Attorney Robert Fojo Files $5K Lawsuit Against Manchester Bar Employee For Sharing TB Article And Screenshots Of Fojo’s Threatening Messages

On Friday I was served with paperwork for a restraining order hearing by someone from the Sheriff’s office. New Hampshire Attorney Robert Fojo is pursuing this order because I responded to his threatening email vowing to pursue litigation on behalf of his client Thomas Svoleantopoulos, after we published a blog about his failure to pay his cleaning lady. The court date is May 7 in Manchester, and despite the coronavirus I am still required to attend the hearing in person, because restraining orders are considered serious. This however, is not serious. It is simply a corrupt attorney behaving unethically and abusing the court system during a pandemic. I look forward to explaining this all the judge on Thursday.
I’m not the only one Fojo is doing this to. One of his Facebook friends shared the blog about him and received passive aggressive messages like this.
I see he learned a new word – inconsequential. He must be so proud.
The guy Fojo was speaking to works at The Pint, so he threatened to go in there, get served by him, and tip nothing.
He then threatened to use his power as an attorney to sue the man if he dared to share any more TB articles on Facebook.
The man he threatened told me what happened and showed me the messages, which I then posted on Facebook to show the world what an unethical, unprofessional attorney Robert M. Fojo is. He then messaged the man again and told him that sharing screenshots of Facebook conversations is illegal.
Clearly this is not “recording and disseminating.” Attorney Fojo knows this, seeing as he graduated from Harvard. It is simply an unethical attempt to intimidate a free citizen into silence.
Yesterday Fojo filed a $5K small claims suit against the bar employee.
According to Rule 3.1 of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct,
“A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous, which includes a good faith argument for an extension, modification or reversal of existing law.”
Robert M. Fojo just violated that rule by not only attempting to get a RO against me, but also by filing a $5K small claims suit against a man who he knows very well didn’t break any laws. This is the definition of frivolous and I will be filing a complaint with the New Hampshire Ethics Commission. This man has no business being an attorney, and he’s clearly not mentally well.
In 2017 Fojo was hired by a landscaping company to file a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a woman for voicing her opinions about the company’s prices on a Mommy Facebook group. The lawsuit was thrown out before getting to trial, he wasted the client’s time and money, yet on his blog he says that the judge ruled incorrectly and vowed to take the frivolous lawsuit to the Supreme Court.
“That ruling was legally incorrect.”
He knows it was correct. He went to Harvard, so he’s not stupid. He just lies to clients, gives them false hope, and then doesn’t follow through. Spoiler alert – it never made it to the NH Supreme Court.
To make matters worse he also posted this picture on Facebook, vowing to show up at the bar employee’s work with his friends, after previously promising not to tip.
Look who joined him.
He’s clearly threatening to intimidate this bar employee by vowing to bring his muscle Mitch Fleming with him while the man is working.
His client who still hasn’t paid the cleaning lady, and is a DEA snitch who organized massive amounts of drug dealing less than 9 years ago, commented on the picture.
Feta Cheese Freddie.
If you work at Whiskey’s 20 or spend any money there and support this man then you’re no better than he is. Their entire staff should quit. I will continue exposing these two men and their establishment, so anyone who chooses to associate with them could potentially be exposed as well.
In a twist of awkwardness it also was revealed that Fojo messaged a former employee of Svoleantopoulos’ and offered to help her sue Svoleantopoulos, who he described as a “shithead” and “bad people.”
Very serious attorney.
In his affidavit for the order against me he claims that I lied about him getting a DUI, but the court dockets show otherwise.
I will be contacting the Manchester Police this week to get the police report on that incidence, as well as his other arrest for domestic violence.
In case you didn’t realize how self absorbed and pathetic Attorney Fojo is, here’s his old cover photo on Facebook:
It’s him beating a bunch of women and chicks in costumes at the beginning of a 5K. It doesn’t get much more pathetic than that.
I look forward to my day in court on Thursday. In the meantime, please do NOT flood his law firm’s Facebook page with bad reviews. He might sue you too!!
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