Poor Behavior

Boston Mother Of 4 Beats Woman With Phone At Saugus Walmart, Blames Racism, Challenges Several People To More Fights


A woman was caught on tape at the Saugus Walmart over the weekend pummeling a blonde woman with a phone.

Safe to say that Rotund Rousey won that fight, although it was really more of a crime than it was a fight. You can’t use your Obampahone to reign blows of taxpayer funded unlimited data upon another woman’s skull and call it a fight.

And neither of them was wearing a mask. Someone could’ve gotten sick!

Rotund Rousey deserves to be in jail for that one. Using a phone as a weapon is no different than using brass knuckles. Credit to north shore Barbie though, she still had some fight left in her after the beating was finished.

Saugus has the misfortune of not only being Saugus, but also having close proximity to Lynn, Revere, and Boston. So you can just imagine the clientele this Walmart draws on a regular basis. Turns out Rotund Rousey is a Boston mother who goes by Marra Maries Figueroa, and she’s got a litter of children who will grow up thinking it’s normal for Mom to handle slight disagreements in public in this manner.

Marra knows exactly how to pose to attract the kind of men who will give her the pump and dump.

Rotund Rousey graced us with her presence in the comments to declare victory as the official Warlord of Walmart, and of course she blamed the assault on racism.

Her friends concurred.

This is just what you do now when you get caught committing a crime – blame it on anger from racism. Because if you’re mad about racism you can loot, burn, steal, assault, or commit the crime of your choice. All is forgiven if the person you’re victimizing did something racist. Ya know, to avenge your ancestors or something.

Frederick Douglas once stated that he hoped that 200 years later his ancestors would be fupa flexing on white women in Walmart.

But according to the guy who posted the video there was no racism.

Rotund Rousey did not like that, and had some pretty specific instructions for Shane.

Funny though, because race wasn’t mentioned in earlier comments when she said that her actions were acceptable because she was having “the most horrible day,” and north shore Barbie committed the crime of walking in front of her.

Girl, you know you outweigh her by 35 pounds. You’re not fooling anyone. And it’s definitely not the first time you’ve been in a Walmart fight, it’s just the first time you became TB famous for it.

For what it’s worth the boyfriend of north shore Barbie claims that Rotund Rousey was targeting white people.

But again, none of that matters because Marra has to avenge Harriet Tubman, and therefore kicking the crap out of white people in department stores is permissable for the indefinite future.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Yea so this is definitely becoming a thing. There was a black guy who beat the piss out of a white guy at a Macy’s and isnt getting charged for sucker punching some random white guy from behind because racism.. If you have White children get them in karate or some sort of self defense because we all know Rachet Rollins isnt going to press any charges if your skin is a shade darker. I predict in a few short years this will be considered normal and the white people being beat up for no reason will be blamed cuz racism.. Just goes to show you that people like this ratchet and the gang banger in Macy’s do not belong in a civilized society.. I mean how many more innocent wypipo are going to get jumped before all these BLM white cult members realize they supporting people who hate them are the most racist people this country has to offer.

  2. This article was wack. whoever wrote it ur mother’s a hoe, you are probably related to the white smut that got beat up 😂😂😂

  3. Stfu all your saying is bullshit, your probably racist your self and you should of been the one that got fucked up in the video. Ugly ass bitch eat a fresh hot glizzy and choke on it.

  4. Where’s the videos of the Caucasian women calling the cops on colored people just because they aren’t white? Where’s the videos of the people getting exposed for being racist ? I’m getting a feeling “turtle boy” might be biased in journalism smh

  5. This article SUCKSS ASSSSSS. glad karen, becky, suzy whatever the fuck her name is, got her ass suplexed and beat tf up Ha !

  6. wheres the security camera at walmart .. why didn’t walmart report this to the police ???

  7. Your a horrible writer. No facts are present and while I don’t know what happened in this instance I also don’t know what happened to George Floyd.. all I know is fear justifies murder in this country so aggravation justifying an assault isn’t too far fetched…Have a Protest about it.. Good day Sir.

  8. This blog is so biased. It’s obvious who’s side your on… when clearly you should be reporting facts, for instance who did it, said it and why. All the screenshot and shade thown in here is in bad taste..no class at all. Just give up the personal BJ (blog job) and work for the Onion. This is a joke🙄😑Smfh.🤦🏾‍♀️

  9. Why are you posting false information that’s why you didn’t want to post the whole commented because you know you’ll look stupid but now watch how we get your page shut down for being a racist

  10. I actually read the comments and that white girl started with her please show all the comments before you post something

  11. You can already tell whoever wrote this story is an “All Lives Matter”’person 😑😑😑😑

  12. Yo fuck off you white racist piece of shit I’m Mara’s friend she would never beat someone’s ass for no reason obviously the white bitch was talking shit first like get your facts straight before posting shit so go fuck yourself

  13. Even “if” something was said, “say” something back. No reason for that violence. Isn’t that what almost everyone in the world is working so hard to change. Wow.

  14. But the author made sure she said her racist shitt about Obama phones and all the shit… Everybody including you in the situation is corny

  15. I wish someone could translate the comments from these uneducated pieces of shit! Who beats someone in a Walmart. Get a grip, close your legs and stop popping out children you can’t afford!

  16. Too bad the ass clown who wrote this article sounds like a racist ignorant fool and should get a smack too like this lady in Walmart. Your tone and words say it all you clueless bufoon.

  17. You people need to take english lessons your beating the shit out of the english language they sell a book called english for dummies I suggest you all buy a copy

  18. You are a poor example of journalism. You have no right acting like an animal when you were not there and you don’t know what provoked the incident. Stop acting like the blonde was all innocent and stop assuming all black people are on welfare or unruly.

  19. Fuck outta here with this bullshit post, I smell the YT from this post! You related to this Becky? Did you feel the crack that she deserved ? You mad mad huh lmao

  20. Idk about all of this but Aidan is just a sad middle aged, Faux news loving, Trump humper with a tiny ass cock.

  21. I couldn’t imagine being a 50 year old man and writing shit like this. What a loser.

  22. violence isn’t always the answer but there comes a time when you get fed up with the things done to you, said to you and assumed that you will take and you let loose. It isn’t about avenging historical black figures or slavery, it’s about being tired of of being tired of being walked on.

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