Antifa Organizer Matt Lawrence Blames Turtleboy Blog For Doxxing Him In Interview Outside Of New Hampshire Trump Rally

Last week TBS published a blog in anticipation of President Trump coming to New Hampshire, quoting an Antifa member named Matt Lawrence, who announced he was “masking up” for the protest.
As it turns out Mr. Lawrence elected not to wear his mask to the protest, which we found out today after a video was sent to us of him being interviewed by a right wing gentleman named Ben Bergquam, who has a Facebook page with over 100,000 followers (depressing to think about how many followers we’d have right now if our old page was up). During the video, which has a quarter of a million views on Facebook, Mr. Lawrence gave us a shoutout.
Ben: “Why are you guys out here?”
Matt Lawrence: “Because I f***ing hate the President and I think he’s a useless piece of s***.”
Ben: “Why do you hate him?”
Petey Pubelo: “Because he started his campaign off….Hey Turtleboy Sports, you mother f***ers, you just doxxed me. Turtleboy Sports just f****in doxxed me.”
Ben: “Who are Turtleboys?”
Can’t tell you how disappointed I am that the interview ended there. I really wanted to hear his answer, which likely would’ve consisted of a bunch of social justice warrior talking points backed up with no evidence whatsoever. But alas, we will never know because his mother forgot to pick up his Ritalin prescription and Mr. Lawrence lost his train of thought.
Just to be clear, we never doxxed anyone. This word, like many words used by people on Mr. Lawrence’s team, changes meaning to fit their narrative all the time. Kind of like racism, bullying, Fascism, and misogyny. Doxxed means you list a person’s phone number and address, which aren’t easily accessed with a simple Google search. All we did was screenshot his name with some words he wrote on the Internet using his real name. We didn’t find out where he lived, although he is a member of a domestic terrorist organization (Antifa) so his neighbors should be made aware of the danger they’re in.
I would suggest that Mr. Lawrence would be less hangry if someone just gave him a gift card to Panera Bread.
They look like Horace and Jasper after working a day in the coal mines.
Is that a Trump protest or a UNICEF commercial? Poor guy is in desperate need of a shower, shave, and a change of clothes. And if if he thinks he’s hungry now, wait till he sees what it’s like living in socialism. Ouch.
As for everything else in that video, you almost can’t make up the level of ignorance. According to Matt’s buddy Donald Trump is “Literally a Fascist.” And he defines Fascism as,
“the merger of private and public power to maintain power by the capitalist state. Donald Trump is a billionaire. Capitalism will kill you.”
These people have mastered the art of redefining every word in the English language to suit their argument. Kind of like “racism” now means that only white people can be racist. Fascism already has a definition:
“A follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions. Under fascist rule, the emphasis is on the group — the nation — with few individual rights.”
If there’s no tolerance for opposing views then CNN would cease from existing and this protest never would’ve actually taken place, which means we’re living in the Matrix. But when in doubt just call everyone you don’t agree with a white supremacist and see if you can get it to stick.
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I liked America better when crackpots like that died from tuberculosis.