.

“He was off to the side and not in their line of sight.”

Matt McCabe drove directly past the body on his way home, while Jen McCabe sat in the front seat. She would’ve been feet from the body as they drove by, and the ground would have been illuminated from the one inch of snow.

The best part is that she capped it all off by tweeting about another case in which she pointed out the reliability of a Google search in order to prove a defendant was guilty.

This is how you know this woman has no interest in seeking truth – she accepts evidence when it makes the defendant look guilty, but when it exonerates them it’s suddenly unreliable.



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  1. This lady is an embarrassment. She’s insisting the body couldn’t be seen because of snow? And then uses the snow totals after the blizzard that day and night to support her claim?? When less than 2 inches had fallen before the body was discovered? That alone loses all credibility. She’s a hired mouthpiece hack for either Morrissey, Proctor, Mcabe, the Alberts, or a combo / all of the above. Nothing more.

    1. Bright white snow of 2 inches would illuminate a person laying there stuff has a tendency to stick out when it’s illuminated by 2 in if snow

  2. Some say Jennifer Colinfluffer ought to take a step back because she’s just embarrassing herself. She is embarrassing herself, of course, in front of tens of thousands of people – attorneys, judges, investigators, law enforcement personnel and former colleagues – all of whom cringe with her every utterance.

    But I do hope Colinfluffer sticks around. She’s loads of fun and endlessly entertaining, especially with her matter-of-fact tone concerning events about which she knows absolutely nothing. I look forward mostly to her resume embellishment, which she uses explain why she’s more knowledgeable, more important and a better person than I am.

    And then I get to imagine how much it must suck to be her.

  3. She twisting herself into a pretzel – when Read walks Jennifer OO7 minus 7 – wicked special agent needs to place a full ad apology to Karen. Admit she’s been in the commonwealths pocket.
    Maybe start FansOnly page

  4. Annie Dookan never happened either, we’ve never had corruption. Even with that case they tried to minimize everything they could and disbarred the top prosecutor in the case. pretty much the same is going on here withholding evidence. Lunchbox’s days are numbered and he knows it going to be great to see

  5. Aidan, you have to understand that Jennifer Coffindaffer is the mouthpiece for Elizabeth (Siracusa) Proctor’s father, retired FBI agent Jim Siracusa from Belmont. Jim is desperate to save his son-in-law Michael Proctor and his daughter’s family from certain ruin. This is nothing more than the next layer of the coverup strategy. They are tapping the retired FBI community to sway public opinion. This explains Jennifer Coffindaffer’s higher-than-mighty wording that she knows more than anyone! Their goal is to utilize retired FBI people and useful idiots like Wendy Murphy (who have a lot of Twitter followers) in an attempt to discredit you and us locals who know what really happened. It is nothing more than a sideshow. None of us should waste our energy or focus on these hired-gun idiots!

    1. Well said! The proverbial “ fix is in” but thanks to TB & sharp readers like you & so many of us who won’t be fooled or bow to multi tiered corruption , truth will ultimately prevail, God willing!

  6. And this woman has NEVER driven a plow.
    When you push snow, you look for EVERYTHING that moves, or anything that doesn’t look right. I plowed for 25 years. I’ve seen trash bags, in a blizzard, that looked like they were walking. That was from being up high, illumination, over-caffination, and straight up fatigue. But you see it. All of it. And you bet your ass, I’d never miss a body on a lawn.

    1. Great points! Plow drivers also know where the hydrants are on any street on their route. They plow around them for public safety purposes. John O’Keefe’s body was found right next to a fire hydrant!

    2. Agreed, been plowing for 32 years, 30 in a loader! During the heavy snow in 2014/2015 after being up for over 3 days without sleep I saw a speck of green in a snow bank, thought it was transformer, or communication box you seen at condos, got out to look and it was kids playing in the snow bank making a snow fort, the green I saw was a kids coat in a tiny hole that poked threw to where they hollowed out! You see everything that isn’t right, your brain is doing it subconsciously!

  7. Coffindaffer is from the south. She probably has never seen snow in real life, let alone drive in the snow at night. But she’s really smart and really important! Just ask her, she’ll tell you!

    That’s what she knows *so* much more about snow (and its effects on nighttime visibility) than a veteran municipal plow driver like Lucky Loughran.

  8. When I saw the “Death by Google Seach” post… I literally could NOT believe she actually posted that. After allllllll the bullshit lies about that Google search not happening at 2:27a and then when it helps the state… there’s no questioning the legitimately of that search happening. There are literally shows that highlight true crime cases where it’s been solved due to forensic data on phones.
    It’s pure insanity!
    The irony…
    She is just an awful human who doesn’t care about true justice. She only cares about the state being right. She could never accept that “a blogger” is actually smarter than her.
    What actual credentials does she have to speak on about any true crime case? I’d love to know the answer to that question.

  9. Woof. For good or bad, I will NEVER trust anyone with authority. The shit authorities pulled with COVID, the vaccine that’s killing thousands of young athletes across the planet, and the assholes in this case, you name it. Authorities or experts can go fuck themselves.

  10. Hate to roast the guy but DA Morrisey’s head looks like one of those masks armored car robbers wear. Great blogs Turtle you work hard keep showing the country how important non corporate new is in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a fine tuned machine, Republicans in name only and a handful of liberals who have run the show for years. At least the house is worth a million and a half when we exit this swamp.

  11. The FBI is so crooked and political. She is an embarrassment to good, intelligent, hard working law enforcement everywhere. When will this end? Are they going to actually go through with a trial? I doubt it, I think they are hoping and praying that she takes a plea deal, which I very much doubt is going to happen. Keep up the heat TB and TB riders, and don’t lose faith, Karen.

  12. Innocent persons were incarcerated, guilty persons have been released to further endanger the public, millions and millions of public dollars are being expended to deal with the chaos created, and the integrity of the criminal justice system has been shaken to the core

    1. Andrea Campbell? That’s hilarious… there’s no BLM race baiting involved or woke angle so of course she has no interest. Let’s talk about whose watch this whole ordeal happened on, hmmm? AG Maura Healey, current Governor! What didja know & when didja know it, Maura ?

  13. Let’s just for a moment consider that Read did hit O’Keefe, obviously you’d have to ignore A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH THE HANDLING OF EVIDENCE, but for the sake of argument let’s say she hit him. So what, if my wife bumped me after a night of drinking and I wasn’t hurt in the least I’d laugh it off! Just because she hit him, doesn’t mean she killed him! The State needs to also PROVE that she hit a 217 pound, physically fit man with a 3 ton car, hard enough to break a plastic tail light, yet not leave a even a slight bruise, and sent him what 20 feet killing him! Plus if they are alleging she hit him in the head, why isn’t there taillight fragments found in the wound in his head, or will that be the next act!?!?

    1. And the only damage to the SUV (with advanced safety features) after hitting (and killing) him was a taillight that smashed so hard that there were microscopic pieces in his undershirt.

  14. One thing I take exception to is TURTLE BOY saying Milton is “3 towns away” from Canton. Canton & Milton SHARE A BORDER and not only that but the Milton SP Barracks is right over the Canton line and only about a 3.5 mile drive from Proctor’s home on Wentworth St. If you want to maintain credibility TURTLE BOY…DO NOT EXAGERATE and get your own facts straight. Aside from this erroneous assertion and a couple others from TURTLE BOY, I’m a Karen supporter and a TURTLE BOY supporter who believes TURTLE BOY is providing a great service. Just make damned well certain you’ve got your own ducks in row.

  15. Remember Wendy’s theory that JO “fell on the driveway and the plow later pushed him onto the lawn” to the other side of the property? Looking at 34 Fairview’s mailbox – it’s not a mail slot in their front door… or a wall-mounted box…it’s literally a 3ft rusty metal post mounted mailbox at the end of the driveway. How would a plow scoop JO across the lawn while missing the mailbox? The mailbox location completely refutes Wendy’s claim. Wendy clearly never looked at a picture of the property from 2022 before proclaiming that theory publicly.. yikes.

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