
Braintree School Committee Member Is Being Recalled After Veteran Shaming Comments Were Exposed On TB


For the first time in TB Daily News history a blog we published has prompted a recall election of an elected official:

An effort is underway to recall a school committee member over a Facebook post that some feel disparaged an elderly veteran. The target is school committee member Kelly Cobb-Lemire, who was elected to a four-year term on the committee last November and is a longtime community volunteer. Her social media post was about a food delivery she made for a local food pantry last month.

“Yesterday, I made a food pantry delivery to a gentleman I don’t normally deliver to,” Cobb-Lemire posted on her private Facebook page. “He had a Veterans for Trump sign in his window and then he came out with an NRA tshirt on. So wishing I believed in getting rewards in some afterlife.”

The text was followed by a smiley face emoji wearing a halo. The post became the basis for an entry on the website Turtleboy Sports under a headline that said Cobb-Lemire “openly mocks needy veteran.” The post generated off-color comments and some that Cobb-Lemire said were threatening. Turtleboy’s post was shared several times on other local Facebook pages, where it sparked further debate and some moderator’s removed the repost. In a statement to The Patriot Ledger, Cobb-Lemire apologized for the comments in the post, noting that she is the daughter of a Marine who served during the Korean War, the niece of two soldiers who served in Vietnam and the sister of a retired U.S. Navy officer.

“Although there was no malicious intent on my part, I understand how it could be interpreted as disrespectful, and I take full responsibility for any pain my words may have caused. I am truly sorry if any veterans felt I was disrespecting them. That was never my intention, and I apologize,” she wrote. “For anyone to say I am anti-veteran is an outright lie.”

Kimberly Sacco said she has the 400 signatures on a petition needed to launch a recall effort against Cobb-Lemire. Sacco feels the comments in the post disqualify her from serving on the school committee.

“Based on the irreparable disrespect for our veterans, what would she do to our children?” Sacco asked.

During a public comment portion of Monday night’s remote school committee meeting, Sacco called on Cobb-Lemire to resign and save the town the thousands of dollars a special election would cost. Cobb-Lemire did not respond. Sacco said she intends to file the petition signatures with Town Clerk James Casey as soon as Thursday. If certified, the signatures would trigger the second step in the recall process established by the town charter, where organizers would have to collect the signatures of approximately 2,700 registered voters, or 10 percent of the total number eligible for the last town election, in three weeks to force a recall election. The town council would set the date for the election, where a majority of voters would decide if Cobb-Lemire should be removed from office.

It’s always a fun day when the mainstream media is begrudgingly forced to recognize our existence. You know it’s not easy for them, but it was hard not to in this case since the only reason she’s being recalled is because we exposed the horrible things she postedKelly also issued a press release on Facebook blaming the blog for screenshotting her horrible comments, before removing the post in shame.

The fact that this woman is talking about relatives that served in Korea shows that she completely misses the point. No one says she disrespected all veterans. Just the needy guy she was there to help. The issue is she publicly mocked this veteran for being needy, specifically because of his political beliefs. She then sat back and did nothing as her friends made fun of them, and she even commented on some of these comments herself.

She also shared confidential health information about the guy.

Just to be horrible.

Now the woke bridgade is defending her honor in the comments and blaming TB for literally just screenshotting the things she posted in a blog.

Intentionally misread her post? She admitted she was wrong, and her “apology” wasn’t really an apology so much as it was whining about TB exposing her.

She delivered the veteran food, “not withstanding his political beliefs.”

As if that was her decision to make.

It was amazing how many people blamed TB for this.

I literally just screenshotted things she said. That’s it.

Others are whining about “cancel culture.”

Newsflash – democracy isn’t cancel culture. Kelly Cobb-Lemire is being recalled because she’s horrible, and she only got the seat in the first place because no one ran against her.

The amount of people who think Facebook is their personal diary never ceases to amaze me either. According to some, “Facebook is not reality” and Kelly was just using her “inside voice.”


Except it is reality, this is who she is, and she’s being recalled and hopefully added to the TB graveyard as a result of her actions.


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