TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 204: Canton Police Threaten To Arrest Peaceful Protesters From Being In “Eyeshot” Of D&E Pizza Because Chris Albert Was Witness To A “Criminal Crime”


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Judge O’Malley issued an unconstitutional stay away order that prevents me from holding peaceful protests in front of D&E Pizza because the owner Chris Albert is a “witness” (kind of, but not really) in the Karen Read case. In doing so the Commonwealth has effectively weaponized the witness intimidation statute to insulate anyone they deem to be a witness, potential witness, OR family member of a witness, from First Amendment protected speech.

The statute is so broad that you merely have to “attempt to cause emotional injury” which includes hurting someone’s feelings with your speech.

You can be charged with witness intimidation if you “punish or harm” a witness.

And if the police believe that you are attempting to punish or harm someone with your speech, then you can be charged with a felony.

However, I was one of hundreds of people who participated in the allegedly illegal “rolling rally” in Canton on July 22, so why am I the only one being charged? Is it because I have a large platform at Turtleboy? Is it only against the law if you have a certain amount of followers on Twitter? What would happen if a dozen, or hundreds of people, decided to protest “witnesses” in Canton? If I didn’t direct them to do so it wouldn’t be a violation of the stay away order, but would OTHER people be charged the way I was? Is the only reason I’m being singled out because I have the microphone/platform of millions of social media and website followers?

A group of peaceful protesters headed down to Canton today to find out.

They stood across the street from D&E Pizza and occasionally crossed the street to peacefully protest where I once did. When they did so Chris Albert came outside and filmed them, immediately playing up his victim status (knowing that the police and DA’s Office have his back unconditionally), and reminded them that they were “protesting in front of a witness.”

“Protesting in front of a witness, huh? Protesting in front of a witness? You must be proud of yourself.”

That is a man who knows that he can pretend to be a victim in order to weaponize the police and witness intimidation statute against free people exercising their First Amendment rights in a free country. The arrogance is seeping out of his pores, just as it was when he told me that I was “gonna get it” for doing the same thing months earlier. Just as it was when he left the Board of Selectman meeting last month and told my camera guy “we know about you.” Just as it was when he turned to his personal under cover cop at the same meeting and made sure he was still there to escort him to his car. Just as he was when he called his cop brother Kevin, who sent the police to disrupt my peaceful protest at his pizza shop.

Chris made sure to film everyone who was there, and immediately got on the phone and alerted his friends at CPD, who exist to protect and insulate him from free speech by labeling him as a “witness,” despite the fact that his son and brother allegedly helped murder John O’Keefe.

Soon after that a half a dozen cops, who should be thoroughly embarrassed to be doing this, descended on the peaceful protesters and threatened to arrest and charge them with the same crime I’ve been charged with.

Officer Zepf, who responded twice when I was protesting outside of the same location and told me my actions were perfectly legal, was one of the responding officers. He and another officer, who couldn’t contain his smile as he filmed the protesters with some sort of boomer iPad, had printed out papers of MGL Chapter 268 Section 13A. They were escorted by a sergeant.

I was charged with 4 counts of picketing a witness for the rolling rally, despite the fact that I was not intending to interfere with, obstruct, or impede the administration of justice. Chief Helena Rafferty clearly has a stack of these printed out at the station in case anyone else dares to exercise their First Amendment rights in Canton. If you want to be a free person please go to Westwood, or another community where “witnesses” don’t live.

Officer Zepf informed the protesters that Chris Albert was immune from being protested because he was witness to a criminal crime.

Someone may want to tell Officer Zepf that “criminal crime” is a bit redundant, and you don’t have to witness the crime itself to be a witness. The statute is so broad that even people like Chris, who has not been accused of being inside Fairview Road when his son and brother allegedly murdered John O’Keefe, are immune from public criticism.

Officer Zepf wrongly told the peaceful protesters that they were violating the law because they were “within eyeshot” of Chris Albert.

They’re just making up laws in Canton as they go along in order to protect a group of well connected cop killers. And please, spare me the excuse of “these cops are just doing their job.” The correct response when given an order like this is to refuse to do it. The problem is that we’ve trained police officers to blindly follow commands, which is something that has led to mass genocide on an international level when the wrong people gain power.


But what even is eyesight? What if the witness is blind? Does the statute stop existing? What if they were hiding around the corner and couldn’t see you? According to Officer Zepf it meant that if the protesters could see the pizza shop then they were in eye sight.

Zepf also said that Chris was immune from being protested against because he “appeared in front of a grand jury.”

But how would the officer know that? Grand jury testimony is sealed. Chris Albert’s son Colin was subpoenaed to testify in front of the grand jury when 2 FBI agents visited his dorm room, but to my knowledge Chris was not.

Zepf said he “wasn’t debating it,” when the protesters argued that they weren’t intending to alter Chris Albert’s witness testimony.

Which is good, because there’s no need for a debate. They have a right to be there, and that’s the end of that.

Zepf told them that the reason their protest was illegal was because they had signs that said, “Colin Albert was in the house” (he was), and “Free Karen Read.”

In doing so the CPD are stating that it’s the messages on the signs that are actually illegal in Canton. If the signs said, “Karen Read is Guilty” they would most certainly be allowed.

Zepf stated that they could protest anywhere, as long as it wasn’t in eyeshot of Chris Albert.

But the town of Canton is full of “witnesses” in the Karen Read trial. There are hundreds of names on the Commonwealth’s witness list. Canton Police have effectively prevented protesters from protesting anywhere in the town.

Luckily the protesters are skilled at the art of something the Alberts aren’t – reading. They showed Zepf that the statute didn’t mention anything about being in “eyeshot” of witnesses.

Zepf also asked for their names and ID, which the protesters knew they didn’t have to provide and refused to do so.

I have no doubt that Helena Rafferty is contemplating how she can charge this group of peaceful protesters with a crime. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s drafting a criminal complaint as we speak. Either way, it’s become clear that the Town of Canton seems to believe the First Amendment no longer exists, simply because they have designated a group of well connected people, who are family members of cops, as “witnesses.”

What would happen if dozens, or even hundreds of peaceful protesters, were to show up at the same spot and film themselves holding signs? How many people are the Canton Police willing to arrest or charge for the crime of exercising their First Amendment rights? Maybe we’ll find out.

I will leave you with this piece of history. In 1961 racially diverse peaceful protesters jumped on 2 buses and stopped at interstate bus stops throughout the south to see if they would be arrested for exercising their rights to use segregated bathrooms. When they got to Mississippi they were all arrested and sent to Parchman Prison. But this unlawful arrest only emboldened more peaceful protesters to come to Mississippi. The problem wasn’t just the police, it was the law itself that needed to change. Within months hundreds of people from across the country flooded the state and attempted to integrate their bus stop facilities, knowing they’d be arrested. Eventually the prisons became too full and it forced the federal government to FORCE integration.

The witness intimidation statute is as unconstitutional as racist Jim Crow laws. They have arrested me for violating this law, but I’m not a sympathetic person to many. What would happen if the town of Canton were invaded in such a manner by women, children, the elderly, and other peaceful protesters? Maybe we will find out. I can’t currently do so, but to my knowledge others without a stay away order can.

In the meantime, please contact the ACLU at [email protected] to alert them to this blatant first Amendment violation. You can also call their intake line at (617) 482-3170.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. I agree those cops are now complicit with just trampling basic civil rights. Oh no their pension an benefits could be affected… Tell that same bullshit to Lucky, you know the only eye witness to come forward (that the corrupt State Investigators haven’t even looked for, cuz they already know who’s Ford Edge it is). Lucky put it all on the line to be truthful about what he saw. What would they do if Antifa or BLM maggots showed up,an burned their town or better police station. They would take a knee like Cuckold’s do……

  2. This is sickening, the worst part isn’t that CPD, MSP, NCDAO think they can get away with this, it’s that THEY ARE!!! Where’s the fucking Governor?

    This blows my mind, the more they try to shut people up, the worse this looks for them!
    To that cunt Shanon Albert (AKA, Jill, Jen, Lizzy, or Kate) Please, PLEASE tell me when a DA and the MSP have ever done this before, when have they ever done this to prevent people from swaying public opinion, or to protect “witnesses” that LITERALLY know nothing about a “criminal crime”?? Chris A’s testimony literally is useless, he admittedly said he knows nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing! Which in itself is hilarious, the only time this pussy is a witness, is when he uses it to get the police to get people to stop talking about him!

    This is obviously the CPD using their power to help Chris Albert! Chris Albert doesn’t like people doing this, so he called his personal security to have them removed!! As was pointed out, if a group of people stood out there with signs saying Read is guilty, Support D&E Pizza, The Alberts are victims, would this have happened?? We know it wouldn’t have, he would’ve come out and given them a free shitty pizza. So then the question is would CPD tell those protesters they can’t be within eye sight, (whatever the fuck that means)? We all know the answer, I tell ya, I really hope for the good citizens of Canton, that at the next Town election every elected shit bag gets replaced, then the new select board demands Rafferty’s resignation!!!!!!

    1. I believe a good chunk of this is that despite their select board issues, and despite issues with their police department, the good people of Canton are REALLY sick and tired of Turtleboy and the TB Riders showing up and pulling stunts like this. So yeah, the cops are going to roust you, because the CPD is just as sick of TB as the rest of the residents of Canton.

      And now that the leak has happened showing Aiden doubting KR’s story but continuing to promote it anyway in order to generate cash (“Im starting to worry about what I’ve now tied myself to” is the money quote from Aiden) all hell is going to break loose. I can see the residents of Canton tarring and feathering any and all Turtleriders they catch. Especially those wearing a “Free Karen Read” t-shirt.

      I’m pretty sure a bunch of those cops would love, and I mean LOVE, to hang Aiden by his feet from a tree and spraypaint “Grifter!” on his naked body.

      1. The bullshit screenshot that is making rounds on Twitter is not even confirmed to actually be Turtleboy, so trying to use that as some sort of evidence that he doubts Karen’s innocence is hilarious 😂 Anyone can set a contact’s name as “Turtle Boy 2” and exchange texts then screenshot it..give me a break…and anyone who knows Turtleboy knows its not Turtle space boy, its ONE WORD so it goes to show how illegitimate that text exchange is..lmao

      2. Lolol oh really? Hmmmmm I haven’t seen one canton resident that has said anything about being fed up with TB nor the turtle riders. 🤔🤨. You make absolutely no sense….and if you agree with these tactics brought on by these pigs then you too are a brown shirt it’s really that simple…..

      3. Try having someone, that has no unlawful connection, ask random pd their opinion.
        You maybe surprised at the lack of support you think you have.

  3. What a bunch of morons. The Turtle Riders, not the cops. Didn’t they realize that this is a very bad look for Aiden? Surely the DA is going to connect Aiden to this in some way, shape or form (“using proxies to continue his witness intimidation” are words I can hear coming out of Mello’s mouth). Aiden’s already fucked and is going to jail, let’s not make things worse.

    Un-fucking real.

    1. How do you know for a fact he’s going to jail?? Innocent until proven guilty is the principles of what our court system is built off of. And the Commonwealth doesn’t have a leg to stand on based off the charging documents..once those clips are played in their entirety the special prosecution is going to get laughed all the way out of the court room…and the lawsuit is gonna be even better!!

    2. What a sad, sad life you must have! You claim Aiden is a lying piece of shit, Read is guilty as sin, everything and everyone even loosely tied to Aidan is bullshit or a moron, (and by loosely I mean even his readers), yet every day you are on here looking to see what he posted, what his “followers” are commenting, and spewing nonsense you can never back up within hours of Aidan putting on the website! You must check in multiple times a day, 7 days a week, just to read what a person you hate has to say, it’s pathetic really.

    3. It must suck to be you.
      This hanging over your head.
      Everywhere you go people look at you and know what you are.
      People take your pick and talk about the cover up.
      It must really suck that you learned you can’t control the narrative, especially in Canton.
      Threatening phone calls, letters threatening families, employers called.
      Tb arrested. Cell and computer confiscated.
      Threats of more arrests.
      Yet, it doesn’t work.
      Why is that?
      Because the internet changed the world.
      It’s all out there.
      The autopsy photos.
      The bad behavior.
      The multiple cover ups and conflict of interests.
      The data that doesn’t lie.
      It’s just what it is.
      There is no way to spin it.

  4. What if the people that Chris Albert owes money to that he has never paid showed up with signs showing how much he defaulted on showed up? All true, al facts, no dispute. They are clearly the victims, and the witnesses.

    1. And who would eat food from a place that owes their suppliers! Hell no! I’m sure he’s getting low grade crap at this point.
      Certainly not high end vendors.
      All it takes with a top vendor is one default.
      So who is supplier?

  5. Ha ha ha I was on your side for this one Turtle but now your the criminal. Its illegal to use somebody likenes for a profit without consent and a signed release. If the cops tell you its illegall to harass a murderer witnesses in downtown of all places then it is illegall!!! How did you fuck this case up so bad bro? Dude you really need to have a few beers and smoke some weed buy an x box and learn to chill and stop calling yourself turtle boy it sounds gay after you do all that i will be willing to listen again. Grow up bro!

    1. “It’s illegal to use somebody likeness for a profit without consent and a signed release.” You might be the dumbest mother fucker alive. What in the holy hell are you talking about?

    2. Soooo……..the major news stations get “consent and a signed release” from EVERYONE that is on the news?? Maybe you better lay off the weed and booze, put down the x box, and exercise your brain a little bit!

    3. “If the cops tell you its illegall [sic] to harass a murderer witnesses [sic] in downtown of all places then it is illegall [sic]!!!”

      I don’t believe that is totally correct. Outside of a police state, just because the police say something doesn’t make it true. In this case, is the subject claiming to be a murder witness? I thought he was saying that he didn’t see a thing. Is he going to testify that he saw what actually happened? That would be interesting. I am not sure that being downtown makes any difference; I am not a lawyer but I suspect that the laws do not specify the venue (I could be wrong about that). And definitions (such as “harassment”) have to be considered. Anyway, juries have the final say as to whether or not laws were broken, not the cop on the beat.

      Dr. Fang

  6. It’s gotta be days before the feds stop this craziness…u gotta love how stupid the Canton police are?!!!

    1. Also, oddly short. That one guy is talking to an average size woman and she towers over him.
      Not that there’s a height requirement, but starting to think Canton has a bit of a Napoleon problem.

  7. So who’s the skinny twerp, “cop” related too? No way that beta cuck got on the force due to merit.

    1. Recruiting female and metro sexual (non traditional male) cops is all the rage in big US cities. In UK they rarely accept or recruit male cops unless they’re immigrants or check a box for alternative lifestyles, now that is happening here.

      Ps. Pissy female cops are more scared and less rational compared to dumb egotistical male cops.

      1. I’ll agree with that and add to it. Part of the reason there are so many police involved shootings nowadays is because the “men” they choose to fill these roles are wimps, nerdy, feminine types. Not tough enough to subdue criminals, as Jen McAlbert would say, “fearing” men that can’t protect themselves, let alone citizens. So they reach for their guns because it’s all the defense they have.

  8. None of us really know how things will turn out with all of this but I do know one thing and that is people seem scared and desperate.

    If you have to make fake social media accounts to post false information all over the place then that is an act of desperation. If you have to shut down protestors that have a right to protest then that is an act of desperation.

    Turtleboy has a lot of followers but there are people out there that don’t follow him and believe she is being framed. This case is now national news and the closer it gets to a trial the more people will hear of it and learn the details. And that means more people learning about the individuals in the house that night and their role in an awful death of a Boston Police Officer.

    Everyone seems to know that there was an FBI Grand Jury and even the cops today referenced it. Think about that. The FBI called people in that were in the house that evening to question them. That means something.

    For all the Karen Read Supporters out there… my advice to you is to ignore all the noise from the other side. It’s just noise meant to distract you. They are desperate now and in less than 120 days many of them will have to take the witness stand and that won’t go well for them.

    Keep fighting for justice… whether you are a Turtleboy fan or not. Ignore the trolls and trust your own instincts.

  9. He’s always quiet at the townhalls. He hides behind silence and corrupt cops like a coward afraid of consequences. Can’t do the time don’t do the crime. Isn’t that what your friends always say?

  10. you should have made them arrest you. then they would have had to defend their actions in court. there is no way anything would stick. these cops dont even know what theyre doing anymore,

    1. Absolutely! I’d have told to em then arrest me pig! I’m exercising my RIGHT TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST SO GO FUQ YOURSELVES! 😡. So fed up with all this corruption and bullshite put upon the American people!

  11. I’m still wondering what the Mccabes and the Albert’s are witnesses to. Didn’t they all say John never showed up at Brian’s house? And that they didn’t see Karen or John after the bars? So, how are they witnesses? And also, if Colon wasn’t in the house, why is he on the witness list? Because he definitely wasn’t at the bars. So, why is he on the list? It’s all such blatant bullshit.

  12. Looking at this video again and noting when one of the protestors questions where it says “within eyesight” only to have the cop acknowledge that it doesn’t say that…

    How embarrassing for these cops… Maybe they need to go back to the classroom.

  13. Why hasn’t any affluent rider bought a ton of Free Karen Read shirts and distributed them to homeless in the area? I am sure you’ll see some panhandlers at intersections….

    1. Yup IF we dont fight back! We HAVE TO STAND AND FIGHT! Don’t be afraid of being arrested! You have your RIGHTS on your side and these brown shirt pigs don’t have shite on their side! I would not have left they would have had to drag me away! I’m done being tolerant!

  14. It’s starts and ends with THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST……period end of story! Fuq these pigs they aren’t cops they are suckers and they are brown shirts. It’s disgusting to witness this….oh wait does that make me a witness then? Lol fuqing pigs and communist government!

  15. I feel this case has the potential to gain such momentum as to start a national revolution.

    Time to clean house. This is our house. Remember THEY work for US.
    We are MANY and they are FEW.

    We have the numbers. If they don’t stand down, which they won’t, it’ll be cause for us to resort to force.

  16. Bottom line is this, the CPD, and MSP know they can’t do this, but as long as they show up and say you need to leave and people say OK, they’ll keep doing it! They don’t need to be right, they just need you to be scared! Right now their wolves, citizens are sheep! There are more sheep than wolves though, the wolves can’t win a fight against ALL sheep! Like secret squirrel says, time to fight back!!

  17. This is incredible the way the Police are just trampling and ignoring basic first amendment rights. Canton Police Department is a joke and will be forever. They are encouraged by the District Attorney’s Office to behave this way. This is real Nazi garbage that needs to be cracked down on, where is the ACLU ????? This entire thing from the beginning is completely out of control. John OKeefe was clearly attacked by a dog and beaten. He was not in a slow speed auto accident. My faith in the criminal justice system is totally gone. Fuck the Canton Police ,MSP and the District Attorney…….. and most likely the Federal Government

  18. Kate Peter is a terrible mother and permanently lost her children. The Canton crew is so low they don’t mind her help. Only disgusting people would knowingly deal with a piece of shit like Kate Peter.

  19. What I don’t understand is how is Canton setting itself up for another lawsuit by having multiple officers show up at a quiet protest and ask people for names?
    It is very embarrassing, disturbing, and unconstitutional.
    Does Helena and co think that by doing that people will be intimidated?
    Won’t more people come to their town, and do it(out of eyesight of their precious D&E pizza?
    I wonder if Canton PD and town employees are almost forced to get their lunch their?

  20. What will the Canton “Good Germans” have to say when all is actually and factually exposed?
    “I knew nothing “
    The pd and all the associates that go along because they are selfish, afraid, etc will one day have to face some truth.
    I wonder what that will be like?
    You know what is right.
    You know an innocent person is being framed.
    Yet, you stay quiet.
    History won’t look well on you.
    Karma will also catch up.
    The old days are over.
    It had to end somewhere.
    John o Keefe is where it ends.
    All it takes is one strong person to say the truth.
    Be the that person.

  21. No matter what “they” have already lost in the court of international opinion. Lol
    The majority of people from across the world call BS on the investigation, the players, the entire sham.
    No matter how hard they try and intimidate and push, it just makes them look worse.
    Norfolk county is now known as a complete joke.
    A bunch of cops show up to some people holding signs?
    What year is this?
    It’s all out three for the world to see what a joke these morons are.
    It doesn’t work they way it used to.
    Too many people invested now.
    I’d switch gears. The threats and intimidation make it worse.
    Who the hell is in charge that does not realize that?

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