Braintree Cheesehog Shares Thoughts On Chesna Family After Mistrial


This is Denise Lindelof from Braintree.

Here’s what this cheesehog posted on Facebook yesterday about Michael Chesna’s widow after Judge Beverly Cannone declared a mistrial in the Michael Chesna/Vera Adams murder trial.

Cindy Chesna has been put through hell, and has done nothing publicly to offend anyone. She didn’t ask to be put in the spotlight, and she’d trade every penny she’s been given to get the father of her children back. She’s been jerked around by a vile wench of a judge, and a legal system that took five years to bring her husband’s murderer to trial. Then when it finally happened Bev Cannone turned the courtroom into a circus and further victimized the Chesna family. Her mortgage was paid off by Tunnels to Towers, and she then raised $19K for the family of an Arkansas cop who was killed in the line of duty as well.

I thought about not even writing a blog about Fupazilla because what this disgusting pig wrote was so vile. But at the same time, I want her words to follow her around for the rest of her miserable existence and think she deserves to be publicly shamed. We previously wrote about her in 2020 when she attacked a bakery for making a cake for a cop.

So this is pretty par for the course for her.

The people who say “f*** hate,” are always the most hateful.

Every time.

She may not be a doctor, but she knows a cunt when she sees one.

Every time she looks in the mirror.

Anyway Denise, you can tell yourself you’re beautiful, and looking to find your “whole self” all you want.

But it really shouldn’t be that hard to find someone with their own gravitational pull whose weight can only be measured on the Richter scale.

Sorry your life is so miserable that being cruel to other people brings you happiness.



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