TB Investigates

Block Island Ferry Victims Claim Police Refused To Arrest People Who Assaulted Women Prior To Getting On Block Island Ferry For Fear Of Starting Riot, Detail Traumatizing Ride Home


Last night on the Live Show we spoke with 2 people who were on the infamous Block Island Conferry Monday night, and were subjected to carnage that was not reported by any media outlets. According to the media narrative there was a “disturbance” during the 50 minute boat ride home, and Interstate Navigation Company (owners of the Block Island ferry) said they had “added security measures” on the boat, so it wasn’t their fault. But for some reason neither of them mentioned that there were multiple stabbings, and that the violence began well before the ferry left Block Island. We spoke with Patrick Stewart and Melissa Bouchard, who were both on the ferry with children, and they detailed the trauma and horror they experienced. It was much worse than even we initially reported. (Subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here because we’re the only media outlet that speaks directly with sources.)

“About 40 armed men were running all around the boat stabbing each other and throwing bleach in each others faces. We were all trapped in corners of the ferry huddled for protection.”

Things we learned:

  • Patrick, who was there with his girlfriend and her 3 year old child, had his shirt covered in blood after a huge fight broke out next to him and his child, which happened prior to the boat leaving.
  • Melissa and her entire family, which included young children, were covered in blood by the end of the ride.
  • Police officers boarded the ship prior to departure, saw what had happened, arrested no one, and allowed the ship to take off with the offenders still on board.
  • When the boat left the dock the free for all began and multiple people pulled out knives and began stabbing each other. Some raided the closet and began to throw bleach on others as well.
  • Melissa has two black eyes after she was assaulted by a man and his girlfriend prior to even getting on the boat. Another woman’s boyfriend was called a “white boy” and beaten in the parking lot. The people who committed these crimes were not arrested and police allowed them to get on the boat.
  • Melissa and others begged police to make arrests, but they told her that they wouldn’t be arresting anyone because they feared that making arrests would provoke a riot.
  • Melissa and Patrick urged the ferry not to leave them on the ship with these violent offenders trying to kill each other, but they were told that if they did not leave on the ferry then they would be forced to spend the night with their children on Block Island.
  • The police didn’t come onto the boat until the ferry was 5 minutes from shore and a man’s face had been slashed. Passengers found corners of the ship to hide in in order to shield themselves from the carnage.
  • There are no trained employees on this boat, and the ferry is less regulated than the ferries that go to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Employees tried their best to help, but they received no leadership or direction from the captain or the ferry company, and were helpless.

It’s inexcusable that these people were forced to endure this trauma. Melissa was forced onto a boat with people who had just attacked her, and there was no one on the boat who was trained to protect her or her family. Several of these people have dozens of charges for violent crimes. Both her and Patrick had made the captain and police aware of the dangers and begged for protection. Their pleas were ignored. Three groups of people should be sued for this:

  1. The ferry company for not training staff, leaving the dock despite knowing there were violent offenders on board, and not contacting authorities once people started stabbing each other.
  2. Ballards, which hosted the reggae festival, over-served those responsible for the carnage, made no arrangements for increased ferries, and didn’t spend enough money on security.
  3. The town of New Shoreham for the inadequate response from police, who did nothing to protect women and children from gang violence that they were made aware of prior to the boat departing.

There’s also a racial element to this. Almost everyone who was arrested and involved in the carnage is black. They yelled racial slurs at white bystanders who were targeted. Imagine if the roles were reversed and a group of violent white offenders beat up black people who they yelled racial slurs at. Just imagine how much differently this story would be reported right now.


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