TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 225: Canton Police File Criminal Complaint For Witness Intimidation Against Peaceful Protesters Outside Chris Albert’s Pizza Shop 


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On November 5 nine law abiding citizens gathered peacefully across the street from D&E Pizza in Canton, which is owned by Canton Selectman Chris Albert. The protesters were threatened with arrest by four Canton Police Officers, who came with a printout of MGL Chapter 268, Section 13A, which they claimed that the protesters were in violation of. Officer Robert Zepf initially told the protesters that they were in violation of the law because they were within eyesight of Albert, but later admitted to the protesters on video that they were “100% correct” in their assertion that the statute does not mention anything about being within eyesight of a “witness.”

Zepf told them that their protest was in violation of 13A because:

  • They were across the street from a witness to a “criminal crime”
  • They were within eye shot of Chris Albert
  • Chris Albert is a witness because he testified in front of a grand jury, even though that grand jury (in the Karen Read case) was ended over a year ago, and he is no longer a witness in that regard
  • The content of their signs was what made their protest illegal because it had language relating to the Karen Read case
  • He could not determine what the protesters were intending to do, yet he was accusing them of being in violation of a law that specifically requires police to show the intent of the accused

Despite the fact that the Canton Police admitted on video that the protesters were not in violation of 13A, at least four of the Canton 9 have received summonses to appear in Stoughton District Court for a clerk magistrate’s hearing, because CPD has filed a criminal complaint against them. These charges include not only the 13A picketing of a witness statute, but also charges for violation of the much more serious 13B felony witness intimidation statute.

These are the 9 individuals the government would like to now classify as felons.

Although five of the nine have not received a summons, it’s highly likely they will be. They have no criminal record, they are productive members of society with families, including children, and the Canton Police Department are attempting to turn them into felons in order to protect the feelings of a bunch of people who conspired to cover up a murder. They filed these charges two days after the people of Canton voted to audit the police department, and in direct retaliation for filing a lawsuit against them in federal court.

The kid holding the “Colin Albert was in the house” sign is 17 years old, and has been summonsed to Dedham Juvenile Court for a hearing on December 18. The Canton Police Department is trying to lock up minors for exercising their First Amendment rights.

The charges have not officially been filed yet. A clerk magistrate hearing is conducted for the purposes of deciding whether or not there is probable cause to charge a defendant with a crime. The bar for probable cause is much lower than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but they will be given the opportunity to defend themselves. I was not given the opportunity to do this, and was arrested at my home by the State Police fugitive unit.

Their hearings appear thus far will all conducted on January 4 in front of Stoughton District Court clerk magistrate Lauren Greene in 30 minute increments. It’s in the best interest of all of these peaceful protesters to make sure the charges are not filed, because the cost of litigation after that will become much more expensive. I have recommended having one attorney for all of them, since the charges against all 9 will be the same. A fundraiser has been created to help with their attorney’s fees.

There are no grounds for any sort of charges here. The statute the protesters were given clearly states that, “Whoever with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any witness in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building occupied by such witness…”

As the protesters pointed out in the video above, there was no intent to interfere with or obstruct the administration of justice, nor was there any intent to influence a witness. Not once did any of the protesters tell Chris Albert how he needed to testify, or suggest what he should do. They simply stood there with signs saying “Justice,” “Free Karen Read,” “Free Turtleboy,” and “Colin Albert was in the house.”

Chris Albert knows that his son was involved in the murder of John O’Keefe, and he knows that Karen Read is completely innocent. He is weaponizing his connections to law enforcement and presenting himself as a victim in order to silence legitimate criticism of his family’s role in the murder of O’Keefe. Chris is not the least bit intimidated or scared of any of these people, he just doesn’t like that they are pointing out the crimes committed by his family because it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Chris sent this message to a Canton resident in August who had messaged him about his behavior.

“Please stop this intimidating me so I don’t testify.” 

Chris had clearly been coached to say this by police because they realized that you can’t charge someone with witness intimidation unless they are attempting to stop you from testifying. His brother is a Canton Police detective, and he is friends with Chief Rafferty. The middle aged woman who sent him this message was not intimidating him, she just was expressing her dismay about an elected official’s behavior.

“A witness in a state murder trial, I’d be careful you don’t get in trouble for intimidating a witness.”

This was an ominous threat from Albert to his constituent that she should “be careful” if she wants to express her disapproval of his leadership, or else she could “get in trouble for intimidating a witness.” Considering Chris has direct contacts with the police and DA’s Office, this is a legitimate threat that would prevent anyone from criticizing him in the future. Will the police now begin charging protesters who show up to Selectmen meetings with signs? Chris Albert believes he cannot be protested in any way, shape, or form, and he knows that law enforcement will do his bidding for him.

Two of the Canton 9 are residents of Canton, and are represented by Chris Albert on the Board of Selectmen. They have every right to protest their elected officials, and those rights do not cease to exist simply because an elected official becomes a witness in a criminal case.

Attorney Marc Randazza filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of the protesters, and asked Judge Denise Casper to issue a temporary restraining order barring the police from disrupting future peaceful protests at D&E Pizza. Judge Casper denied the TRO on the grounds that it was “not clear” that the Canton 9 “faced a credible threat of prosecution.”

She went on to claim that the Canton 9 have not shown a risk of having their right to protest being denied by Canton Police, that CPD did not prohibit protests related to the Karen Read case, and that the Canton 9 have not had their speech chilled.

It turns out she was wrong about all of that. The Canton Police were actively planning to charge the Canton 9 while claiming in court that no one was charged. As a direct result there has been a chilling effect on anyone else who might be inclined to protest in Canton.

It should be noted that I have been holding peaceful protests in front of D&E Pizza all summer, and on the two occasions the police were called they determined that my protests were lawful. It was not until recently that they suddenly realized that ACTUALLY these protests are a felony. Here’s a video of CPD telling me they “appreciate” what I was doing, and when I said I’d be in Canton a lot more hey said “OK.”


Here’s a video of Officer Zepf telling me that my actions were “fine” after the police were called on us by Jim Farris and Chris Albert. The police apparently did not realize that I was committing a felony until recently.

What would happen if hundreds, or even thousands of people began protesting outside of D&E Pizza? How many people are the Canton Police willing to turn into felons? How many innocent people will it take for the Attorney General or Governor to intervene and protect free speech rights in Canton? When will the ACLU chime in on this? Will this threat of prosecution create a further chilling effect and prevent people from protesting moving forward?

We will keep you updated on this situation as more information becomes available.


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  1. This has to be, the most corrupt police force in the state! These communists must be so desperate, that they have to pull this bullshit. No have no other choice, because they know if the actual truth comes out, they are fucked!! Desperate measures, for desperate times. Evil people, every fuckin one of them. I hope they all burn in hell!

  2. Has the doctor that assaulted Tom been arrested?
    What about the threatening letters sent to Canton residents?
    Has that been investigated?
    Why is it a felony?
    Protestors who blocked a bridge last week didn’t get arrested.
    That actually met the parameters of arrest as they impeded people passing.
    Look at these people! Just holding signs, not disruptive in any way.
    So are they going after the people that wore Free Karen Read shirts at meeting next?
    Absolutely ridiculous and disgusting!
    I am not a protest person, nor get involved in matters that don’t concern me, but I’m pissed.
    I will do whatever possible to support these people.
    I have a large network of family and friends all over Norfolk county.
    We support these people and will do whatever necessary to assist with these bogus charges.
    A 17 year old holding a sign? Are you fng kidding me?

  3. Is it possible that the Canton police are taking instructions (to violate the protestors’ rights) from (current) Chief Rafferty, who’s taking instructions (to violate the protestors’ rights) from some “leaders” in positions above hers? Is it possible that District Attorney Morrissey is taking instructions (to cover-up the murder by any means necessary, legal or not) from corrupt people in positions above his? Is it just as possible that the state and federal judges, like Auntie Bev and Krupp and Casper, are taking instructions (to violate the constitution) from corrupted “leaders” above them? Is it possible or is it beyond belief? That’s what I struggle with. How can a conspiracy involve so many different people in so many different offices, especially when many of these people took an oath, when they entered public office, and swore that each would protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and Mass. Constitution? It seems unbelievable but everything on this news site indicates that the criminals are running things in that state. It’s like they’re living in Bizarro World in Massachusets. How high does it go? Massachusetts has a terrible reputation for being a corrupt craphole, and this case shows why. Nobody in power is doing anything to uphold the law there. I hope it’s not too late. God help them.

    1. Oh not only is it possible, imho it’s likely the case. Stinks of a blackmail “who’s got what on who” hierarchy where key players in the case may have the dirt on high level public officials or other persons of influence.

      1. The powers that be are looking at how many convictions made by these dirty PDs and courts will be thrown out. How much does it cost to retry these cases? There is too much $ and power at stake for the ones allowing this to continue.

    2. “Is it possible or is it beyond belief?” to be honest with you, it’s beyond belief, and as KR’s story falls apart a bit more each day, and as more and more Turtleriders see what’s happening and express their concern/dismay in private chats (you know who you are), the worse it gets.

      1. What part of her story “fell apart”?
        The only revelations seem to be the ever changing story from the Kanton Kool Kids club.

        Dog never hurt anyone. Ooopsie…
        Mediocre athlete wasn’t ever at house. Ooopsie….
        Proctor doesn’t know any of these people! Ooopsie….

        So please, show me the article or blog or whatever where KR story “fell apart”…..

        You won’t reply because A) you’re a coward and B) this info doesn’t exist.

        Have a great day!

  4. Apparently it’s a felony to disagree with government officials or dirty Canton cops and Canton employees. Remove their qualified immunity and sue them into the ground even if it takes 10 years

    #DirtyCanton #FireThemAll #CleanHouse #CantonSucks

    1. Qualified Immunity doesn’t apply here once it’s proven they acted in bad faith in violation of the law or against civil rights. No judge (outside Canton/Norfolk Co.) would grant QI based on the heaps of evidence.

      “Lawful command of a superior officer” does not apply either, unless the rank and file actively challenged the superior officer that the order is illegal. No challenge = everyone’s culpable.

      1. Except NONE of the police are under investigation. None of them are or in all probability (at this point) will be charged.

        And for the record. Derek Chauvin was convicted in state and federal court despite the now established fact that evidence previously submitted as such in court doctored AND the jury pool was compromised.

        Tony Timpa was killed by police in Texas. Criminally they are protected by QI however a judge ruled the municipality can be held to account in civil court. It’s not why or how but who/whom.

  5. I commend Chief Rafferty on her willingness to put her job and reputation online for a man who drives a Ford Edge. She know Chris Albert and his family were involved in a murder. That folks is LOYALTY!

  6. Rafferty just keeps making things worse… She’s doubling down and it’s not going to pay off.

    She put her career on the line to cover for the McAlberts and now it’s all coming to light.

    The sooner she is ousted the better for the people of Canton. But she’s only one of many in town that need to be shown the door.

    1. One of the POS in this whole thing must have A LOT of info on A LOT of people. If it were a sincere investigation, they would be invaluable to prosecution and they would know this. They could have a great deal and rat on folks.
      this is Canton. There hasn’t been an honest investigation. There was a cover up to save a POS kid, followed by a cover up investigation to make the first cover up cool. So now the POS with info, rather than deal, is demanding those they have info about protect them

  7. I think it’s time for a massive peaceful standout at d&e. Let them lock us all up! I kind of want to go to battle with meatloaf and Rafferty !! This is crazy

    1. You will all be charged for being participants in an unlawful event. While I admire your zeal and agree with you that this should be allowed to happen you are ALL seemingly as misguided about the law and it’s machinations as AK. Everytime you give legitimacy to the system and it ends in devastating failure for your efforts, how long before it takes for you to understand that the Constitution is a worthless and toothless piece of paper?

    1. Sadly, CPD has a history of quiet corruption going back decades. Many years ago a CPD officer driving drunk hit and killed a young girl. Never prosecuted. That is the culture that survives today at CPD.

    2. Who would risk their retirement for someone else’s life?

      It’s not right or course but it IS what happens.

  8. Freedom isn’t free as we can see. This is not a free country. Back the blue until it happens to you. #Canton Sucks #DirtyCanton.

    Time to call in the Auditors.

    #LongIslandAudit #PressNHNow #Civil_Rights_Lawyer_John_H_Bryan #JamesFreeman #DirectD #RightsCrispy #SanJoaquinValleyTransparency #FlexYourFreedoms #MassAccountability

  9. “What would happen if hundreds, or even thousands of people began protesting outside of D&E Pizza?”

    Reading these words, I had an epiphany: AIdan actually WANTS to go to jail.

    It explains so much of his recent behavior; inciting 3rd party violations of his bail conditions, completely dumb statements made in public (such as the above) and numerous statements made in his recent Liveshows.

    Jail would be good for Aidan and his family. He’d get cold-turkey’d off of the adderall and whatever else he’s taking. He’d be given the opportunity to speak with a therapist/shrink. He’d have time away from the Internet and more time in the real world. He’d get away from Julie and the kids (and this would be good for the kids, too!).

    His anxiety about raising/grifting money from strangers would be alleviated;granted, to be replaced by fears of homosexual rape, but that’s not that big of a fear for a big strong tough guy in jail. Of course, Aidan’s not big, tough OR strong…

    There’s a lot of advantages in Aidan’s going to jail, and I believe he’s starting to recognize that, and that’s why his oppositional disorder targeted at his attorney is happening.

    Well, with any luck, Aidan, on Tuesday your dreams will come true.

    1. It’s so odd to me that you are so obsessed with Aidan.. It’s rather a sad way to go through life.

      How much of you time, your day is spent obsessing? Do you have a job? Don’t you have friends? Don’t you have interests? What about your kids? To obsess a little could be normal but it sounds like you have been like this for years. That is not normal. That’s mental illness.

      You clearly have serious mental health issues and I bet at times you realize just how sad and pathetic your life is. What is clear is that between you and Aidan, Aidan is the winner.

      Some advice, get yourself into an in-patient program for therapy. Maybe consider leaving the area, consider detoxing from your social media and other online accounts. Try and center yourself. Do some serious self reflection. Is this really how you want to live?

      Remember you only live once and it sounds like you are living an awful life.

        1. No kidding; just ask Aidan’s family. They’re more than happy to tell you all about how difficult it is to deal with him and his disorder(s).

    2. Dude! It’s incredibly obvious that you are one of the corrupt individuals covering up a criminal crime and you’re obviously frightened. Love that for you

    3. Kill yourself NOBODY likes or loves you. How does it feel coming to turtleboy and seeing all the love. Knowing you will be alone because you’re a fucking pathetic clown. Go eat more mcalbert dick.

    4. can’t imagine hating another person so much that my whole life revolves around it and them. But here you are, living that dream to the fullest in all of your mentally disabled glory.

  10. Go protest with vote for chris albert signs. Don’t worry. People will get the double meaning. Stand directly infront of the store with your backs to him so he can’t see they’re blank until he comes outside to yell at you.

  11. “The Canton 9” lol a regular gang of criminals…stealing oxygen.

    I haven’t laughed this hard since that chick tossed an egg at one of the TB folks and hit a 5 year old kid instead. She had an arm like Mac Jones.


    My erstwhile boyfriend called me his ‘heavenly body’. He later confessed that he meant ‘gas giant’.

  12. This is some of the strangest stuff I’ve seen on the Internet in quite a while, and I’ve seen a LOT of weird online stuff.

    This appears to be a full-blown cult, whereby everyone who doesn’t agree with the leader (in this case Turtle Boy) is vilified, demonized, threatened and is surely only one of a few people the cult leader has designated as enemies. There are no independent thought processes allowed, and anyone who questions the Dear Leader joins the ranks of the enemies.

    That makes this whole Free Karen Read movement dangerous. On the “bright” side, I imagine it’s only a matter of time until Turtle Boy presents his followers with a big tub of KoolAid and asks them to sip from it.

    I can predict that the response to this posting will be personal insults, insinuations that I am either Kate/Working for Kate/One of the McALberts, threats, and requests that I “man up” and reveal my real name.

    1. Don’t waste your time or breath trying to reason with them. Just sit back and let the legal system work it’s magic. 200 protesters at D&E? LOL, they’ll just call for backup and more paddy wagons. Turtleboy (Aidan Kearney) is heading to jail, potentially as soon as he walks into court tomorrow, and then the halfwits will slowly sputter out.

      1. Keep responding to your own comments, Krusty Albert Sharon Stoneham boy clown boy🤡 it’s not obvious at all

        1. You’re so wrong you’re not even wrong, but what IS obvious is that half of the responses on this message section are coming from Aidan himself. What a strange little man he is.

    2. If you knew any of the individuals involved or the history of CPD you might see things differently. Much of what Aidan reports on regarding the relationships between the CPD, MSP, CFD, town administration and the families involved is spot on. The same is true for the character, or lack thereof, of the LEOs involved. Being a second or third generation LEO doesn’t make them untouchable, though many of them think it does. I agree that the personal attacks are unnecessary. However, that is not a one way street. When faced with a legitimate question of fact, the Albert/Proctor/McCabe faction inevitably resorts to ad hominem attacks.

  13. Can we go back to making fun of rachets and the less fortunate? At least the racism and bully blogs weren’t causing people to have a criminal record.
    Real journalists do not insert themselves into a story.

  14. What this POlice Department is doing should terrify everyone, regardless of your stance on the Karen Read or TB cases. This shows just how far these police will go to twist any interpretation of any law to fit thier narrative and essentially weaponize our court system to manipulate our freedoms and use the threat of felony charges and arrest to protect who they want and punish those they don’t agree with. It’s the beginning of nazi Germany right here in America

    1. It’s been like this for a long long time.

      Now people are more informed and information spreads and we have video cameras, so things are coming to light.

      The natural progression is for a revolution.

  15. IT is a shame that the ACLU has not stepped in the protect the 1st amendment rights of citizens. They don’t care about everyone!

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