Law and Order

Beverly Pizza Shop Owner Who Doxxed Customers For Leaving Bad Reviews Stole $660K In PPP Loans And Ran Away To Vermont To Start Alpaca Farm


Last June we blogged about Dana McIntyre, the owner of Rasta Pasta Pizzeria in Beverly, after he responded to a completely justified negative review of his porous $30 “lobster” pizza by posting the addresses and phone numbers of dissatisfied customers in the replies.

He was also a big crypto bro.

And there’s nothing crypto bros like doing more than telling you why you should be using crypto.

Today Dana McIntyre is back in the news again because he was arrested by the feds for defrauding the government by pretending to have more employees than he had in order to obtain PPP loans that he ended up spending on an alpaca farm:

Federal prosecutors say a former North Shore business owner grossly inflated the number of employees and payroll at his Beverly pizza shop to fraudulently obtain federal COVID-19 relief funds — which he used to buy a farm and some alpacas. Dana McIntyre, 57, the former owner of Rasta Pasta Pizzeria, was arrested Tuesday morning and is expected to make an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Boston on Tuesday afternoon. He is charged with wire fraud and money laundering. 

According to court papers, McIntyre obtained more than $661,000 in Payroll Protection Program loan funds last year by claiming that he had 47 employees and a monthly payroll of $265,000 at his small pizza shop in a strip mall on Cabot Street. But he used different figures while filing for Economic Injury Disaster Loans and on past tax filings, leading investigators to conclude that McIntyre’s pizza shop never had more than 10 employees on its payroll. Investigators also allege that McIntyre set up fictitious companies in his children’s names in an attempt to obtain disaster loans. 

He used his kid’s names to set up fake companies to try to get disaster loans? The same grown kids who hate him and immediately sold him out the second he got called out on TB?

At least his kids are good for something.

After obtaining the PPP funds, McIntyre, who had lived in Essex, sold the pizza shop and used the money to buy a farm in Grafton, Vermont, pay for upgrades to the home and property, and purchase “several” alpacas, according to court papers. McIntyre also allegedly used PPP funds to pay for a classic 1950 Hudson, a GMC Sierra truck and $6,500 to pay for airtime on WBOQ, a North Shore radio station, to host a paid program called “The Dana Crypto Show” where he talked about cryptocurrency. 

Of course he bought air time on a radio station no one listens to so he can rant about crypt, even though his belief in government backed cash was so strong that he went out of his way to defraud the taxpayers to get it. Almost like he knows that money be green. Money look like money.

He’s invested at least $25 of the money he stole into the website too.

It’s too bad too because the Alpaca farm was set to open this week!

There were so many fun activities we could’ve enjoyed, like a romantic $200 wine, cheese, and alpacas package.

You can bring your autistic kid there to play with his alpacas on the Somali pirate diet.

And he’s got a stud alpaca whose entire reason for existing is to plow other alpacas half his age and make baby alpacas, because demand for alpacas in this country has never been higher.

I for one am shocked that the guy who doxxed a bunch of angry customers who were understandably upset about his bootleg lobster pizza would be this dumb and obvious. He wouldn’t be the first person to scam the government a little during COVID. Do you know how many people were on unemployment who didn’t need to be? Or applied for these loans and got them but were still making money in different ways? All you had to do was not put different amounts of employees on different forms and then run off to Vermont to start an alpaca farm, but bootleg John McCain here got greedy and now his ass is going to jail.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries