Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara Crashes Into House With Unrestrained Son While Driving Unlicensed In Unregistered Car Belonging To Man She Made Sex Tape With



Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara crashed into a house at 803 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, at 4:30 this afternoon, severely injuring her autistic son who was not in a car seat, according to a Boston Police incident report. A 51A has been filed with DCF on behalf of the boy.

Lara was reportedly driving with a revoked license, and the car was not registered. She lied to police and attempted to blame another driver, who she claimed she swerved to avoid while speeding. Her son was seriously injured.

The Honda Civic belonged to Boston teacher Owen Thomas, who we wrote about in January after he leaked a video of him bragging about just having anal sex with Lara, while she was in the background naked from the waste down, doing her son’s hair.

Here is the post-sex video.

Editor’s Note: The original tweet reporting this event was taken by a biking advocate and BPDA traffic planner named Nick Schmidt. After finding out who was driving the car he immediately removed the tweet in an attempt to coverup what happened. His account has only 345 followers, but one of them is Mayor Michelle Wu.

Yesterday Lara mentioned her son being in the backseat of a car without shoes or a shirt, and compared him to a cartoon feral boy raised by orangutans.

During her contentious 2021 inaugural campaign for City Council against Mary Tamer, Lara constantly accused her Democratic opponent of racism for pointing out controversial things Lara had posted on social media, and the fact that she hadn’t voted in 14 of the last 20 elections. There is an image in this WGBG story about the race, showing Lara putting her son in a car seat.

No wonder her son already wants to go back to school.

I would too if my Mom tried to kill me while riding around in the unregistered car belonging to the man who just had anal sex with my Mom in front of me.

Lara frequently virtue signals about how she bikes everywhere as part of her climate justice plan. She recently was given a $4,500 bike that she claims to ride to work.

But just like Michelle Wu, she drives a car when she really needs to get somewhere and disregards traffic laws, endangering the law abiding citizens she claims to serve.

Earlier this week after finding out that 4 children were found in a South Boston housing complex (that her subcommittee runs) with a dead body, drugs, and sex toys, she expressed no concern for the children, but plenty of concern for the transgender adults who were there with them.

Anyone who has been following Lara’s behavior for the last two years isn’t surprised by this, as it’s far from the first time this woman has done something controversial that should disqualify her from office. Lara has tweeted about abolishing police and prisons completely, as recently as 2020. An older Facebook post showed her flashing gang signs and a gun.

In 2014 Lara was seen on film urging a mob of rioters to push down police officers.

She proposed getting rid of police officers for construction details and replacing them with convicted felons fresh out of jail, in order to achieve “racial justice and equity.”

Lara defended fellow City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo in September of 2022, after the candidate for Suffolk County District Attorney was accused by multiple girls of sexual assault. In order to deflect from that controversy Lara claimed at a meeting that she received daily emails calling her the n word and “whore,” which she blamed on the civilian sister of colleague City Councilor Erin Murphy. She used these alleged racist emails as a pretext to urge Murphy to silence her sister, who has been a vocal critic of Lara on Twitter. She also brought a crew of ratchets with her who nearly started a riot after the meeting.

We immediately FOIA’d her emails, which she called “depraved” because it suggested she might be lying.

As it turned out she was lying, because she received a grand total of zero emails calling her the n word or whore. One email from a black man named Jamarhl contained the word while quoting someone else, but he sent that to the entire City Council, not just Lara.

No media outlet has ever asked her about this, or reported our records search. They’re happy to print her allegations of racism, but when it turns out she’s lying they are nowhere to be found.

After the Arroyo’s loss Lara immediately blamed it on racism, while ignoring the fact that two women had come forward accusing him of sexual assault.

The press also never reported on our story that Lara was continuing to live in public housing that she no longer qualified for after voting to raise her own salary. Prior to that she had multiple evictions and court judgments against her. She still owes hundreds of dollars to a lactation consultant who she never paid for services rendered.



Kendra Lara is what happens when people elect children and ratchets instead of grownups. She, along with Julia Mejia, Tania Fernandes-Anderson, Arroyo, and several other City Councilors who recently voted to drastically defund the police, are the face of what Boston has become under the experiment of communism. This is what happens to a city when it gets flooded with 28 year old soy boys on Schwinn bicycles, who displace people who have lived in Boston their whole lives, sent their kids to the schools, and are invested in the community. The City is run by a Mayor who didn’t move to Boston until she decided to go to Harvard, where she was groomed by her professor Elizabeth Warren to run on the same socialist platform Lara ran on. Mayor Wu encourages this mayhem.

Kendra Lara must immediately resign from the City Council and should lose custody of her son, who is clearly not safe around her. She makes sex videos with him in them, breaks the law by driving unlicensed and unregistered, and could’ve very easily killed the little boy. But I have no doubt she will blame this on racism and her idiotic supporters will frame this accurate reporting as a right wing attack.

P.S. This incident, along with Michelle Wu’s crash earlier in the month, completely legitimize our reporting on Julia Mejia’s alleged DUI in December that she’s suing us for reporting on. These people are lawless and think rules don’t apply to them. When they get caught they lie and blame innocent people in order to save themselves.

Double P.S. Don’t post things on Twitter if you don’t want people using it.


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