Audio Shows Abby Kelley Charter School Mom Coaching Daughter Not To Cooperate With Attorney Investigating Abuse Scandal

Last week we published a blog about the Worcester Police investigating allegations of sexual misconduct between a coach and a cheerleader on the Abby Kelley Charter School cheerleading team. Our sources from within the school community reported to Turtleboy Daily News that a coach named Jasmine Horton was having a sexual relationship with a 15 year old cheerleader, and that it was well known by the head coach and the girl’s mother Meghan McLeod. It was also alleged that McCloud’s daughter had come to school with black eyes and reported to the principal that her mother abused her, but instead of alerting DCF they called McLeod to pick her up because she was trusted as a mental health counselor. Months later the girl again reported abuse to the principal, but this time they filed a report. In retaliation McLeod allegedly blew the whistle on her daughter’s relationship with the coach, prompting the police investigation. The principal resigned unexpectedly last week.
Over the weekend the Worcester Police announced that the investigation was ended and no charges were being filed. But we have obtained audio recordings of a conversation between Meghan McLeod and her daughter in which she coaches her daughter not to talk to her appointed lawyer without McLeod. This is problematic because the girl is allegedly reporting that her mother abused her, which she wouldn’t feel comfortable saying in front of her mother.
“Let’s work together as a team.”
“You need to tell the lawyer that you don’t want to meet by yourself, that you want me to meet with you because I don’t trust the courts. And they’re telling me you’re in conflict. Me and you are not in conflict.”
“She knows that I filed this because she made bad choices and I’m doing this to remain on the right track. She filed DCF and DCF advised me to do this. I don’t want my kid out of my house.”
“Who wanted to talk to you? Oh I though you meant someone at school, I was gonna lose my f***ing shit. I was gonna lose my Goddamn shit. I was gonna lose my f***ing mind. You can meet with guidance if you have a question about college, but your mental stuff you are not to address at all in school. Because look what happened. She’s not a therapist, she doesn’t know what the f*** she’s doing.”
The next recording starts with the daughter asking her McCloud what her daughter’s attorney said.
McLeod: “He’s a dick, saying she (the girl) has constitutional rights. Her rights end where mine begin. He asked me are you a lawyer? I was like don’t worry about what I am.”
Newsflash – your daughter has constitutional rights at all times. Her rights don’t end because she’s accusing you of abuse.
She went full ratchet when explaining that the lawyer doesn’t get to speak to her daughter unless he pays child support.
McLeod: “He’s like well me and (the daughter) were gonna make a plan. I said oh, are you paying child support? I said I’m only doing this because DCF advised me and my daughter made a series of bad choices and I’m trying to get her back on track. I’m not looking for an out of home placement.
Yea, the daughter made the bad choices, not you.
Then she insinuated that the lawyer was a creep.
McLeod: You need to tell him that you don’t feel comfortable meeting with him without me. You’re 16. Unless he’s gonna pay for you or drive you or take ownership of you, he’s not meeting with you by yourself. Plus I don’t think a 16 year old girl meeting with a man she doesn’t know makes sense, do you?”
Daughter: “He’s a lawyer and it’s at the courthouse.”
McLeod: “Lawyers have the highest incidents of alcoholism than any other profession. Do you know that it’s because of our personalities because we’re so type edge.”
Daughter: “He’s probably gay.”
McLeod: “He doesn’t sound gay! He sounds like he wants to fight me.”
“Our personalities?” Newsflash – you’re not a lawyer. You’re just a ratchet who coaches her daughter not to cooperate with a DCF investigation into allegations that you assaulted her. If she didn’t have anything to hide then she wouldn’t need to be coached on what not to do. And the fact that you’re allowed to remain on as a mental health counselor while this is going on is more troublesome than a male attorney meeting with a teenage client in a courthouse.
I’m guessing that the investigation ended because the age of consent in Massachusetts is 16, and that this will be swept under the rug by the school. But this new audio is damning, and DCF should definitely hear it if they haven’t already.