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Canton Coverup Part 422: Turtleboy Attorney Tim Bradl Scores Major Victory Against Witness Intimidation Statute With Acquittal For Tony Raymond In Everett Meme Case 


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Tony Raymond is an ex-con from Everett who just won a major victory today in Malden District Court against the unconstitutional witness intimidation statute that is being weaponized by police departments across the state in order to criminalize lawful speech.

Raymond is not ordinarily the kind of guy I would go out of my way to defend. He has a long criminal record, which includes federal jail sentences for bank robbery and contempt after he refused to testify against a mobster as part of his immunity deal. He has spent significant time in jail, and now runs a small Facebook group called the Everett Reporter, which criticizes the political establishment, particularly Mayor Carlo DeMaria. DeMaria is your typical entrenched political hack, who looks like his life goal was to be an extra in the Sopranos, and is the highest paid Mayor in Massachusetts ($236,647). Not bad for a city of just over 50,000 people.

DeMaria was a lockdown king during COVID, imposing some of the most insane, anti-science mandates in the country. There was a 9 PM curfew and all social gatherings were outlawed, because the virus only spread at night.

But DeMaria was also widely accused by an independent newspaper called the Everett Leader Herald, of receiving bribes and kickbacks from developers. Gretchen Voss wrote about it in her last story in Boston Magazine before her McAlbert hit piece later that year. In the story she was extremely biased and sympathetic towards DeMaria, who she presented as someone who was a great and loved political leader until an independent journalist started making up stories about him because he was being paid by DeMaria’s opposition. In her story it was clear that the Everett Leader Herald’s editor had made up unprovable lies about DeMaria – a big fat greaseball who has spent decades getting comfortable in the hack-a-rama. It was also revealed that the editor was being bankrolled by someone who had an axe to grind with the Mayor.

Sound familiar? Had I seen this I would’ve probably never agreed to interview with Gretchen “Mushrooms” Voss. She clearly had this story on her mind when she began looking into the Karen Read case. She viewed me the same way she viewed the editor of the Everett Leader Herald – a liar for hire. She viewed the guy bankrolling the editor as Karen Read, and she viewed the well connected, untouchable hack Mayor as Michael Morrissey.

The difference between the two stories is that I don’t lie about anything, the accusations I’ve made about Morrissey are legitimate and come with receipts, and my journalism cannot be bought.

Tony Raymond was firmly on the side of DeMaria’s political opponent, Fred Capone, who almost beat him in the Mayor election as a result of the Herald’s reporting. Immediately after winning reelection DeMaria vowed to get revenge on the people who lied about him. In a direct quote he said “I raised a lot of money and I’m going after a lot of people.”

On Tony’s Facebook page he often creates video memes, depicting himself as a ninja, a mobster, or some sort of other fighter, attacking political allies of DeMaria. In the first video below he put the names of 3 city officials – City Solicitor Colleen Mejia,  Assistant City Solicitor Attorney Keith Slattery, and City CFO Eric Demas – on the cartoon gangster bodies of characters that the cartoon Tony Raymond had just beaten up.

During a public Zoom broadcast that Slattery was a part of, Everett Communications Director Deanna Deveney asked a racist question to Councilor Anthony DiPierro, inquiring if “one of your dark friends” could do something for her. Slattery and the others all laugh at the joke.

Tony Raymond recorded this broadcast and posted it on his Facebook page. For that he received a threatening letter in the mail from the City’s Attorney Samuel Pollack, demanding that the video be removed because it was illegally wiretapped.

Newsflash – it is not wiretapping to record a public Zoom broadcast. I actually established case law in this regard when Big Black Jeffrey attempted to have me charged with felony wiretapping in 2022, after I recorded our Zoom criminal complaint court hearing in Springfield District Court, in which he tried to have me charged with another crime. This was the hearing, which was absolutely hilarious:

The magistrate ruled that Big Black Jeffrey couldn’t be a victim of wiretapping because there was no expectation of privacy in a courtroom, just as there is no expectation of privacy for city officials on a Zoom broadcast.

However, Mejia, Slattery, and Demas were all “witnesses” in the lawsuit that the City had filed against the Everett Leader Herald for defamation, and they sent a summons to Raymond to be deposed.

In December of 2023 Raymond posted this meme on his Facebook page:

For that he was not only charged with felony witness intimidation, but arrested while he was doing his job as a Malden bus driver.

He was ordered to have GPS monitoring as conditions of his release, and due to the stay away orders imposed he could not attend meetings at City Hall like he did before.

Sound familiar?

Entered into evidence were other posts Raymond made about Slattery, including the video in which he suggested Slattery was a bad parent.

Yet the Judge in his case said that these memes and postings “could be viewed as threatening the lives or safety of the three public officials.”

And since they were all “witnesses” in an ongoing matter, this constituted felony witness intimidation.

Sound familiar? It’s very similar to what happened to me. I couldn’t attend Canton Selectboard meetings because Chris Albert said he felt “unsafe” around me. One of the differences between me and Tony Raymond is I don’t have a criminal history, but that shouldn’t matter here. In this case Raymond did nothing wrong, and if they could convict him for his speech, they could convict me for mine.

We received a message over the weekend from a family member of Slattery, who warned us about becoming involved with Tony Raymond due to his criminal past.

But I don’t care about his past, and I’m not in any sort of alliance with him. I care about whether or not people can be arrested for posting memes on Facebook.

Kelly said that her husband should have more rights than Raymond, simply because Raymond is a felon, and that she has every right to feel afraid and intimidated by him. And she’s right – she has the right to feel however she feels. But the problem is that other people suddenly don’t become criminals based on your feelings. Kind of like how I’m not a criminal because Colin Albert and Jen McCabe claim that I made them feel sad. This is the problem with the witness intimidation statute and why we’re going to overturn it – you can’t outlaw “emotional harm” because it relies on the honesty and subjective feelings of people like the McAlberts.

Mrs. Slattery claims that memes become violence when you threaten to put a dagger to someone’s throat.

And I agree that threatening to put a dagger to someone’s throat is illegal, and should be covered under the witness intimidation statute. But the problem is I haven’t seen that alleged, or any evidence of it, so I asked her to provide it to me. Of course she couldn’t do that.

Kind of like how Jennifer McCabe can’t backup a lot of the baseless allegations she’s made about me.

Mrs. Slattery said that we would see on Tuesday that Raymond would be found guilty for his meme crimes.


Luckily Tony hired my Attorney Timothy Bradl, who has been leading the charge to attack this unconstitutional statute, which is being used all over the state to silence people who criticize the ruling elite. And yesterday morning, after Tuesday’s bench trial, Raymond was found not guilty.

This is a major win for the First Amendment, and sets precedent in my case. It’s not enough for “witnesses” to just claim that they are scared or “emotionally harmed.” Speech does not become criminal just because it makes some people uncomfortable, and you do not have special rights just because you have been arbitrarily labeled as a “witness.”



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