TB Investigates

BLM Boston Leader, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley Campaign Organizer Monica Cannon-Grant Posts Sexually Charged Racist Tirade Against Pressley’s Republican Challenger 


Monica Cannon-Grant is the founder of the non-profit Violence in Boston, a campaign organizer for Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, District Attorney Rachael Rollins, and Senatorial candidate Joe Kennedy, and is arguably the face of the black lives matter movement in Boston. She’s been legitimized in the media, having written several op-eds for the Boston Globe, and has taken part in interviews on several stations including public television WGBH. She’s organized several large protests in Boston with crowds over 50,000 in size, including a 2017 anti-free speech rally, and numerous BLM protests in Boston since the killing of George Floyd.

In March Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a man she has been vocally critical of as a supporter of former challenger Tito Jackson, gave her a 4,000 square foot building for the Violence in Boston Social Impact Center headquarters, where she hosts her podcast.

However, despite her mainstream acceptance Cannon-Grant frequently uses her ability to organize large crowds as a threat to intimidate her political opponents, as she did with Walsh before he capitulated to her demands. In February she threatened to organize “45,000 mother f***ers to be on y’all’s front lawn,” before saying “f*** the police, f*** the police, f*** the police, f*** the police.”

FTP (f the police) is a common refrain of her’s.

Weaponizing the mob is no mere threat either. In 2017 Cannon-Grant misrepresented an image of a young black girl from a Bridgewater Elementary School, who volunteered to play the part of the baby in a standard presentation put on by the Plymouth Plantation, shared it on social media, and encouraged people to harass the teacher and school.

It was soon revealed that one child on every school visit plays the part of the baby in this presentation, and because they did not want to tell this little girl that she could not participate due to the outrage form a Twitter mob, they allowed her to do it when she volunteered.

Black lives matter activist Shaun King soon picked up on it, which led to widespread death threats against the school and teacher, forcing the school to temporarily shut down.

No apology was issued on Cannon-Grant’s part.

Here she is threatening BPD after a police officer allegedly had their foot in her daughter’s back.

Congresswoman Pressley is facing a challenge in November from Republican Rayla Campbell, a black mother of three from Randoph.

Seeing as she is a Republican, many Trump supporters are also supporting her campaign, including people associated with Super Fun Happy America, the group that organized the trolling “Straight Pride Parade” last August. Although this group is cartoonish and ridiculous at times, they are relatively harmless. However, because of their conservative ties they are often accused of being white nationalists.

Some of these people showed up at a Campbell campaign event last week in Randolph, which upset Cannon-Grant who responded by posting a viciously racist 30 minute video on Facebook, which she has since removed. You can watch the entire thing here, but I’ve put together some of the stronger talking points.

In regards to Campbell’s white husband and alleged blackness:

“This heffer running against Ayanna Pressley. This one here with the white husband. At some point we gonna have to have a conversation with black folks who get in a conversation with white folks and then forget that they black.”

“If white vagina and white penises jeopardize your melanin then we need you to sit in the back of the classroom and this ain’t your part of the show and you don’t get to talk right now.”

“Regardless of how many white penises you ride, and I ain’t mad at you sis because if you riding that mother f***er for a credit score get you that house boo. Get you that 40 acres and a mule. Just don’t forget you a n***er.”

In regards to black men who inter-marry with black women:

“He getting pink uncooked vagina. I get it, I get it. But what I need you to do though is keep your mouth shut on black shit if you ain’t ready to be black”

In regards to Campbell’s alleged lack of “blackness” which Cannon-Grant refers to as “melanin-adjacent.”

“I’ll be damned if I let this melanin adjacent woman, whose proximity to white supremacy is so disgusting, be disrespectful to our congresswoman because white folks have convinced her that she was better. She’s an exceptional negro? Is that what it is?”

She was upset that Super Fun Happy America was coming to her campaign event in Randolph, and called on black men to show up to defend black women (Pressley in this case, since she doesn’t consider Campbell to be black) by invoking Malcolm X.

“Malcom X would’ve blown somebody’s head off.”

In fairness, this woman runs a non-profit called “Violence in Boston,” but the event was planned to be in Randolph, which was gerrymandered into Pressley’s district.

She continued to degrade Rayla sexually, accusing her of having sex with multiple white men with stereotypical white names.

“I get it, you’ve been riding white penis for a while. I don’t give a shit. You and Tom, Chad, and Bill can get it.”

She referred to Campbell as a “house negro” who bows to her master and reports runaway slaves.

“Then you had the house negro who was so excited about being in the mother fucking house, that every time master got sick they was like ‘we sick master.’ That’s what this woman is.”

Which is ironic, because by being an outspoken conservative black woman, Campbell has essentially ran away from the democratic plantation and is being reported as a runaway by people like Cannon-Grant.

This prompted Cannon-Grant to organize her own event for Pressley, and she threatened Campbell to keep her hands off of the congresswoman.

“We gonna figure out how to organize an event for our congresswoman Ayanna Pressley cuz we need this heffer to understand that regardless of how many white penises she ride, regardless of how many white supremacists she recruit, and regardless of how many Trump supporters she support, that at the end of the day keep your hands off. Keep your fucking hands off.”

“And when it comes to our district attorney Rachael Rollins, yes fuck the police all day long and twice on Sunday. But what you not gonna do is put your hands on that black woman you 4 white men.”

This is not new behavior from the community organizer. There are countless videos of her using racist language to demean black people in particular who deviate from her talking points.

“I’m anti-coonery. There is a situation in this city of house negroes and field negroes that nobody wants to talk about. And the house negroes will always bow to the oppressor.”

She claims to wield immense power in City Hall, and says that she can get whatever she wants with a simple phone call.

“Anything that happens in City Hall, I get notified by City Hall. They call me, hit me up, and drop me on shit.”

This seems to be accurate, considering she’s been promoted by several high profile Boston City Councilors, including Michelle Wu, Andrea Campbell, and Julia Mejia, (all of who voted to defund the police) who have praised her for her bold activist leadership and her ability to challenge and inspire.

She’s even threatened to ignite a race war if police didn’t give into her demands to submit to implicit racial bias training.

In just the last few months Cannon-Grant has been endorsed by NBC host Sue O’Connell, and Jim Braude, who makes a salary of over $400K a year at WGBH News – a taxpayer funded institution.



She’s had glowing stories written about her in the Boston Globe, and has published her own op-eds for the activist newspaper that plotted with Sherborn millionaire Bob Murchison to harass WEEI advertisers until Kirk Minihane was kicked off the air, allegedly because they were offended by the things he said on the radio.




She’s been legitimized repeatedly by speaking on panels on topics involving race, which have featured and been endorsed by Senator Elizabeth Warren, Pressley, Walsh, former Governor Deval Patrick, and Rollins.

We have not heard back from our request for comment from editor Shirley Leung about whether or not she endorses the racist language used by Cannon-Grant.

In the contentious Massachusetts Senate race, in which Joe Kennedy is attempting to primary incumbent Ed Markey, she’s firmly in the corner of the red-headed mutli-millionaire, who was born into great wealth and never had to work for anything his entire life, rather than the man who cowrote the Green New Deal and came from a working class background in Malden. Kennedy calls Cannon-Grant a “friend,” and has championed her “leadership and fierce advocacy” because he views her as a leader in the black community who can deliver votes his way in September.

She was initially unsure who to endorse, because according to her all white men are essentially the same, so “what’s the difference?”

If Kennedy wins she will now have the ears of both Senators from Massachusetts, as well as arguably one of the most powerful members of the House of Representatives.


BLM doesn’t have a designated president, but if Boston BLM did have a president it would be Monica Cannon-Grant. She organized all the major protests, and is treated by the media as the de facto leader.



She delivered speeches to the crowd at a July 4th protest, in which she demanded that the crowd “pay black women.”

Being paid for being a black woman is not a new idea for Cannon-Grant. One of her closest friends and business partners is Didi Delgado, a woman who has amassed an army of white followers who she forces to pay her weekly reparations.


Cannon-Grant had to publicly disassociate with Delgado in February after we published a blog about Delgado’s Facebook post, in which she urged food service workers to spit in the food of Boston Police officers.

Despite all of this Cannon-Grant has still received fawning praise from doctors and former Globe employees.


Last month she was honored by the Boston Celtics as a “hero among us,” for her ability to organize marches and spearhead donation drives that allege to reduce violence in Boston.



She’s very good at using her political connections to apply for and receive grant money, while simultaneously bemoaning systemic racism that keeps black people down.


Despite hundreds of thousands of dollars coming into Violence in Boston, she still accepts free labor from charitable organizations.



She criticized Boston Police Chief William Gross for meeting with Attorney General William Barr, and applauded Congresswoman Pressley for demanding that he not step foot in “her district” without consulting Pressley first.


And just like many, she was a vocal critic of those who opposed the lockdown, but then quickly disregarded her concern for COVID spread by organizing the protests.

Ayanna Pressley, Rachael Rollins, Joe Kennedy, and every media personality and politician who has publicly associated with Monica Cannon-Grant must publicly disavow her. If a Republican congressman had someone like this organizing campaign events as Pressley does, the press would immediately be calling for the same.


Her language in demeaning Rayla Campbell was deplorable, dehumanizing, and disgusting. For the crime of being a black conservative woman Campbell was sexualized and threatened by a woman who purports to combat violence in Boston. No respectable individual should associate with her, and we will be seeking comment and public condemnation from every person listed in this blog.

Saturday night on the live show at 9 PM Rayla Campbell will be joining me to discuss this. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.


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