Boomers Who Get Their News From Occupy Democrats Memes Agree – Spotify Messed Up By Not Caving To Neil Young’s Failed Attempt To Censor Joe Rogan
Last week 76 year old singer Neil Young pulled a Carano and announced that he would be taking his music off of Spotify if they continued to host Joe Rogan’s podcast, because he didn’t want his reputation to be tarnished by associating with an “anti-vaxxer” promoting “misinformation” that was “killing people.” You probably heard about it if you’re on social media, but it completely backfired on Young when Spotify let him go without a fight.
This was just another backhanded attempted at coerced censorship by a leftist who has labeled anything that goes against his world view as “misinformation.” They know that the government cannot tell Spotify what they can and cannot host on their platform, although the surgeon general certainly is trying.
Biden Surgeon General Suggests Joe Rogan Podcast Should Be Censored: Big Tech ‘Has Important Role To Play’
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) January 26, 2022
This is the government attempting to coerce a private company to do something that the First Amendment prevents the government from doing – censoring speech. When I become dictator people like this will immediately be put in prison. I have no tolerance for communists, and they won’t be allowed to have any sorts of rights or liberties when they’re no longer in power. I’ve seen what they do with power, and there’s really no reason they shouldn’t be treated the same way they treat their enemies. People like Neil Young will also be in prison, and their music will be made illegal.
I don’t listen to Rogan much because his podcasts are three hours long, and most of the guests I have no interest in. Rogan doesn’t even really have strong opinions on anything himself, he just brings on guests who do and they have conversations that sound like something you and your buddies did in his basement after taking bong rips. He’s not anti-vaccine at all either, he just asks questions and has conversations with people who are skeptical of the COVID vaccine. I don’t dislike Rogan, I just don’t find him that interesting.
But what I do appreciate is how he offends the establishment, so I enjoy what he represents. He is one of the major cultural leaders in a counter-revolution against the most powerful people in the country, and every attempt to silence him just makes him more popular. That’s why Spotify didn’t think twice before letting Neil Young walk.
The irony here is that Neil Young once was the voice of the counterculture. I used to teach about him in history class, particularly the song Ohio by Crosby, Stills, Young, and Nash. It was about protests at Kent State University against Nixon’s invasion of Cambodia in 1970, which ended up with 4 students being killed by guardsmen. If that song were made today Joe Rogan would be on the side of the protesters and Neil Young would be on the side of the establishment gunning them down.
For once it was nice to see a company tell one of these censorial twats to pound sand, but it’s only because money talks. Joe Rogan’s podcast is a hundred times more popular and downloaded than all of Neil Young’s songs combined. If Taylor Swift decided to do the same they would drop him in a heartbeat, and mark my word – that day will come. Spotify will eventually cater to the mob, they always do.
The mainstream media would have you believe that Joe Rogan is some sort of dangerous right wing conservative, when in fact he’s just a guy who likes to talk to different people and endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. They hate him because the public trusts him, and they don’t trust the media, so they’ve been fueling this narrative as well.
But by far the most egregious “media” outlet when it comes to left wing disinformation is something called Occupy Democrats. It’s a media company started in 2012 by these twin grifters.
Rafael and Omar Rivero have gotten rich off of sharing information that is so biased, and so untrue, that even left wing media outlets like The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, Wikipedia, and Snopes have called them out for it:
Occupy Democrats has repeatedly been caught by fact-checking websites for posting “exaggerated or invented news stories.” Brooke Binkowski, a managing editor at Snopes, commented that Occupy Democrats’ headlines were often “extremely misleading.”[33]
According to The Atlantic, Occupy Democrats’ posts are “studded with straightforwardly fake news”.[2] The Los Angeles Weekly reports that its posts are “free from the constraints of objectivity and, in some cases, facts”.[1] A 2016 BuzzFeed News analysis found it was “the least accurate left-wing page” of several Facebook pages it reviewed and cited one instance where it published a satirical story as fact.[34] In the run-up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election, The New York Times reported that Occupy Democrats “twisted facts to push a critical narrative about Republicans”.[35]
In 2017, PolitiFact included Occupy Democrats in its list of fake news websites. In 2017 however, PolitiFact removed Occupy Democrats from its list of fake news sites and, according to the Miami New Times, “admitted Occupy Democrats should never have been on the list in the first place.”[36] As of December 2020, PolitiFact classified 62% of 16 posts shared by Occupy Democrats it had evaluated as “not accurate”.[37] A further 31% it considered “half-true”.[37]
In 2021, a post shared by Occupy Democrats claimed Nikki Haley had changed her first name to sound more “white” in order to further her political career.[38] A fact check column by USA Today reported that Nikki was her legal middle name, she had used it as a given name since childhood, and that it was of ethnic Punjabi origin.[38] The same year, Snopes rated “False” a claim by Occupy Democrats that “Republican Congress members had abjectly failed to applaud Biden’s stated goal of drastically reducing the rate of child poverty in the United States” during that year’s State of the Union address.
Despite this, Facebook and Twitter still allow Occupy Democrats to spread lies without consequence, and they have over 10 million followers on Facebook. They specifically try to appeal to left wing boomers by using yellow highlighted BOLD ALL CAPS HEADLINES that say BREAKING NEWS, and urge you to like their page.
It gets tons of engagement, which is the whole point. On Twitter they end every tweet with “RETWEET IF YOU AGREE THAT (insert left wing talking point they’re trying to push).”
Anyone who ends their tweets with “retweet if” or “who’s with me,” and then repeats an uninteresting talking point that you can hear by watching Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow, is a grifter. The right has plenty as well (Charlie Kirk), and people with a basic understanding of social media understand that this is a frowned upon way to increase engagement. But the boomers don’t care, because boomers LOVE clickbait.
Yesterday Occupy Democrats shared this bald faced lie about Willie Nelson, Barry Manilow, Dolly Parton, and Peter Frampton pulling their music off Spotify.
That’s just patently untrue. It’s such fake news that Manilow himself said so, and even left wing grifters like that blue check Brooklyn Dad guy admitted that it was.
But you can see who OD is trying to appeal to by going through their comments section. Cynthia Medina was quite pleased with Neil Young’s failed attempt at censoring dissent.
You can tell just by looking at the furniture and rugs in her house that Cynthia has to call up her grandkids when the computer asks her to prove she’s not a robot.
Sandra Naset Eimen had never heard of this Joe Rogan bloke.
This is entirety of the crowd that Neil Young won over by his protest.
Then there was Margy.
That Joe Rohan sure is obscure! No one at her Margy’s bridge game has ever even heard of him before!
And he doesn’t contribute anything with his words (even though there’s a 0.0% chance she’s ever listened to one of his shows), unlike the good folks at CNN who do whatever Anthony Fauci tells them to do no matter how many times he turns out to be wrong.
Breaking News – Enrique Gomez is cancelling his prescription to Spotify too!
How will Spotify ever survive without the patronage of this man from the Internet?
They might as well file for bankruptcy now.
Nancy Parsons doesn’t even know what Spotify or Joe Rohan is, but she is an elderly woman with pink hair who stands behind Neil Young’s failed attempt at censorship anyway because urging tech companies to censor opinions and dying your hair is how you stick it to the man!
Speaking of pink hair, Denise Koundry is upset that other artists who don’t “deny science” aren’t removing their music from a place where people pay to hear it.
And she also believes that there are 72 genders, men can become women, and cloth masks and lockdowns stop the spread of COVID. That’s just science.
Michael Bates has no idea who Joe Rogan even is and doesn’t really care either.
He seems like buckets of fun.
Nevertheless, Rogan must be censored anyway because everyone on the television keeps telling Michael that Rogan is an anti-vaxxer.
The best of all of them was this Kansas lady from Twitter.
Keep your boomers off of Occupy Democrats folks. They think it’s real life.
Finally there was Lucky Skuja, who gets her news from Occupy Democrats memes and wrongly believes that all these musicians were boycotting Spotify, was thrilled that all these singers who won’t be alive in 10 years were “saving lives” by taking their music off Spotify.
Your name is Lucky and you wear flowers in your hair because you think doing so makes you part of the counterculture.
But you and Neil Young are really just part of the establishment and ruling class, and you’re trying to stick it to the man by getting billion dollar tech companies to silence free speech. You are everything you claim to be against, and so is the entirety of the Democratic Party.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: